Set parameter SIM_SPEEDUP to 1.000000 Creating model jsbsim at speed 1.0 Home: -35.363261 149.165230 alt=584.000000m hdg=353.000000 JSBSim backend started: control_port=5505 fdm_port=5504 Starting sketch 'ArduPlane' Starting SITL input Using Irlock at port : 9005 bind port 5760 for 0 Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760 Waiting for connection .... Connection on serial port 0 Loaded defaults from /home/awesome-slave/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/default_params/plane-jsbsim.parm bind port 5762 for 2 Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762 bind port 5763 for 3 Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763 JSBSim_script: '/home/awesome-slave/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/jsbsim_start_0.xml' JSBSim_fgout: '/home/awesome-slave/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/jsbsim_fgout_0.xml' JSBSim_reset: '/home/awesome-slave/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/aircraft/Rascal/reset.xml' JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model v1.0 Apr 23 2018 13:19:15 Could not bind to socket for input ... [JSBSim-ML v2.0] JSBSim startup beginning ... Overriding simulation step size from the command line. New step size is: 0.000833 seconds (1200.000000 Hz) Reading Aircraft Configuration File: rascal Version: 2.0 This aircraft model is a BETA release!!! This aircraft model probably will not fly as expected. Use this model for development purposes ONLY!!! Description: Models a rascal Model Author: Author Name Creation Date: Creation Date Version: Version Aircraft Metrics: WingArea: 10.570000 WingSpan: 9.170000 Incidence: 0.000000 Chord: 1.150000 H. Tail Area: 1.690000 H. Tail Arm: 3.280000 V. Tail Area: 1.060000 V. Tail Arm: 0.000000 Eyepoint (x, y, z): 20.000000 , 0.000000 , 5.000000 Ref Pt (x, y, z): 37.400000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 Visual Ref Pt (x, y, z): 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 Mass and Balance: baseIxx: 1.950000 slug-ft2 baseIyy: 1.550000 slug-ft2 baseIzz: 1.910000 slug-ft2 baseIxy: -0.000000 slug-ft2 baseIxz: 0.000000 slug-ft2 baseIyz: -0.000000 slug-ft2 Empty Weight: 13.000000 lbm CG (x, y, z): 36.400000 , 0.000000 , 4.000000 Ground Reactions: BOGEY LEFT_MLG Location: 33.100000 , -12.900000 , -13.100000 Spring Constant: 480.000000 Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Rebound Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Dynamic Friction: 0.500000 Static Friction: 0.800000 Rolling Friction: 0.100000 Steering Type: FIXED Grouping: NONE Max Steer Angle: 0.000000 Retractable: 0 BOGEY RIGHT_MLG Location: 33.100000 , 12.900000 , -13.100000 Spring Constant: 480.000000 Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Rebound Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Dynamic Friction: 0.500000 Static Friction: 0.800000 Rolling Friction: 0.100000 Steering Type: FIXED Grouping: NONE Max Steer Angle: 0.000000 Retractable: 0 BOGEY TAIL_LG Location: 68.900000 , 0.000000 , -4.000000 Spring Constant: 480.000000 Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Rebound Damping Constant: 100.000000 (linear) Dynamic Friction: 0.500000 Static Friction: 0.800000 Rolling Friction: 0.100000 Steering Type: CASTERED Grouping: NONE Max Steer Angle: 360.000000 Retractable: 0 Propulsion: FUEL tank holds 1.500000 lbs. FUEL currently at 100.000000% of maximum capacity Tank location (X, Y, Z): 36.360000, 0.000000, -1.893750 Effective radius: 0.000000 inches Initial temperature: -9999.000000 Fahrenheit Priority: 1 1 dimensional table with 11 rows. 0.0000 0.0776 0.1000 0.0744 0.2000 0.0712 0.3000 0.0655 0.4000 0.0588 0.5000 0.0518 0.6000 0.0419 0.7000 0.0318 0.8000 0.0172 1.0000 -0.0058 1.4000 -0.0549 1 dimensional table with 11 rows. 0.0000 0.0902 0.1000 0.0893 0.2000 0.0880 0.3000 0.0860 0.4000 0.0810 0.5000 0.0742 0.6000 0.0681 0.7000 0.0572 0.8000 0.0467 1.0000 0.0167 1.4000 -0.0803 Propeller Name: Rascal Propeller IXX = 0.0010 Diameter = 1.5000 ft. Number of Blades = 2 Gear Ratio = 1.0000 Minimum Pitch = 30.0000 Maximum Pitch = 30.0000 Minimum RPM = 0.0000 Maximum RPM = 0.0000 X = 1.0000 Y = 0.0000 Z = 0.0000 Pitch = 0.0000 degrees Yaw = 0.0000 degrees Engine Name: electric_1mw Power Watts: 2207.2700 FCS: FCS: rascal Channel All Loading Component "Pitch Trim Sum" of type: SUMMER Minimum limit: -1.0000 Maximum limit: 1.0000 INPUTS: fcs/elevator-cmd-norm fcs/pitch-trim-cmd-norm Loading Component "Elevator Control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: pitch-trim-sum GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: elevator-pos-rad In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -1.0000 Input MAX: 1.0000 Output MIN: -0.3500 Output MAX: 0.3000 Loading Component "Elevator Normalized" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: elevator-pos-rad GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: elevator-pos-norm In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -0.3000 Input MAX: 0.3000 Output MIN: -1.0000 Output MAX: 1.0000 Loading Component "Roll Trim Sum" of type: SUMMER Minimum limit: -1.0000 Maximum limit: 1.0000 INPUTS: fcs/aileron-cmd-norm fcs/roll-trim-cmd-norm Loading Component "Left Aileron Control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: roll-trim-sum GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: left-aileron-pos-rad In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -1.0000 Input MAX: 1.0000 Output MIN: -0.3500 Output MAX: 0.3500 Loading Component "Right Aileron Control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: -roll-trim-sum GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: right-aileron-pos-rad In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -1.0000 Input MAX: 1.0000 Output MIN: -0.3500 Output MAX: 0.3500 Loading Component "Left aileron Normalized" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: left-aileron-pos-rad GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: left-aileron-pos-norm In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -0.3500 Input MAX: 0.3500 Output MIN: -1.0000 Output MAX: 1.0000 Loading Component "Right aileron Normalized" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: right-aileron-pos-rad GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: right-aileron-pos-norm In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -0.3500 Input MAX: 0.3500 Output MIN: -1.0000 Output MAX: 1.0000 Loading Component "Rudder Command Sum" of type: SUMMER Minimum limit: -1.0000 Maximum limit: 1.0000 INPUTS: fcs/rudder-cmd-norm fcs/yaw-trim-cmd-norm Loading Component "Rudder Control" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: rudder-command-sum GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: rudder-pos-rad In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -1.0000 Input MAX: 1.0000 Output MIN: -0.3500 Output MAX: 0.3500 Loading Component "Rudder Normalized" of type: AEROSURFACE_SCALE INPUT: rudder-pos-rad GAIN: 1.0000 OUTPUT: rudder-pos-norm In/Out Mapping: Input MIN: -0.3500 Input MAX: 0.3500 Output MIN: -1.0000 Output MAX: 1.0000 Aerodynamics (Lift|Side|Drag axes): 1 dimensional table with 5 rows. -1.5700 1.5000 -0.2600 0.0560 0.0000 0.0280 0.2600 0.0560 1.5700 1.5000 Function: aero/coefficient/CD0 Function: aero/coefficient/CDi 1 dimensional table with 5 rows. -1.5700 1.2300 -0.2600 0.0500 0.0000 0.0000 0.2600 0.0500 1.5700 1.2300 Function: aero/coefficient/CDbeta Function: aero/coefficient/CDde Function: aero/coefficient/CYb 1 dimensional table with 4 rows. -0.2000 -0.7500 0.0000 0.2500 0.2300 1.4000 0.6000 0.7100 Function: aero/coefficient/CLalpha Function: aero/coefficient/CLde Function: aero/coefficient/Clb Function: aero/coefficient/Clp Function: aero/coefficient/Clr 1 dimensional table with 2 rows. 0.0000 0.1300 2.0000 0.0570 Function: aero/coefficient/Clda Function: aero/coefficient/Cldr Function: aero/coefficient/Cmalpha 1 dimensional table with 2 rows. 0.0000 -0.5000 2.0000 -0.2750 Function: aero/coefficient/Cmde Function: aero/coefficient/Cmq Function: aero/coefficient/Cmadot Function: aero/coefficient/Cnb Function: aero/coefficient/Cnr Function: aero/coefficient/Cndr Function: aero/coefficient/Cnda Function: aero/coefficient/Cndi Input data set: 0 Input data set: 1 Script: "Testing Rascal" begins at 0.0000 seconds and runs to 10000000.0008 seconds with dt = 0.000833 (1200.000000 Hz) Local property: notify-time-trigger = 0.000000 Event 0 (start engine): When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: { sim-time-sec le 0.010000 } Actions taken: { set propulsion/engine/set-running to 1.000000 (constant via step) } Event 1 (Trim): When first triggered, executes once if all of the following are true: { sim-time-sec ge 0.010000 } Actions taken: { set simulation/do_simple_trim to 2.000000 (constant via step) } Output data set: 0 Successfully bound to socket for input on port 5505 Creating UDP socket on port 5504 Successfully connected to socket for output ... Mass Properties Report (English units: lbf, in, slug-ft^2) Weight CG-X CG-Y CG-Z Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Ixz Iyz Base Vehicle 13.0 36.4 0.0 4.0 1.9 1.6 1.9 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 0 Fuel 1.5 36.36 0-1.89375 0 0 0 Total: 14.5 36.4 0.0 3.4 2.0 1.6 1.9 0.0 -0.0 0.0 End of vehicle configuration loading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simulation Configuration ------------------------ Mass Properties Model: Ground Reactions Model: Aerodynamics Model: Propulsion Model: ------------------------------------------------------------------ State Report at sim time: 0.000000 seconds Position ECI: -14685535.5413072, 8766419.401962114, -12056856.52945117 (x,y,z, in ft) ECEF: -14685535.541307 , 8766419.401962 , -12056856.529451 (x,y,z, in ft) Local: -35.363261, 149.165230, 4.265092 (geodetic lat, lon, alt ASL in deg and ft) Orientation ECI: 9.808125235753941, -54.21661912597926, 137.1352945805011 (phi, theta, psi in deg) Local: 8.966577393837356e-16, 1.651068339840266e-15, 352.999995 (phi, theta, psi in deg) Velocity ECI: -639.2573841733896, -1070.886140037994, 0 (x,y,z in ft/s) ECEF: 0, 0, 0 (x,y,z in ft/s) Local: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 (n,e,d in ft/sec) Body: 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 (u,v,w in ft/sec) Body Rates (relative to given frame, expressed in body frame) ECI: 0.003389393521041107, 0.0004161654954477694, 0.00240730581655503 (p,q,r in deg/s) ECEF: 0, 0, 0 (p,q,r in deg/s) ---- JSBSim Execution beginningOpened JSBSim control socket ... -------------------------------------------- start engine (Event 0) executed at time: 0.000833 Start: Friday June 14 2019 14:07:02 (HH:MM:SS) Ground Trim Trim successful Trim Results: Altitude AGL: 1.25 wdot: 2.36e-04 Tolerance: 1e-03 Passed Pitch Angle: 0.25 qdot: -3.08e-05 Tolerance: 1e-04 Passed Roll Angle: -0.00 pdot: 1.92e-06 Tolerance: 1e-04 Passed Trim (Event 1) executed at time: 0.010000 0: GEAR_CONTACT: 0.01 seconds: LEFT_MLG 1 1: GEAR_CONTACT: 0.01 seconds: RIGHT_MLG 1 2: GEAR_CONTACT: 0.01 seconds: TAIL_LG 1