-- Circle Mode Lua Script Draft 2 local button_number = 1 -- the button number we want to read, as defined in AP_Button local button_active_state = true -- the 'pressed' state of the button local last_button_state local RUN_INTERVAL_MS = 100 local ROVER_MODE_GUIDED = 15 local ROVER_MODE_AUTO = 5 local circle_angle = 0 local circle_angle_increment = 1 -- increment the target angle by 1 degree every 0.1 sec (10deg/sec) local circle_speed = 1 local last_mode = vehicle:get_mode() function do_circle() local button_new_state = button:get_button_state(button_number) == button_active_state if button_new_state ~= last_button_state then circle_angle = 0 vehicle:set_mode(ROVER_MODE_GUIDED) end if mode~= ROVER_MODE_GUIDED then if ROVER_MODE_AUTO then last_mode = mode end return do_circle, RUN_INTERVAL_MS end -- calculate velocity vector circle_angle = circle_angle + circle_angle_increment if (circle_angle >=360) then vehicle:set_mode(last_mode) return do_circle, RUN_INTERVAL_MS end local target_vel = Vectr3f() target_vel:x(math.sin(math.rad(circle_angle)) * circle_speed) target_vel:y(math.cos(math.rad(circle_angle)) * circle_speed) target_vel:z(0) --send velocity request if not (vehicle:set_target_velocity_NED(target_vel)) then gcs:send_text(0, "failed to execute velocity command") end return do_circle, RUN_INTERVAL_MS end return do_circle()