Straight up; Im having a lot of problems and I haven’t even gotten off the ground. i hope someone can address them all.
I’m ready to get the software going for my setup very similar to the Convergence, but I’m running into what i believe to be basic setup issues.
I’m not getting any output control I need for Q parameters. Channels 1 & 2 servos work as control surfaces and are functioning (in FBWA, but not functioning in Qmodes) but the other channels 3-8 are not functioning at all. I have pixhawk on an aircraft similar to convergence with the following plugged into the pixhawk:
Ch1 Servo for elevon
Ch2 Servo for Elevon
Ch3 Servo Left
Ch4 Servo Right
Ch5 Motor Right
Ch6 Motor Left
Ch7 not used
Ch8 Rear Motor.
Aux outputs are all empty.
As mentioned, I get nothing on Q channels 3-8.seems like the channels are dead. but i know they are putting out neutral signals because the servos snap to neutral when armed… so it must be a parameter I’m missing…
Now, I didn’t do any ‘initial setup’ steps yet, accel, gyro, gps, esc, rc calibrations, reason being this setup is custom so i need to tweak the nacelle servo shafts once it turns on so i know where neutral and both max min positions just like trimming wing horn servo mechanically first is best practice… before i put it all tediously together to do the initial accel/rc calibrations.
i messed around with the arm_require stuff because i thought that might be it, but as it turns out, when i turn all those arm_ params on to ‘1’, i literally cant arm it anymore. it will only arm if i turn everything to 0 and let it arm automatically. i guess cause i never did a cal sequence?
i’d give you a log or bin but i havent even been able to tilt a dang servo yet. so im clearly not airborne,.
In my param list there is no such thing as RCn_FUNCTION anymore. did that get moved to SERVOn_FUNCTION?
also, i set this up as a type 7, since its a tri. and i set the motor number to the servo numbers, 33, 34, 35 to servo 5, 6 & 8. but almost every other time i plug in my pixhawk to mission planner to look at params, there is a ghost 39 that gets populated into a random unused rc channel…
please help me get in the air! @Rolf can you post latest params for that tricopter with tiltyaw you have? i saw it posted but the link is broken
Thanks all! this is a fun work in progress. PS im using EDFs. for the heck of it.