Highly interesting! Thanks for the info.
Regarding the high expo and large props, I have been thinking of altering the calcs in the Initial Params to suit a maximum value of around 0.8 since I also noticed Leonard mentioned that.
EDIT - what I mean is change the curve, formula, a bit rather than just setting a hard maximum - this new estimation script will be great info for that, so I’m holding off until I know more.
I like the informative output from the script too - nice!
You might have to get the Foxtech Hybrid owner to run that test again, not just with
but also that motor ESC combo is supposed to use
which will affect the expo and also
so they will need to use MissionPlanner motor test to check for new values of MOT_SPIN_ARM and MIN
and hover thrust will need a bit of time to relearn (but maybe it wont be too different and they wont notice)
I’m not trying to tell you anything you wouldn’t already know, just putting down all my thoughts and maybe it will help others too.