# project configured on Sun Mar 24 21:19:34 2024 by # waf 2.0.9 (abi 20, python 30b02f0 on linux) # using /home/kalle/ardupilot/modules/waf/waf-light configure --board revo-mini # ---------------------------------------- Setting top to /home/kalle/ardupilot ---------------------------------------- Setting out to /home/kalle/ardupilot/build ---------------------------------------- Autoconfiguration enabled ---------------------------------------- Checking for program 'python' /usr/bin/python3 find program=['python'] paths=['/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/local/games', '/usr/games'] var='PYTHON' -> ['/usr/bin/python3'] ['/usr/bin/python3', '-c', 'import imp;print(imp.get_tag())'] out: cpython-311 err: :1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12; see the module's documentation for alternative uses ['/usr/bin/python3', '-c', 'import sys\nfor x in sys.version_info: print(str(x))'] out: 3 11 2 final 0 ['/usr/bin/python3', '-c', "from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib\n\nprint(repr(get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix='/usr') or ''))"] out: '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages' err: :1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives :1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages' ['/usr/bin/python3', '-c', "from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib\n\nprint(repr(get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=0, prefix='/usr') or ''))"] out: '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages' err: :1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives :1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages' ---------------------------------------- Checking for python version >= 3.6.9 3.11.2 ---------------------------------------- Setting board to revo-mini ---------------------------------------- Using toolchain arm-none-eabi from /home/kalle/ardupilot: Could not find the program ['arm-none-eabi-ar']