Arducopter HNotch configuration

Vibrations will still be the primary source of that “noise” so it’s wise to do whatever you can to reduce the vibrations further.
Actually your Z axis vibrations are low, so that’s good. The X and Y axis are above 15, which is getting into the grey area of “this can go either way”. Luckily it’s easy to fix X and Y vibrations, it’s usually just prop balance.

You need to set these to gather more HNOTCH data
Leave it in place until after all tuning is done, since even the tuning process and particularly the hover throttle level can affect vibrations.

If you can lower the vibrations and and get cleaner rate and attitude data, maybe tweak the HNOTCH data some more, then Autotune should produce good results.
Even start Autotune with aggressiveness 0.075.

ok i try to reduce the X and Y vibration bit less by checking the prop balance .

ok let me set those parameter and see how does the filter you think my copter hover throttle level cause the vibration?