BeagleBone Blue & ArduPilot Blue - Real-time kernel, etc

Hi and yes, @juvinski is right, the main disadvantage is the slow I2C connection to the IMU.
@drtrigon I got better flight performance with the realtime kernel, is it still available?

Great that someone is working on the doc. I still want to update the BBBmini doc but was busy. Maybe when the Blue doc is up to date it should be easy for me to bring that to the BBBmini.

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@ppoirier Oh that is looking up to date Configuring Beagle Bone Blue as Flight Controller Unit - Building drones around Beagle Bone Blue .

Wow, thanks a lot to all the useful comments!

We are currently working with a plane using ArduPlane. Our target is to use and improve (if possible) the soar code. This is part of a project at the University of Applied Sciences here.

@ppoirier: What parts of the code do need to be kept up to date. I guess that is BBBlue specific code in ArduPilot? Can you elaborate that point?

@juvinski: You are currently still working with BBBmini? Can you still recommend it? Are you using it on a black or green beaglebone? Are there alternatives out there? Regarding the PRU we currently do not need dshot we can work with old school PWM ESC interface. But I see the point of bidirectional communication on 1 pin, is there any solution using an additional chip?

@mirkix: We just started looking into the realtime kernel it’s a bit to early to tell you more. As soon as we know more we will add that info to the docs mentioned as well. Would be great if we could help to improve the BBBmini docs as well, especially as it looks like the BBBmini is superior to BBBlue and we might have to change to use the BBBmini as well. The doc @ppoirier and you linked indeed looks quite recent and useful - and is new to me, thanks for this hint!

Recently we had to drop that project (may be we can pick it up again in future or use BBB for another one) and thus I became busy with other things as well. In order to progress and not loose our work I issued a pull request covering our current status of the docu: Update Beagle Bone Blue docu with more detailed and up-to-date instructions by drtrigon · Pull Request #4310 · ArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki · GitHub