Bi-directional dshot support

So we can only map the input to a channel one at a time and only in pairs

The channel described here is the Timer Channel, above you talked about the DMA channel
> You need one DMA channel per timer pair

Am I missing something?

TI1 and TI2 are the trigger inputs - these have limited DMA mappings

How did you know this from this DMA map?

Apologies. Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t have time to revisit all of this - @bugobliterator may be able to provide some context as he worked on this too, but he is also very busy.

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From memory, each timer channel can only have two trigger inputs, which is the reason we can only cycle DMA channels (and the attached peripherals) between pairs of outputs. You obviously can use more DMA channels than this, but they are at a premium.

So turns out the default firmware for the Pixhawk 2.4.8 supports Dshot on six channels but not bi-directional Dshot. You can get RPM from a serial port and use that to drive the notch filters. I got it to work on copter 4.0.5.

I think we build the bdshot version now

We strongly advise you to update .
There have been many dshot improvements in the recent releases

I found Copter-4.1 and above to be unstable on large drones or possibly just my drone. Is Dshot unstable on 4.0.5? Should I use PWM instead when using that version?

Oddly it looks like Pixhawk1-1M only not the Pixhawk1 version one would use for those 2.4.8ā€™s.


Iā€™m just finishing my first Dshot ESC installation.

Iā€™ve been trying to find out if the issue with the Orange Cube and Dshot pass-through has been resolved yet. Can someone on this thread offer some information or guidance?

Also - if the issue isnā€™t resolved, is there any problem using Aux2-Aux5 on a quad? I just wondering because Aux5 is normally used as a relay.

Many thanks.

You must use aux1-aux4. DShot is grouped in groups of 4.

As I see it (donā€™t have any Cubes) with the standard Cube Orange firmware if you configure Aux 2-5 for Dshot then all Aux outputs will have to be Dhsot due to the timing groups:

Cube Orange

The better option is usually to use the Bdshot version of firmware as a better reference to drive the Notch Filter. But, thatā€™s a different situation:

Presumably Aux 1,3,5&6. But you still wonā€™t have passthru on Aux 1.

The PR seems to indicate itā€™s a hardware problem that wonā€™t be fixed with a firmware solution.

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2 through 5 - isnā€™t that a group of 4?

And are you saying that Dshot canā€™t be used on a tri-copter?

The groups are not variable - its a fixed mapping of output to timer

Interesting - many thanks.

What groups of 4 are allowed?

More to the point - for someone building a new quad-copter using Dshot - what Aux ports are allowed?

Depends on the Flight Controller. Some have all ā€œAuxā€ ports as they donā€™t have an IOMCU.

For example, on a Matek H743 all of these can be Dshot. If you need to mix outputs to servos or GPIO just respect the timing groups.

Matek H743

Of course.

Iā€™m using an Orange Cube - which is the only one Iā€™ve heard has a problem with Passthrough on Aux-1.

The reason for my inquiry is that Iā€™d like to give RPM based harmonic notch filter processing a try. I havenā€™t found out if the passthrough problem on the Orange Cubeā€™s AUX-1 will prevent that.

I guess thatā€™s why Iā€™d like to know if I can use different AUX ports.