ArduRover 4.2 NEO M8N - GPS: NO FIX and Unhealthy AHRS

Thanks for the advice! I have gone ahead and ordered another GPS but I will still try RF shielding since I have no clue where the point of failure is.

Quick question that’s tangentially related, do I still need a GPS to run autonomous missions when I have a LiDAR Module attatched?

Yes. Lidar is just measuring distance or used for object detection. It doesn’t give real positional data. If you look at non-gps systems they have beacons or some visual system employed.
Non-GPS Navigation

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I understand. Thank you! I may try the Google Cartographer SLAM method if my new GPS does not work.

Did you try to connect your gps alone?

OK big update, used a different GPS and got a 3D fix outside! I used a Matek M8Q-5883 and it works basically instantly outside! No luck inside though, which I’m not too worried about

It probably will if you give it long enough. I have several of those modules on small craft.

Nice! would a secondary gps give me better luck?

It might help a bit with positioning. What would be better is a GPS module with a larger patch antenna. GPS on the ground is a much more hostile environment than in the air with multipath distortion coming from all over. An RTK system is the way to go if the applications warrants it, you want to spend the money and if it’s practical to implement.

Sounds good! Thanks for the help!

Hey guys, I had the same issue. I just brought it outside, and viola! Precision is bad anyways 15-20m!