Mission Planner 1.3.24 on Windows XP?

I am running Mission 1.3.24 build 1.1.5547.33902 on a Dell Laptop running Windows XP SP3
If I check for updates in Mission Planner it shows Shecking for updates window, Getting Updated Parameters with the little green bar scanning across and hangs. Press cancel button and it disappears.

On My desktop PC running windows 7 the check for updates runs as expected.

Any Ideas. I need to keep this laptop running XP for other purposes.


I’m having the same problem. Have you been able to resolve? Thanks

Same problem with Windows XP on my dell mini laptop. Never updates via hel/ check updates. “Gettin updates params” continuoslly, not works :frowning: I can’t update it. Any idea? bug? Thanks.

Have you tried uninstalling and downloading it again from - ardupilot.com/downloads/?did=82

@MarkM, the link you provided is not working: ERROR 404 (not found)

That was 2 years old post :slight_smile:
If You need download link for mission planner here it is

You can check other versions here

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thanks anyway!!I will check

Can you not simply disable updates?

Pretty sure no one cares after 6 years if you can disable updates on Windows XP, which was already obsolete at the time…