AutoTune is failing. "Failing to level, please tune manually"

I gave BDSHOT a shot. The original help topic that Andy posted says that it’s not supported for the Pixhawk 4 Mini, which is what I’m using, so I’m not sure if this is going to work.

I installed BLHeliSuite32. I followed the steps on this page: BLHeli32 and BLHeli_S ESCs — Copter documentation

When I reach the step where I attempt to connect to the COM port that the Pixhawk 4 Mini is on, I get the following pop up error: “Initialization of serial 4way interface failed, no active motor outputs found! Please select an appropriate motor output protocol in Ardupilot!”

I went through and changed MOT_PWM_TYPE, SERVO_BLH_OTYPE, and SERVO_DSHOT_ESC to 6, 6, and 1 respectively. I still got the same error from the BLHeliSuite.

Any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong?

Which firmware is used for that board? It’s not this one?

The hwdef file says it is.

Which ESC? Post the parameter file.

After looking into it more, I think I actually have the BLHeli S ESCs which might be the issue. I’m using the PH4-mini-bdshot firmware. I tried using the BLHeli suite (after trying the BLHeli_32 which had the error above). Could this be the issue? (i.e. is it even possible to make BDShot work with the BLHeli S ESCs?)

The ESCs were delivered as a part of the Lumier QAV250 kit, which is why I’m unsure what I received. They came in unmarked shrink wrap, but the BOM does call them out as BSHeli S.

Here’s the parameters file:

BLHeli_S will work if you use the BlueJay firmware. GitHub - mathiasvr/bluejay: Digital ESC firmware for controlling brushless motors in multirotors