*************************************************************** The firmware is hardware-specific, please don't brush it wrong!! V1 is for: PX4 flight control (V3.80 official version will no longer support this old board) V2 is for: Pixhawk/Pixhawk 2 Cube/Pixhack V2/Pixhack V3 flight control (general Pixhawk brush this) V3 is for: Pixhawk 2.1 new hardware or Pixhawk Cube flight control (firmware takes up more resources and memory to improve efficiency) V4 is for: PixRacer flight control V4PRO is for: Pixhawk3 PRO flight control Note: 1. V4 (PixRacer) is a mini board (through the machine), only 6 PWM can not be used in VTOL, but can be used In Tailsitter (tailed). 2. The update of the "*" character in front indicates that the group firmware is available, and the official does not. 3. Currently V2 (with 1Mb Bug Pixhawk hardware) has canceled the following functions, because not canceling 1Mb is not enough. Does not support ADS-B receiver (AC automatic evasion system) Do not record (Log) IMU information Does not support optical flow Does not support hot airflow automatic climb (Soaring_Enable is invalid) *************************************************************** ©T¥ó¦WºÙ:ArduPlane-20180516 (V3.9.0-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code The self-test does not check the Trim value after RC7 (including RC7). *2. Support CAN Bus bus steering gear angle feedback / fault detection and strain. *3. New parameters (functions) Q_LAND_DETECT Automatic landing completion (including AUTO/RTL/QLAND) detection method. 0=The barometer does not change >20 cm in a few seconds (locking slow >5 seconds, this is the default old way) 1=With a barometer, it does not change >20 cm in a few seconds (fast lock >3 seconds) 2=Use ground effect + ACC-Z to judge (locking slow > 2 seconds) 3=Use ground effect + ACC-Z to judge (locking fast > 0.5 seconds) Note: For small aircraft (<2Kg) or aircraft with high vibration, please keep the default mode set to 0 or 1. *4. The automatic mode can be manually lifted and converted to AUTO. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20180502 (V3.9.0-DEV) =============================================================== note: This new version of the firmware code changes quite a bit, from the old version to this version may have to adjust the parameters Can fly, so it is recommended that novices do not use for the time being, let the friends who are familiar with PID first try. 1. Synchronize the official code New support for FBM320 and DPS280 barometers . Added DEVO-M data transmission support Fixed a bug where the tangential angle was incorrect when lotto_to_alt (circled up or down) left. Correct the value error sent to the ground station (missing the temperature as the pressure value). Fix the bug that the safety switch may be pressed in the air, increase the BRD_SAFETYOPTION parameter. Modify the default installation orientation for Here GPS's ICM-20948 compass. Correction of the tailstock type transition from FBWA to QSTABILIZE throttle sometimes suddenly pulls down the bug. 2. Added BLHELI ESC support (ChibiOS must be used) Adjusting/brushing firmware to Blheli via BLHeliSuite via Pixhawk's USB port .Dshot150/300/600/1200 Support Http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-dshot.html#esc-telemetry 3. Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) optimization Replace the old multi-axis attitude control with a new position control algorithm. Use a new rate attitude controller during the transition (transition) (the transition is smoother / the height control is better) The horizontal position controller runs at full speed of 400hz (old 50hz) New L1 distance calculation method (turning will be smoother) .New / Transaction parameters Q_A_INPUT_TC (attitude control input time constant), the smaller the value, the larger the response, the larger the value, the smaller the response Example: Q_A_INPUT_TC=0.5 is very soft, 0.2 soft, 0.15, 0.1 fast, 0.05 very fast Speed ??gain doubled, Q_P_VELXY_P, Q_P_VELXY_I, Q_P_VELXY_D parameters may have to be adjusted (tune up) .Q_P_ANGLE_MAX Position controller angle limit (0-45 degrees), if set to 0, use Q_ANGLE_MAX Multi-axis QLOITER adds brake control, parameters: WPNAV_BRK_JERK, BRK_ACCEL and BRK_DELAY Tilt angle Q_WP_LOIT_ANGM (0-45), if set to 0, 70% angle of Q_ANGLE_MAX * Fixed a problem that when the GPS accuracy is poor and it returns to land, it may stop at the top of HOME and not fall. * Added conversion back to multi-axis throttle scaling parameter. If it is converted back to multi-axis, it will increase the value. For example, 60 (%) TILT_UP_THR=0 is disabled, 1~99 is throttle zoom% * Added low height assistance parameters: ASSIST_ALT=0.5 seconds below this height triggers the rescue (0=disable, 1~300=1m~300m) ASSIST_ALT_MOD=What mode is used to save the machine (0=disable, 17=QSTABILIZE,18=QHOVER,19=QLOITER,20=QLAND) Note: At least the flight must have exceeded ASSIST_ALT + 5 meters in fixed-wing mode, if not, it will not trigger. *4.CAN BUS servo / ESC / GPS support. Note: In hardware mass production (currently not available), it is only used for a small number of group friends who have obtained samples. *5. Added support for helicopter-based aircraft, see HeliPlane.txt file (with instructions) Note: The structure has not yet been mass-produced (currently not available), and it is also only available for group friends who have the ability to DIY their own structure. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20180222 (V3.9.0-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code Correct the EKF height estimate with bugs! Support ChibiOS Code sorting and some optimizations about timers. Known issues: The new firmware has a parameter (current ratio) BATT_AMP_PERVOLT has been changed to BATT_AMP_PERVLT, and the MP has not been updated yet. Therefore, the power management page will have an error "The BATT_AMP_PERVOLT parameter could not be found". If you want to change the parameters of the power supply measurement. Please go to all the parameter tables yourself and change the BATT_AMP_PERVLT parameter directly. Functional change: Fixed wing winding mode (LOITER mode) The original point of entry is the outer diameter of the circle. The new version has been changed to the center of the point and the height can be Change with the elevator, but let go of the elevator will automatically climb back to the original height. *2. Correction When the safety switch is disabled (or not installed), the motor sometimes turns 1~2 turns when power is on. This code has been rewritten (this problem has been fixed) *3. Variable pitch sag starts testing. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20180127 (V3.9.0-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code *2. Modify the Y3 conversion algorithm, mainly for Y3, when the crosswind conversion, the left and right wings will swing forward (not beautiful). Can be modified by Q_WVANE_MINROLL=1~3 (usually a value between 1 and 3) You can start with 0.5 (0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3) until the rocking phenomenon disappears. *3. Modify the multi-axis attitude algorithm to integrate the high-speed tilt servo, if you use high-quality high-speed tilt servo With reference to the new parameter tuning, multi-axis performance is better (hands and more wind resistant). Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20180114 (V3.9.0-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code (released in V3.8.5) . Double airspeed meter support (failover) New MS5525 barometer, SDP33 airspeed meter support Optimize motor thrust calculation Modified some Mavlink protocol content and DataFlash records Reset the ground speed when GPS is lost until the GPS is locked again. Fixed a bug in the new airspeed meter (MS5525) driver in time . Added support for PocketPilot Code finishing and some optimizations about EKF and barometers. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171229 (V3.8.3-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code: *2. Correction When the safety switch is disabled (or not installed), the motor sometimes turns 1~2 turns when power is on. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171220 (V3.8.3-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code: Fix some memory usage and construct create() problems. Remove some unused code. Fixed multi-axis boost throttle control problem .EKF and ARHS code optimization. Fixed some problems with SBUS OUT and single-line servo protocol. There are also some official minor fixes. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171128 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code: Fixed compass calibration sometimes stuck at 33% progress. In the case of multi-axis assisted flight, the minimum airspeed can be set to be small (for example, 0) There are still a lot of minor corrections, please check the official website. *2. It is judged to change the ground speed by turning the fixed wing back to the multi-axis mode (originally it is the airspeed priority, and the ground speed is used when there is no airspeed) *3. Record more NAV (navigation information). Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171124 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== *1. After the AUTO (automatic mode) remote control is out of control (F/S), the recovery signal will lock the mode and the mode switch is invalid. The YAV lever must be shaken left and right for more than 3 times in 3 seconds (the swing direction cannot be too large to the limit) to unlock. This is to prevent the remote control signal from being interrupted (or the receiver is bad) and mistakenly think that it is necessary to retrieve control and turn from AUTO to a certain mode. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171121 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code 2. Support Volz servo (can monitor servo temperature / angle / current...) *3. RTL and QLAND's self-descending process can be artificially controlled to shift (for example, just someone or a car at the bottom) Both stages of landing can be shifted. At this time, the throttle is uncontrollable and the shift is prohibited when the throttle is F/S or 0% (in case it is controlled) *4. Two-stage automatic landing code optimization (no step/stable transition). *5. Optimize Y3 transition code (mainly for X8 flying wing 3 vector model) Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171108 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Force PX4IO update Pixhawk2 Cube Brush V3 firmware IO is not updated, causing Mission Planner to recognize Cube, if there is this The person in question, please re-paint this version. 2. Fix the problem that the vector can't work when it is not unlocked. This is convenient for us to adjust the ground (adjust the vector angle). 3. The judgment of automatic landing and automatic locking is more rigorous. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171105 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (released by V3.8.3_Beta4) #§À®y¦¡???(including hover stability and stability of conversion transition) #Add parameter Q_TRANS_DECEL (deceleration rate m/s/s, preset is 2.0) Deceleration rate for automatic conversion (fixed wing to multi-axis), the larger the value, the faster the deceleration and the shorter the distance. 2. Added support for Pixhawk3 PRO, corresponding to firmware ArduPlane-v4_PRO.px4 Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171030 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (released by V3.8.3_Beta1) #Allow vertical takeoff using Q_GUIDED_MODE = 0 in GUIDED mode #Fixed MANUAL_RCMASK error #§À®y¦¡???? #Add route command LOITER_TO_ALT #Added IST8310 compass on FMUv3 I2C #??Key information when locked #improvement capability improvement 2.TECS: Improved support for VTOL conversion 3. Added Q_MAV_TYPE parameter to send heartbeat types to certain ground stations to avoid ground station disconnection. The values ??are as follows: 0: AUTO, 1: FIXED_WING, 2: QUADROTOR, 3: COAXIAL, 4: HELICOPTER, 7: AIRSHIP, 8: FREE_BALLOON, 9: ROCKET, 10: GROUND_ROVER, 11: SURFACE_BOAT, 12: SUBMARINE, 16: FLAPPING_WING, 17: KITE, 19: VTOL_DUOROTOR, 20: VTOL_QUADROTOR, 21: VTOL_TILTROTOR Note: If it is MP/Tower, use the preset 0. 4. Optimization for landing code 5. Optimization of automatic route codes 6. Short runaway FS_SHORT_ACTN can be turned off, the settable values ??are as follows: 0: CIRCLE / no action (in AUTO|GUIDED|LOITER mode), 1: CIRCLE, 2: FBWA, 3: off (no action) 7. Added Q_OPTIONS parameter to allow the hanging model to choose to use the fixed wing to take off and land. Bit representation: Bit0: LevelTransition (the wing tilt must be within the LEVEL_ROLL_LIMIT angle when switching to the fixed wing) Bit1: AllowFWTakeoff (can take off with a fixed wing) Bit2: AllowFWLand (can be landed with a fixed wing) For example, 1 (bit0) means that the wing must remain within the LEVEL_ROLL_LIMIT angle during the transition. For example, 6 (bit1, bit2) indicates that the take-off and landing are allowed using the fixed-wing mode (instead of the sag mode). Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171011 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware *2. Added fixed wing vector parameters (default is off) Q_TILT_FIX_ANGLE=10 (fixed wing vector angle, 0=off, 10=10 degrees) Q_TILT_FIX_GAIN=100 (fixed wing vector sensitivity, 0=off, 100=100%) Debugging method: 1. First Q_TILT_FIX_ANGLE=10 , Q_TILT_FIX_GAIN=100 2. Switch the manual / QStabilize mode, set the Servo9_Min / Servo9_Max and Servo10_Min / Servo10_Max stroke volume 3.QStabilize mode, push the throttle (do not unlock), try the angle of YAW (the paddle will swing one after the other, but will not cut the wing) 4. Manual mode, push the throttle (do not unlock), hit the elevator test angle (same as above), play the aileron test angle (will be one after the other), 5. FBW* mode, push the throttle (do not unlock), the fuselage leans forward, the steering angle is upward, and the right is tilted to the steering angle. 6. If you have adjusted it, put Q_TILT_FIX_GAIN=50, lift off the test, if you feel that it is not enough, increase it yourself (up to 100%). use: The vector is used to assist the fixed-wing rudder surface correction, and the rudder failure still has some control ability. The route pressure is better, the climb and descent are easier, the height is better, and it can solve the problem of many carriers. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20171006 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware 2. Added Y6F model and corrected some GPS write log problems. Q_M_THST_EXPO (motor thrust curve) allows setting a negative value, close to 0 for linear, otherwise curve. Note: If the Q_M_THST_EXPO parameter is set to 0, please change it to 0.1 (minimum), the default is 0.65. 3. The tilting double-difference sensitivity parameter is uniformly changed to RUDD_DT_GAIN (default is 10=10%), which will be used for fixed wings. All modes (including manual mode) usually have a good cornering effect of 20%~30%. 4. Parameters similar to multi-axis CH?_OPT: RC7_TRIM ~ RC12_TRIM value: 3=3 vector Y3 dedicated (low position = rear side single motor thrust, neutral = front side double motor thrust, high position = front and rear three motor thrust) 4=4 tilting X4 dedicated (low position = rear side double motor thrust, neutral = front side double motor thrust, high position = front and rear four motor thrust) 104=switch middle bit = LOITER (circle), switch high = RTL (self-return) 106=switch median = FBWB (FBWB fixed mode), switch high = CRUISE (cruise mode) 109=Camera shutter trigger 116=Auto mode 118=QLand mode (in-situ multi-axis mode self-drop) 124=Air Mission Reset 128=Relay 1 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 134=Relay 2 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 135=Relay 3 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 136=Relay 4 (switch high = on, switch low = off) E.g: RC7_TRIM=104, the remote control switch CH7 is in the Loiter mode at the neutral level, and the high level is RTL. RC9_TRIM=109, the remote control switch CH9 will take a photo when it hits the high position (and will store the CAM position). If the value of RC7_TRIM~RC12_TRIM is not the above number, it has no effect. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170922 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware 2.QLoiter and QLand smoothing control (predicting the locked position by speed, reaching the locked position to avoid lifting) 3. The "Reset alt target" unit in the log is changed from centimeters to meters. 4. Add the Mavlink command DO_SET_HOME (reset the location of HOME) Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170911 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (released in V3.8.2) 2. GUIDED (guide mode) supports QGroundControl ground station to change the height. 3. Support QGroundControl ground station to control the aircraft with a joystick. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170909 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (released in V3.8.2beta1) To correct the Septenrio (SBF) GPS driver error, people using Septentrio/RTK must update. 2. GUIDED (guiding mode) supports VTOL automatic takeoff / change height function. 3. The transition (conversion between the rotor and the fixed wing) will be smoother. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170907 (V3.8.2-DEV) =============================================================== 1.RTL height smoothing control (automatically change from fixed wing to multi-axis sliding to Q_RTL_ALT=30 meters, this smoothing control) Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170903 (V3.8.1-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (V3.8.1 stable release, code finishing and some official minor bug fixes) 2. Add a new digital port, now SERIAL5 can be set to a general number port (no longer only NSH) Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170810 (V3.8.1-DEV) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware 2. Add three vector Y3 support, just put Q_TILT_MASK=11 Servo*_Function=45 (post vector tilt steering gear) RC7_TRIM=3 (or RC8_Trim=3 or RC9_Trim=3 or RC10_Trim=3, choose one, do not repeat) When this remote control is switched: Low position = rear side single motor thrust Median = front side double motor thrust High position = front and rear three motor thrust Enable Pitch Boost: Q_VFWD_GAIN=0.1 (0.05 is too big, 0.2 is too small) Other settings are the same as Y3 Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170806 (V3.8.1) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (V3.8.0 stable release) 2. Added MANUAL_RCMASK parameter, you can specify those channels directly in the manual mode to be output by the remote control. That is to say, the manual mode can be used as a mix of special effects or special effects... This is a bit type, the setting method is the same as the Log_Bigmask method, as follows: 0:Chan1,1:Chan2,2:Chan3,3:Chan4,4:Chan5,5:Chan6 6: Chan7, 7: Chan8, 8: Chan9, 9: Chan10, 10: Chan11, 11: Chan12, 12: Chan13, 13: Chan14, 14: Chan15, 15: Chan16 Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170730 (V3.80 Beta6) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (mainly to optimize and correct the code of this aspect of EKF3) 2. If the parachute is not successfully released, it will automatically try again. 3. Add GPS glitching LED and sound effect warning, unlock and also add GPS glitch check. Note: Someone responded to the previous version (0724) and will shake the rudder after power-on. We will try it if it will shake the rudder. Try to update to this version, I/O has deliberately updated, be sure to wait for the music to stop and press OK, otherwise I/O No update, the servo control has not been updated. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170724 (V3.80 Beta6) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware *2. Directly cut to QLoiter (multi-axis GPS hover mode) by any fixed-wing mode (including manual/automatic) Will automatically slide until the airspeed is below 4 (about 15 km/h) before entering QLoiter, or Q_TRANSITION_MS (default 5000 = 5 seconds) time will also enter QLoiter, if it is a big machine Increase this transition time and let the taxi run a little longer. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170720 (V3.80 Beta6) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware 2. Fixed the problem of height error displayed by the ground station when EKF3 was not GPS positioned. 3. Added parameter COMPASS_TYPEMASK (those compass drivers do not need to be loaded at boot time), bit means: 0: HMC5883, 1: LSM303D, 2: AK8963, 3: BMM150, 4: LSM9DS1, 5: LIS3MDL, 6: AK09916, 7: IST8310, 8: ICM20948, 9: MMC3416, 10: QFLIGHT, 11: UAVCAN, 12: QMC5883 4. Optimize the self-declining code Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170714 (V3.80 Beta6) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (V3.80 Beta6) Beta6 mainly fixes some bugs/codes in the old version/and: EKF3 code optimization. Mavlink and Log record format modification. Support for CAN Bus equipment. Remove the old V-tail/flying hybrid (mix_mode) method, which has been replaced by a new way. The removal of the old lift and aileron input channels has been replaced by a new approach. Tailed code optimization. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170621 (V3.80 Beta5) =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official firmware (EKF3 optimization and official small Bugs correction) 2. Mavlink's GPS protocol modification, GPS week and time can be obtained by MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GPS_RAW_INT package, the application code is as follows: //MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GPS_RAW_INT: //Mavlink Packet: 24 Uint64_t gm=mavlink_msg_gps_raw_int_get_time_usec(&msg); GPS_Time=gm/(uint64_t)100000; GPS_Week=gm%GPS_Time; Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170609 =============================================================== 1. Synchronize official firmware (EKF3 optimization) *2. Vector Y3 code is optimized again Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170601 =============================================================== *1. Vector Y3 code optimization The vector servo correction will apply the Q_RAT_YAW_FF (feedforward) parameter value, so Y3 can Q_RAT_YAW_FF=0.10 to 0.35 (how much to try) Q_RAT_YAW_I is too large. Q_RAT_YAW_P, Q_ANG_YAW_P is too small, and the ANG and RAT parameters of RLL and PIT should not be too large. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170530 =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code *2. Vector Y3 code optimization *3. Add two parameters like multi-axis CH7_OPT / CH8_OPT, set the method: RC7_TRIM or RC8_TRIM value: 104=switch median = LOITER (circle), open high = RTL (self-return) 109=Camera shutter trigger 116=Auto mode 118=QLand mode (in-situ multi-axis mode self-drop) 124=Air Mission Reset 128=Relay 1 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 134=Relay 2 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 135=Relay 3 (switch high = on, switch low = off) 136=Relay 4 (switch high = on, switch low = off) E.g: RC7_TRIM=104, the remote control switch CH7 is in the Loiter mode at the neutral level, and the high level is RTL. RC8_TRIM=109, the remote control switch CH8 will take a photo when it hits the high position (and will store the CAM position). If the value of RC7_TRIM or RC8_TRIM is not the above number, it has no effect. Note: *2 and *3 are features not available in the official firmware. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170519 =============================================================== 1.RTL self-descending (LAND) does not use the official self-decrease code (because it is always weird) 2. The unit of measurement unit used is unified as SI UNIT http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/units.html 3. Test code (only 4 tilting models are valid, other models are not affected) VTOL when the Q_TILT_MASK=15 is tilted at the same time. If RC8_TRIM=5 (the first 2 motors 0101=5), then the remote control's CH8>1750 (switch high position), the fixed-wing mode only turns to the front side (multi-axis does not affect) If RC8_TRIM=10 (the last 2 motors 1010=10), then the remote control's CH8>1750 (switch high position), the fixed wing mode only turns to the rear side (multi-axis does not affect) If the CH8 switch is <1750 (not high), the four motors in the fixed-wing mode will rotate at the same time (multi-axis does not affect) 4.EKF3 code optimization Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170509 =============================================================== 1. Fix Y3 boost (Q_VFWD_GAIN>0) tail steering angle problem. 2. Tail-seat new parameter TAILSIT_VHPOW (vector thrust gain power) to improve the stability of vector take-off 3.ARSPD_USE can be set 2 When set to 0, the airspeed sensor can be recorded and displayed on the GCS, but will not be used for flight. When set to 1, will be recorded and used for flight When set to 2, it is only used when the throttle is zero, which is useful for the glider of the airspeed gauge behind the paddle. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170505 =============================================================== 1. Firmware V3.80 Beta5 released 2. Synchronize the official code (EKF3 code optimization) Firmware name: ArduPlane-20170429 =============================================================== 1. Added BATT_VOLT_TIMEO parameter, which can be set to low voltage for a few seconds to trigger low voltage protection. This is used for low C number batteries (such as 18650) to trigger low voltage for a long time during takeoff, so Please set this parameter to a higher C battery. 2. Vector thrust control combined with Q_VFWD_GAIN (can be pushed forward and pulled back) 3. Fix the problem that the log ATT->Yaw and DesYaw curves cannot be displayed. 4. Optimize the EKF3 code 5. Remove unnecessary code (UAVCAN ESC) and duplicate code to reduce Flash usage. 6. When the throttle is 0%, the differential control does not work. Firmware name: ArduPlane-20170424 =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code. 2. In order to facilitate debugging, FBWA/FBWB will directly pour to the bottom when locked (if it is unlocked, it will only pour to The angle of Q_TILT_MAX is waiting for the airspeed to reach the end.) 3. Direct support for the wing and V tail left and right steering gear. This allows the setting of each servo stroke amount individually, as well as the special [double flying wing] or [flying wing V tail] Model, Servo*_FUNCTION code is as follows: K_elevon_left = 77 (flying wing - left steering gear) K_elevon_right = 78 (flying wing - right steering gear) K_vtail_left = 79 (V-tail-left servo) K_vtail_right = 80 (V-tail-right servo) 4. Support vector control (Y3 or existing tilting type) key parameter: Q_TILT_TYPE=0 (general tilting type) Q_TILT_TYPE=1 (tilt type, such as CL-84) Q_TILT_TYPE=2 (vector control model) Q_TILT_YAW_ANGLE=15 (Maximum tilt angle of vector control, 15=15 degrees. Please set it correctly, So as not to tilt back to the paddle to cut the wing) The Servo*_FUNCTION code is as follows: k_tiltMotorLeft = 75 (vector control - left tilt steering gear) k_tiltMotorRight = 76 (vector control - right tilt steering gear) Note: The above left and right refers to the person standing behind the carrier and looking in the direction of the nose. Please do not mistake the left and right direction! Firmware name: ArduPlane-20170421 =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code. 2. When the tilt reaches the specified angle and the airspeed is reached, it will reach the angle of the fixed wing at the fastest speed. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170417 =============================================================== 1. Synchronize the official code 2. It is forbidden to use the fixed wing mode to unlock (except manual mode) This is to prevent someone from accidentally cutting the FBWA mode on the ground. After unlocking, push the throttle again. At this time, all the motors will turn. Get up (including multi-axis motors). Also note that after unlocking, don't cut into the fixed-wing mode on the ground unless your plane has wheels or wants Ejection lift, if not... Please take off in multi-axis mode!! Firmware Name: ArduPlane-20170415 =============================================================== 1. New: tail-sitting can also be belly-style Firmware Name: ArduPlane-V2_20170414.px4 =============================================================== 1. The differential motor does not rotate at an idle speed until the tail is unlocked. Firmware Name: ArduPlane-V2_20170413.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. Vector control: SERVOn_FUNCTION=75 or 76 (75=left tilt steering gear, 76=right tilt steering gear) Q_TAILSIT_VFGAIN=0.2 (forward flight thrust vector gain) Q_TAILSIT_VHGAIN=0.3 (hover thrust vector gain) Related parameters MIXING_GAIN=0.5 (elevator mixing gain) Q_A_ACCEL_P_MAX = 40000 (fixed wing smooth to hover transition to prevent premature pull up of the nose) Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170406.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. The log file uses a multi-threaded write lock. 2. The RUDD_DT_GAIN parameter is added to the tail-seat type, and the rudder is controlled to the differential thrust (0~100%). 3. Fixed wing L1 controller update, adding LIM_BANK parameter (scaling Loiter radius according to altitude). 4.EKF3 update. 5. Added parameter BRD_IO_ENABLE (enabled IO auxiliary operator). 6. Improve the conversion from QSTABILIZE to FBWA or QHOVER more stable. Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170403.px4 =============================================================== The V3.80 Beta4 version is released, and the more important updates are as follows: - New SRV_Channel system for setting the output servo separately - New EKF3 algorithm (not enabled by default) - Support tailstock VTOL (Tailsitter VTOL) - greatly improved the stability of the tilting machine (TiltRotor) - greatly improved the conversion code of multi-axis and fixed-wing, the conversion is more stable and fast. - Significant improvements in airspeed noise processing - RTK GPS full support - Greatly improved automatic landing accuracy - Significant improvements in height processing - FBWB_ELEV_REV parameter (0=normal, 1=all fixed-wing mode elevator reverse) - There is positioning throughout the return journey Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170329.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. Synchronize the official code 2. Use the unlock point as HOME (home) 3. The final 6 meters from the return landing has a positioning (the official is not positioned, the wind will drift away) Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170322.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. Synchronize the official code, the official has a bug! Correction, as follows: "Plane: initialise target height correctly on quadplane transition This fixes a bug where a plane in QSTABILIZE would drop suddenly if Switched to FBWA when the target altitude had not initialised" Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170319.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. Q_VFWD_GAIN=0.1~0.5 You can push the Pitch rudder in the QLoiter mode to make the forward tilt acceleration, so that the multi-axis can fly very fast (0=off, 0.05 Slow, 0.2, 0.5 very fast) Note: There is a situation where the operation will be reversed (pushing the elevator tilting direction upside down) For example: remote control CH2 (elevation) inversion, and in the parameters RC2_REV = 1 (lifting reverse), this does not make sense, because with CH2 normal (lifting is not reverse Phase) has the same meaning as RC2_REV=0 (lifting and not reversing). If there is such a negative negative, please remote control CH2=normal, RC2_REV=0 (positive) often). 2. Q_YAW_RATE_MAX=150, some people reacted that the speed difference is too strong (turning too fast, instantly turning 90 degrees), so lower some, when Q_YAW_RATE_MAX>100 starts to work (<=100 off, 150, 500 is very fast) 3. Fixed the problem that SUBS failsafe could not be triggered correctly under certain conditions. 4. Add multiple SITL simulation parameters. 5. The Q_FRAME_CLASS setting error will be reported in the Mission Planner to prevent Q_Enable from suddenly changing to 0. Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170315.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1. Synchronize the official AHRS/EKF3 code 2. Switching from fixed-wing mode back to multi-axis mode (or stall assist) will be more stable. 3. Multi-axis attitude controller optimization. 4. Record the log to increase the PIQ record (that is, the Quadplane's PID) and record the location of the home. 5.GPS_AUTO_SWITCH=2 (Improved fusion of two GPSs to estimate position, GPS_TYPE2=1) Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170228.px4 =============================================================== Added: Synchronize the official new code (PX4IO has refreshed, please wait for the music to stop after brushing) Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170225.px4 =============================================================== Added: 1.TILT_RATE_DN, TILT_RATE_UP parameter 2. Fixed-wing manual mode In order to avoid the player's miscut, it has been changed to 1 second and is not restricted by TILT_RATE_DN, so it can be quickly dumped to avoid No multi-axis assisted bomber. use: TILT_RATE_DN is the speed at which it is dumped (a few degrees per second) TILT_RATE_UP is the speed at which it is dumped (a few degrees per second). If it is slower, it can reduce the rapid stop or the momentary change. The plane smoothly turned back to the multi-axis. example: TILT_RATE_DN=45 Cut to fixed-wing mode for 2 seconds to the end. (1 second 45 degrees) TILT_RATE_UN=30 cut back to multi-axis mode for 3 seconds to pour back. (1 second 30 degrees) Precautions: After updating, TILT_RATE_UN is preset to 0. Please be sure to change the parameters. If you don't know how to change, put TILT_RATE_UN and TILT_RATE_DN. Fill in the previous TILT_RATE value. Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170223.px4 =============================================================== New: Control the yaw (YAW) by using the difference in rotational speed between the left and right motors Use: Q_YAW_RATE_MAX (the rudder rotation rate) is greater than 100 to start the effect, the larger the value, the greater the control force, all modes of the fixed wing apply. Example: Q_YAW_RATE_MAX=150 Firmware name: Tiltrotor_20170222.px4 =============================================================== Added: Q_WVANE_MINROLL=1 (compensated wind affects yaw when 0~8 is converted) Use: If the conversion will be at an angle, this is too weak or the steering servo is not synchronized or affected by the wind. Try to increase Q_WVANE_MINROLL by 1 (or minus 1) until it is not biased. If it is too large, it will be biased to the other direction.