import time import pymavlink.mavutil as utility import pymavlink.dialects.v20.all as dialect import argparse import pika def main(): ## KOLEJKA connection_parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost') connection = pika.BlockingConnection(connection_parameters) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue="letterbox") channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body="@Connected to query".encode()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--comm', dest='comm', help='np. --comm udpin: 1 (0 -> GUIDED, 1 -> STABILIZE, 2 -> LAND, 3 -> RTL, 4-> MANUAL)', type=str, nargs=2) args = parser.parse_args() comm_str = args.comm[0] print(comm_str) MODE_FLAG = args.comm[1] # connect to vehicle print("@Connecting") channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body="@Connecting".encode()) vehicle = utility.mavlink_connection(device=comm_str) # wait for a heartbeat vehicle.wait_heartbeat() # inform user msg="Connected to system:", vehicle.target_system, ", component:", vehicle.target_component print(msg) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body=str(msg).encode()) FLIGHT_MODE = "" if MODE_FLAG == "0": FLIGHT_MODE = "GUIDED" elif MODE_FLAG == "1": FLIGHT_MODE = "STABILIZE" elif MODE_FLAG == "2": FLIGHT_MODE = "LAND" elif MODE_FLAG == "3": FLIGHT_MODE = "RTL" elif MODE_FLAG == "4": FLIGHT_MODE = "MANUAL" # get supported flight modes flight_modes = vehicle.mode_mapping() # check the desired flight mode is supported if FLIGHT_MODE not in flight_modes.keys(): # inform user that desired flight mode is not supported by the vehicle print(FLIGHT_MODE, "is not supported") # create change mode message set_mode_message = dialect.MAVLink_command_long_message( target_system=vehicle.target_system, target_component=vehicle.target_component, command=dialect.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, confirmation=0, param1=dialect.MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED, param2=flight_modes[FLIGHT_MODE], param3=0, param4=0, param5=0, param6=0, param7=0 ) # catch HEARTBEAT message message = vehicle.recv_match(type=dialect.MAVLink_heartbeat_message.msgname, blocking=True) # convert this message to dictionary message = message.to_dict() # get mode id mode_id = message["custom_mode"] # get mode name flight_mode_names = list(flight_modes.keys()) flight_mode_ids = list(flight_modes.values()) flight_mode_index = flight_mode_ids.index(mode_id) flight_mode_name = flight_mode_names[flight_mode_index] # print mode name print("Mode name before:", flight_mode_name) # change flight mode vehicle.mav.send(set_mode_message) # do below always while True: # catch COMMAND_ACK message message = vehicle.recv_match(type=dialect.MAVLink_command_ack_message.msgname, blocking=True) # convert this message to dictionary message = message.to_dict() # check is the COMMAND_ACK is for DO_SET_MODE if message["command"] == dialect.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE: # check the command is accepted or not if message["result"] == dialect.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED: # inform the user msg="Changing mode to", FLIGHT_MODE, "accepted from the vehicle" print(msg) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body=str(msg).encode()) # not accepted else: # inform the user msg="Changing mode to", FLIGHT_MODE, "failed" print(msg) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body=str(msg).encode()) # break the loop break # catch HEARTBEAT message message = vehicle.recv_match(type=dialect.MAVLink_heartbeat_message.msgname, blocking=True) # convert this message to dictionary message = message.to_dict() # get mode id mode_id = message["custom_mode"] # get mode name flight_mode_names = list(flight_modes.keys()) flight_mode_ids = list(flight_modes.values()) flight_mode_index = flight_mode_ids.index(mode_id) flight_mode_name = flight_mode_names[flight_mode_index] # print mode name msg="Mode name after:", flight_mode_name print(msg) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="letterbox", body=str(msg).encode()) connection.close() # exit the code exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()