2017-11-19 09:28:35,888 INFO Program - ******************* Logging Configured ******************* (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,133 INFO Program - 64bit os False, 64bit process False (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,273 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Mainv2 ctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,273 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loading config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,368 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo Splash (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,428 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - .cctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,508 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,513 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Speech - TTS: init, mono = False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,548 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FD (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,553 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Ctor Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,998 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Components Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,998 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Tunning Graph Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:36,998 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - HUD Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,003 INFO MissionPlanner.Common - getModesList Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,053 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Graph Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,053 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Map Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,053 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,143 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - Reading MAV_CMD for ArduPlane (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,148 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - updateMapType invoke req? False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,778 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create SIM (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,823 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1200 height 821 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,828 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1216 height 859 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,828 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1882 height 821 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,828 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1898 height 859 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,833 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,883 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,988 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Gridv2.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,988 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Grid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,993 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.SimpleGrid.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,993 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init SimpleGrid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:37,998 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Stats.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,018 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Stats 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,043 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\TrackerHome.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,043 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init GPS Tracker Home Plugin 1.0 by Will Bryan (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,103 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,103 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,108 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Activate Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,333 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Vendor: Intel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Version: 2.1.0 - Build (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Device: Intel(R) 4 Series Internal Chipset (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - GetInteger (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Ortho (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,338 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - PushAttrib (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Disable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - BlendFunc (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Hint (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,343 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,903 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,913 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start http (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,913 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start joystick (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,913 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.httpserver - Listening for client (:0) [motion jpg stream-network kml] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,913 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start serialreader (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,918 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start plugin thread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,918 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start udpvideoshim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:38,943 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,198 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,203 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - appload time (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,268 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loaded 4825 airports (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,402 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\FIXED_WING\1\2017-11-18 22-41-21.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,415 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,415 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Proximity - created for 1 - 1 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,435 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,460 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 ArduPlane V3.8.3 (031166f6) (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,460 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 PX4: f84ee497 NuttX: 2f230473 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,460 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 PX4v3 00330045 3236510C 36363331 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,485 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,495 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,505 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,525 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,541 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,548 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,557 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:39,567 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:39 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,387 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 Throttle armed (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,581 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,586 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\FIXED_WING\1\2017-11-18 23-02-05.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,586 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,591 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Proximity - created for 1 - 1 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,596 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 ArduPlane V3.8.3 (031166f6) (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,596 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 PX4: f84ee497 NuttX: 2f230473 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,596 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 PX4v3 00330045 3236510C 36363331 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,743 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 Throttle armed (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,790 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:41 6 Throttle disarmed (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:41,982 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [2] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,142 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - getFWList (:0) [24] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,147 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - url: https://raw.github.com/diydrones/binary/master/Firmware/firmware2.xml (:0) [24] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,277 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,277 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\FIXED_WING\1\2017-11-18 23-42-06.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,277 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,282 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Proximity - created for 1 - 1 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,282 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 Airspeed sensor unhealthy (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,287 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 ArduPlane V3.8.3 (031166f6) (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,287 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 PX4: f84ee497 NuttX: 2f230473 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,287 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 PX4v3 00330045 3236510C 36363331 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,387 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 Throttle armed (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,457 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.KIndex - K-Index is 2 (:0) [21] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,472 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,482 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,487 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 19/11/2017 09:28:42 6 GPS 1: specified as UAVCAN (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,744 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,844 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Utilities.Update - C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:42,844 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Update - Checking for update at: http://firmware.ardupilot.org/MissionPlanner/upgrade/version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,436 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Utilities.Update - Response status: OK (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,436 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Update - New file Check: local vs Remote (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,436 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Plane/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,561 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: ArduPlane V3.8.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,561 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Sub/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,691 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: ArduSub V3.5.2 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,691 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Rover/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,816 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Rover v3.1.2 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,816 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:43,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,076 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,076 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,201 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,201 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,321 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,321 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,446 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,446 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,546 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4-heli/git-version.txt (:0) [25] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,571 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,571 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://firmware.ardupilot.org/AntennaTracker/stable/PX4/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,701 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: AntennaTracker V1.0.0 (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,701 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - Get url http://px4-travis.s3.amazonaws.com/Firmware/stable/git-version.txt (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,771 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - APMVERSION: APM:Copter V3.5.3 (:0) [25] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports - regen list (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:28:44,951 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports done 0,005 sec (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,001 ERROR MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware.getAPMVersion(Object tempin) (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,041 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,046 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,046 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,051 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,051 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,056 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,056 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,056 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,061 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [25] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,066 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,076 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,076 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,081 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:45,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Firmware - load done (:0) [24] 2017-11-19 09:28:46,081 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:46,081 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:46,081 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:46,206 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,201 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 201 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,211 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,211 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,216 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:47,226 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:48,406 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:48,406 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:49,606 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:49,606 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:50,811 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:50,811 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,011 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,051 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 51 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,321 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [2] 2017-11-19 09:28:52,321 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - UnSubscribeToPacketType DISTANCE_SENSOR System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [2] 2017-11-19 09:28:53,256 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:53,256 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:54,456 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:54,456 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:55,661 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:55,661 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:56,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:56,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:56,861 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:56,896 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 896 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:58,101 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:58,101 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:59,301 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:28:59,301 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:00,506 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:00,506 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,706 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,706 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,706 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,746 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,751 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:01,761 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,731 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,736 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName AUTO = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,736 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,736 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM1 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM5 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName TCP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,741 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDPCl = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,921 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,926 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,941 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,941 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,941 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,941 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,946 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,951 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,951 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,951 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:03,951 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:04,976 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:04,976 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:04,981 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:04,981 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,976 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,981 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,981 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:09,991 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:10,001 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [25] 2017-11-19 09:29:10,006 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:10,011 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:10,016 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:10,026 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:11,031 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:11,031 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:11,031 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:12,146 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 146 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:13,351 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:13,351 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:14,551 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:14,551 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:15,756 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:15,756 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:16,956 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:16,956 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:16,956 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:16,991 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 991 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:18,196 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:18,196 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:19,396 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:19,396 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:20,601 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:20,601 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:21,801 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:21,801 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:21,801 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:21,836 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 836 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:23,041 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:23,041 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:24,241 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:24,241 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,276 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,276 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,281 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,286 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,286 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,446 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:25,446 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:26,646 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:26,646 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:26,646 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:26,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 681 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:27,886 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:27,886 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:29,086 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:29,086 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:30,291 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:30,291 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:31,491 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:31,491 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:31,491 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:31,526 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 526 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:32,731 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:32,731 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:33,931 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:33,931 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:35,136 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:35,136 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:36,336 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:36,336 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:36,336 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:36,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 371 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:37,576 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:37,576 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:38,776 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:38,776 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:39,981 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:39,981 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:41,181 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:41,181 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:41,181 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:41,216 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 216 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:42,421 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:42,421 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:43,621 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:43,621 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:44,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:44,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,026 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,026 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,026 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,061 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 61 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,061 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,071 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:46,071 ERROR MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - System.Exception: Can not establish a connection\n Please check the following 1. You have firmware loaded 2. You have the correct serial port selected 3. PX4 - You have the microsd card installed 4. Try a diffrent usb port\n\nNo Mavlink Heartbeat Packets where read from this port - Verify Baud Rate and setup Mission Planner waits for 2 valid heartbeat packets before connecting at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.OpenBg(Object PRsender, Boolean getparams, ProgressWorkerEventArgs progressWorkerEventArgs) (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:47,956 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:47,961 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:51,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:51,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}????? (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:51,381 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 1371056 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:55,661 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:55,771 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}????? (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:55,771 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 1371056 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:29:55,776 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:01,188 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1879 height 761 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:01,193 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1895 height 859 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:01,625 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1775 height 798 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:01,625 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1791 height 896 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:02,085 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1764 height 838 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:02,090 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1780 height 936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:02,560 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1785 height 850 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:02,560 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1801 height 948 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,475 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,475 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,475 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,475 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,480 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,485 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,650 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,650 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,665 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,665 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,665 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,670 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,670 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,670 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,675 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,675 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,675 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,675 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,675 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:04,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:05,540 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:05,540 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:05,545 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:05,545 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,655 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,655 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,655 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,660 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,660 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,660 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,660 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,660 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,670 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [25] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,670 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,680 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,685 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:07,690 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:08,690 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:08,690 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:08,690 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:08,820 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,805 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 805 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,805 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,805 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,815 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,815 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,820 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:09,825 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:11,010 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:11,010 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:12,210 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:12,210 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:13,415 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:13,415 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:14,615 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:14,615 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:14,615 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:14,650 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 650 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:15,855 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:15,855 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:17,055 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:17,055 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:18,260 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:18,260 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,460 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,460 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,460 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,490 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,500 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,505 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:19,510 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,215 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,215 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,215 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stopped (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,230 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - Stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,230 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing vlcrender (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,230 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing pluginthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,235 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing serialthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,280 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing joystickthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,285 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing httpthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,285 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - sorting tlogs (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,285 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing MyView (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,285 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,285 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-28-45.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-28-45.rlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,290 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,295 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,295 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-29-09.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-29-09.rlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,300 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,300 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,315 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-07.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-07.rlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,315 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog (:0) [6] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,344 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fd (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,345 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fp (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,346 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing sim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,346 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:21,348 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,439 INFO Program - ******************* Logging Configured ******************* (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,554 INFO Program - 64bit os False, 64bit process False (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,579 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Mainv2 ctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,579 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loading config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,634 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo Splash (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,649 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - .cctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,719 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,719 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Speech - TTS: init, mono = False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,739 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FD (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:25,739 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Ctor Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,049 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Components Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,049 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Tunning Graph Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,049 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - HUD Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,054 INFO MissionPlanner.Common - getModesList Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,089 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Graph Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,089 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Map Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,089 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,159 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - Reading MAV_CMD for ArduPlane (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,159 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - updateMapType invoke req? False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,329 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create SIM (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,364 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1200 height 910 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,364 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1216 height 948 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,364 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1785 height 910 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,364 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1801 height 948 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,374 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,399 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,484 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Gridv2.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,484 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Grid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,484 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.SimpleGrid.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,484 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init SimpleGrid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,489 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Stats.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,509 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Stats 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,529 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\TrackerHome.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,529 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init GPS Tracker Home Plugin 1.0 by Will Bryan (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,584 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,584 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,584 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Activate Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,689 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Vendor: Intel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Version: 2.1.0 - Build (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Device: Intel(R) 4 Series Internal Chipset (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - GetInteger (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Ortho (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - PushAttrib (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Disable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - BlendFunc (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Hint (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:26,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,244 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,249 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start http (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start joystick (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,254 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.httpserver - Listening for client (:0) [motion jpg stream-network kml] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start serialreader (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start plugin thread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start udpvideoshim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,274 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,391 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,396 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - appload time (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,591 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loaded 4825 airports (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,746 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-28-45.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,761 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-29-09.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:30:27,776 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-07.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,154 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,159 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName AUTO = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,164 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,164 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM1 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,169 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,169 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM5 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,169 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,174 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName TCP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,174 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,179 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,184 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,185 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDPCl = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,356 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,356 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,371 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,371 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,376 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,376 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,376 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,381 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,386 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,386 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,386 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:32,386 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,116 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports - regen list (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,121 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports done 0,005 sec (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,411 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,416 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,416 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:33,416 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,521 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,521 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,521 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,531 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,531 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,531 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,531 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,536 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,546 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,546 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,561 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,576 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:34,581 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:35,581 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:35,581 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:35,581 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:35,676 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,666 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 666 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,666 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,671 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,676 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,676 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:36,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:37,871 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:37,871 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:39,071 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:39,071 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:40,276 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:40,276 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:41,476 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:41,476 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:41,476 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:41,511 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 511 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:42,716 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:42,716 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:43,916 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:43,916 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:45,121 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:45,121 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,321 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,321 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,321 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,356 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,361 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,366 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:30:46,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,261 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,261 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,261 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,266 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,271 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,276 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [23] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,281 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,286 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,291 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:22,306 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:23,306 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:23,306 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:23,306 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:23,426 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,391 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 391 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,391 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,391 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,396 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,401 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,401 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:24,406 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:25,596 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:25,596 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:26,796 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:26,796 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:28,001 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:28,001 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:29,201 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:29,201 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:29,201 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:29,236 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 236 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:30,441 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:30,441 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:31,641 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:31,641 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:32,846 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:32,846 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,046 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,046 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,046 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,081 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,086 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,091 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:34,096 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,931 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,931 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,931 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stopped (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,966 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - Stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,966 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing vlcrender (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,966 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing pluginthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:35,981 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing serialthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,076 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing joystickthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,086 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing httpthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,086 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - sorting tlogs (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,086 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing MyView (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,086 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,086 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-34.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-34.rlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-22.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-22.rlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,096 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog (:0) [26] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fd (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fp (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing sim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:36,161 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,422 INFO Program - ******************* Logging Configured ******************* (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,558 INFO Program - 64bit os False, 64bit process False (:0) [1] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,593 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Mainv2 ctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,594 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loading config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,644 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo Splash (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,654 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - .cctor (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,729 INFO MissionPlanner.srtm - C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,729 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Speech - TTS: init, mono = False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,749 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FD (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:44,749 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Ctor Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,099 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Components Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,099 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Tunning Graph Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,099 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - HUD Settings (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,099 INFO MissionPlanner.Common - getModesList Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,139 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Graph Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,139 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Map Setup (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,139 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create FP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,209 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - Reading MAV_CMD for ArduPlane (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,209 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightPlanner - updateMapType invoke req? False (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,369 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Create SIM (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,404 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1200 height 910 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,404 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1216 height 948 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,404 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - myview width 1785 height 910 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,404 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - this width 1801 height 948 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,414 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,439 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,499 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Gridv2.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,499 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Grid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,504 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.SimpleGrid.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,504 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init SimpleGrid 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,504 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\MissionPlanner.Stats.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,524 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init Stats 0.1 by Michael Oborne (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,544 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Load C:\Program Files\Mission Planner\plugins\TrackerHome.dll (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,544 INFO MissionPlanner.Plugin.PluginLoader - Plugin Init GPS Tracker Home Plugin 1.0 by Will Bryan (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,599 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load Pluggins... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,604 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,604 INFO MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - Activate Called (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Vendor: Intel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Version: 2.1.0 - Build (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Device: Intel(R) 4 Series Internal Chipset (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - GetInteger (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Ortho (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,694 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - MatrixMode (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - LoadIdentity (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - PushAttrib (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Disable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - BlendFunc (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Hint (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 DEBUG MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - Enable (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:45,699 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.HUD - OnLoad Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,244 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - show FlightData... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,249 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start http (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,249 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.httpserver - Listening for client (:0) [motion jpg stream-network kml] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,249 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start joystick (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start serialreader (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start plugin thread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,254 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - start udpvideoshim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,274 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,386 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Load AltitudeAngel... Done (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,386 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - appload time (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,608 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Loaded 4825 airports (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,768 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-30-34.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:31:46,773 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Logplaybackfile set C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-22.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,671 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,676 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,676 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-31-48.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,691 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,691 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,706 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,721 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:48,726 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:49,726 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:49,726 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:49,726 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:49,866 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,816 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,816 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 816 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,821 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,821 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:52,021 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:52,021 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:53,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:53,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:54,426 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:54,426 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,626 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,626 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,626 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,661 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,671 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,671 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,681 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,696 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports - regen list (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:31:55,701 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.Airports - getAirports done 0,005 sec (:0) [FD Mainloop] 2017-11-19 09:32:00,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:00,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:00,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:09,646 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:09,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:09,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:09,656 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,891 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,891 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName AUTO = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,896 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,896 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM1 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,896 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,896 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName COM5 = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName TCP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDP = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:12,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName UDPCl = (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,071 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,076 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,091 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,096 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,096 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache AUTO (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,096 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,101 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM1 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,101 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,101 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,101 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,101 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache TCP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,106 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,106 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDP (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,106 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,111 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache UDPCl (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,791 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,791 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,796 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - start GetNiceName COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:13,796 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - done GetNiceName cache COM5 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,851 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,856 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,856 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,866 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,866 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-32-14.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,881 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [24] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,886 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,896 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,901 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:14,911 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,661 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,721 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,721 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 11655376 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,731 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,911 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,911 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:15,911 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:17,026 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 26 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:17,036 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - sh /etc/init.d/rc.usb (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:17,036 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - sh /etc/init.d/rc.usb (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:17,041 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: sh: fopen failed: No such file or directory (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:17,046 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: sh: fopen failed: No such file or directory (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:18,246 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:18,246 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:19,446 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:19,446 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:20,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:20,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:21,851 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:21,851 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:21,851 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:21,886 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 886 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:23,091 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:23,091 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:24,291 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:24,291 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:25,496 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:25,496 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,696 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,696 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,696 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,731 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,736 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,741 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:26,746 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:29,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:29,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:29,371 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:40,646 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:40,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:40,651 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:40,656 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:45,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:45,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:45,366 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:46,661 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:46,721 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Interface \\?\USB#VID_26AC&PID_0011#0#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}?????± (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:46,721 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL 11659936 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:46,726 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Device Change 537 DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED 0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,821 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MenuConnect Start (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,821 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Cleanup last logfiles (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - We are connecting to COM5 115200 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Reset connection stats (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Portname (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Set Baudrate (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - About to do dtr if needed (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,831 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - creating logfile 2017-11-19 09-32-50.tlog (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,841 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - RunBackgroundOperation (:0) [23] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,841 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,856 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - Focus ctl (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,861 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - in focus invoke (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:50,871 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:51,871 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.TerrainFollow - Subscribe to packets (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:51,871 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - SubscribeToPacketType TERRAIN_REQUEST System.Func`2[MAVLink+MAVLinkMessage,System.Boolean] (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:51,871 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Open port with COM5 115200 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTENDED_STATUS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 986 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream POSITION at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,986 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA1 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,991 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA2 at 4 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,996 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream EXTRA3 at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,996 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [Ksh /etc/init.d/rc.usb (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,996 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [Ksh /etc/init.d/rc.usb (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:52,996 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RAW_SENSORS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,006 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: sh: fopen failed: No such file or directory (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,006 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: sh: fopen failed: No such file or directory (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,006 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [KBBQB9BB (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,006 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [KBBQB9BB (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - Request stream RC_CHANNELS at 2 hz for 0:0 (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: BBQB9BB: command not found (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,011 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: BBQB9BB: command not found (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,016 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [KuB (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,016 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh> [KuB (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,021 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: uB: command not found (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:53,021 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - nsh: uB: command not found (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:54,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:54,221 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:55,421 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:55,421 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:56,626 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:56,626 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:57,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:57,826 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:57,826 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable True (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:57,861 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - 861 Start connect loop (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:59,066 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:32:59,066 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:00,266 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:00,266 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:01,471 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:01,471 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,671 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,671 INFO MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.TimeoutException: Timeout at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.readPacket() (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,671 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - COM5 RtsEnable False (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,706 INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM5 (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,711 INFO MissionPlanner.Controls.ProgressReporterDialogue - DoWork Done (:0) [ProgressReporterDialogue Background thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,716 DEBUG MissionPlanner.MainV2 - ApplyThemeTo ProgressReporterDialogue (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:02,721 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - comport is closed. existing connect (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,141 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,146 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,146 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.adsb - adsb stopped (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,156 INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GStreamer - Stop (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing vlcrender (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,156 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing pluginthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,166 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing serialthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,171 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing joystickthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,181 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing httpthread (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,181 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - sorting tlogs (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,181 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing MyView (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,181 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-48.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-48.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,181 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-48.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-48.rlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,186 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-31-48.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-31-48.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,186 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log small C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-32-50.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-32-50.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,186 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-32-50.rlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-32-50.rlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,191 INFO MissionPlanner.Log.LogSort - Move log C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\2017-11-19 09-32-50.tlog to C:\Installs\Mission Planner Luglio 2016\logs\SMALL\2017-11-19 09-32-50.tlog (:0) [7] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,264 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fd (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,265 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing fp (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,265 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - closing sim (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,266 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - Saving config (:0) [Base Thread] 2017-11-19 09:33:06,267 INFO MissionPlanner.MainV2 - MainV2_FormClosing done (:0) [Base Thread]