0 to 300km/h a tailsitter quest

This is already the third version of my jetwing and I do not plan to make an other one as I dont look for more speed.
Glad to hear you want to make another tailsitter. The configuration really depends on your objective. A non vectored dual motor is mechanically simple and can fly beautiful but need a dedicated frame and a perfect tuning. The vectored dual motor does not require a dedicated frame and is less demanding about CG position and parameter tuning. Yaw control can be very strong because it is controlled by control surfaces and vectored thrust. The quad plus is not the more stable because yaw control (earth frame) is only done with airflow on elevons and only half of the airfow is used for that. The quad X can be very stable provided all four motors are in front of control surfaces and you can take advantage of differential torque to help yaw control (I think this feature is not yet available with plane 4.0.7). Moreover, by tilting motors inward (together with differential torque) you add vectored thrust to control yaw. This is what I did with my biwing.

Another advantage of the quad X is Qacro mode that makes a lot of fun and the qassist feature make the plane totally impossible to stall.
This long writing to say that the main difficulty associated with tailsitters is yaw control in hover when a turbulent wind blow. So depending on how windy is your flying field and what is your objective you can choose a configuration.