Translation of Mission Planing


There is any way I can introduce or make the translation of Mission Planning for Portuguese?


check out

control-f > lang editor

Hi Michael,
I typed control + f at same time and it open a Temp screen with a lots of green buttons. But I did not realized how to translate it.


press the button that says “lang editor” and follow instructions inside

Hi Michael,
I have finished translation, how can I send the files to you?
There is a easy way to translate the manual as well?

please place it on dropbox/google drive/any cloud service. and post a link here.

Hi Michael,

Sorry Michael, I forgot to ask What files I should send to you?



everything in the translation folder.

Hi Michael,

The Rar file has less them 1MB I will try to add to this replay. Pls
confirm if you received.



Hi Michael,

Can you check this Link:

I zip the folder and put it there.

Pls confirm if you get it.



Hi Michael,

Could you download the files successfully? Was everything you need in the zip file?


can you make it public accessible

Hello, friends!
I’d like to contribute into Russian translation of Mission Planner interface.
I’ve red and tried to implement this instruction: , also tried to google other solutions, not found an answer, and post my question here.

Mission planner I updated (1.3.44 build 1.1.6240.11550) is currently partly translated into Russian.
On ctrl+F - Language Editor we even have 4 variants of Russian translation to select, I tried each of them.
But Main menu of Mission Planner remains English in each variant, which is not sutable for our local educational purposes.

Then I tried to edit the translation table directly. Found the line:
“MissionPlanner.MainV2.resources”,“MenuFlightData.Text”,“FLIGHT DATA”,"FLIGHT DATA"
change “FLIGHT DATA” to “ДАННЫЕ ПОЛЁТА”, click Save, Load trans, etc. - nothing changes in application interface. After I reopen Language Editor - it is “FLIGHT DATA” again.

The problem of correct Russian translation is that many Russian words are longer then original English ones, I have to check how will it look on the screen in Mission Planner and to find out the appropriate variant. For instance, for “FLIGHT DATA” it may be “ДАННЫЕ”, “ПОЛЁТ”, or “ДАННЫЕ ПОЛЁТА”.

Please let me know, which way can I make the translation step-by-step, from Main Menu on, being able myself to check how will it look like in Mission Planner interface?

Hi Michael,

I am not a frequently user of Dropbox, pls check the link below:



much better thanks.
I will upload a new beta shortly with the language added.

Hi Michael,
The portuguese version looks good but you know how it works, I would like to review the translation as some fields extrapolate the size and I think some fields can be improved. If I make some changes to the translation in my computer it will take place in the software imediatelly or I need to send it to you again?



you will need to send to me again. as it requires compiling

Ok, In this case I will make a more carefully looking before send it to you. Can you let me know the deadline date to include the revised translation on the next version?

i did plan on doing a new version within the next day or so.

and removing xp support in the version after that

HI Michael,

In this case I will leave this version qith this translation and we will update the translation for the next version.

