$15 360 degree XV proximity lidar

I just got up and running again, I have uploaded the latest verison to github incase i have uploaded an older version or something by mistake.

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Ok, uploaded the code, but now the lidar won’t spin, it tries too, but it has too low speed to spin, (i understand that it is supposed to spin slowly at the start, and then speed up?). After i helped it spin with hand, it sped up, and it looked like it worked properly (i suppose when the green LED is on that means it sends data) but the issue is that the green light won’t always light up, and it spins but doesnt send any data (It maybe is the power issue because im powering it off of a USB cable, which could not provide enough current to the motor; I will try powering it with FC tommorow)


I plugged it into my FC. It won’t start by itself (too low motor power to spin by itself in the beggining), so it needs a little push by hand to make it gain speed. After it speeds up it holds constant speed, but it won’t send any data at all (green LED won’t light up). So i plugged the lidar back to my PC, and it was behaving the same, until i turned on serial monitor. Every time i have it plugged to my PC, it won’t work until i turn on Serial Monitor (after entering it, the green LED lights up and the lidar sends data; the data shows up on the serial monitor) but the LED won’t turn on when plugged into my FC. Any idea?

I have uploaded some changes, I had the motor pid in the second loop, I moved it back to the main one with the lidar.

yes, i have seen the change on the github, i already uploaded it. this is what happens with the latest code

so 2 issues:

  1. The lidar won’t spin by itself at the startup (needs a hand push to start)
  2. Lidar won’t post data unless i connect it to my PC and turn on Serial Monitor.

I wont be able to look at it again until next week, i have done some changes but i have a lot to catch up on. the origional code is still there, i havent touched it so you should be able to use it still.