* Mission Planner 1.3.38 - 19-5-2016 GridUI: support kml overlay and autozoom to overlay AP_GPS: rename internals BackStageView: fix exception handleing in Deactivate MAVLinkInterface: make signing per mav ConfigHWPX4Flow: add px4flow focus calibration AP_GPS_NOVA: testing and AP_GPS updates ConfigArduCopter: update FILT and IMAX scale #1250 app.config: update param metadata urls #1250 MavlinkNumericUpDown: use parameter based increment value MAVLinkInterface: always print/anounce tuning Added QRTL mode for plane FlightPlanner: fix posible bad wp upload #1248 MavlinkLog: fix wp index on tlog wp extraction OpticalFlow: add calibration mode support and display SerialInjectGPS: add m8p config string MAVLinkInterface: support bps for logplayback CommsTCPSerial: fix exception on non connected client Sikradio: add new rfd900+ AES key display AP_GPS_GSOF: add event handling MavlinkUtil: calc array length for all data types CommTCPSerial: fix recursive get Wix: whitespace change Wix: update msi installer Updater: add file exclude MAVLinkParamList: make more threadsafe CurrentState: update descriptions MAVLinkInterface: verify source system on getparam MavlinkLog: select mav for param extraction MAVLinkInterface: check for invalid param index FlightPlanner: use default alt for terrain points #1239 srtm: add dl exclusions ADSB: add Time to PLLAH ConfigRadioInput: support 16 channels MAVLinkInterface: fix sendpacket type id MAVLinkInterface: show error vs unexpected error srtm: add 0 size file check temp: add support for custom signing key GeoRef: add sonar alt #1126 LogOutput: add wp file creation from log #1234 GeoRef: sort files by exif time #1235 MAVLinkInterface: fix null exception #1233 MavlinkParser: cleanup FlightData: fix mount mode button MAVLink: add back mavlink.cs MAVLink2 signing working MAVLink2 refactoring GMapMarkerAirport: increase base nofly size to 9km httpserver: access packet history via getPacket Multiple: refactoring mavlink Multiple: factor out mavlinkmessage MAVLink: update MAVLink: generator update 24bit msgid ConfigArducopter: update param names #1228 FlightData: add on/off for overlap count GMapMarkerOverlapCount: improve performance. georefimage: error message mods CommsNTRIP: add example FlightData: Use new overlay marker for photo coverage GridUI: use new overlay marker type for footprints GMapMarkerOverlayCount: add new marker type GMapMarkerPhoto: update photo icon size temp: add older param metadata Loading: additional disposed check LogIndex: multithread speedup Loading: fix cross thread calls GMapMarkerPhoto: make footprint public MAVList: fix posible exception mavgen: update import #1226 Speech: add word substitutes MAVLinkInterface: add compid to missed packet message OSDVideo: fix exceptions MAVLinkInterface: improve unknown sysid/compid action tlogThumbnailHandler: fix directory create GridUI: add griddata to all grid commands temp: scan for all valid file types in log map creation Speech: word replacement MavlinkLog: add broader file mask GMapRoute: change arrow draw frequency MainV2: prevent px4v2 serial readout #1222 MainV2: add extra exception reporting fftui: add bin support CollectionBuffer: implement stream like functions Loading: add missing file LogBrowse: add loading dialogs MainV2: add MP log review from cmd line GridPlugin: use version MainV2: prompt about new fw on any version increment FlightPlanner: always show alt mode when not connected. GridUI: add cross grid FlightData: add tlog playback shortcuts (space/+/-) #502 FlightData: fix CAM_MIN_INTERVAL scale and rounding #1216 FlightData: rebind datasource on activate #1155 GmapRoute: fix custom line issue with long lines #1219 MAVLinkInterface: fix playback pause reset #1218 LogStrings: add missing file LogIndex: fix seek Fix null reference in MainV2 form. Dispose SerialPort Streams properly. Fix bugs in LogDownloadMavLink dialog. MAVLink: upgrade generator ModifyandSet: min and maxs fix FlightData: fix issue with negative loiter radius GridUI: save fov anagles CurrentState: add timesincelastshot to status GMapMarkerPhoto: add min_interval check GridUI: fix bugs #1214 GMapMarkerPhoto: add photo number (mouse over) FlightData: add camera_feedback to map and footprints GMapMarkerPhoto: add new marker MAVLinkInterface: add CAMERA_FEEDBACK history myGMAP: add invalidation check to mouse movement HUD: fix hud rocking when using russian hud MAVLinkInterface: store camera_feedback messages FlightData: fix loiter rad scaling #932 FlightData: add set loiter rad #932 SimpleExample: update Joystick: fix custom1/2 scale bug Exception checks Wix: update for new server camerasBuiltin: add camera FlightData: tweak graph this height ImageProjection: fix rotations Matrix3: update names CurrentState: add Location FlightData: accept just lat/long in point camera here coords Script: remove statics MyUserControl: add exception logging FlightData: add point camera coords POI: add load FlightData: default point camera here alt to ground alt #1200 GridUI: change default placeholder text number Rename Solution File PluginLoader: fix plugin cultures ImageProjection: remove debug FlightPlanner: add handle checks HUD: fix drawimage implementation Help: add exception check around update checks ConfigHWCompass: add param check Exception Fix's GridUI: use image projection for footprints ImageProjection: add new calc library GMapRoute: enable custom line type FlightData: fix quickview initial scale GridUI: fix footprint angle calc GridUI: use home alt and terrain alt when calcing photo footprints Matrix3: update lib MainV2: improve startup time L10N: prevent exception MyImageCache: implement removal date LogBrowse: fix map zoom after draw PluginLoader: fix load method ConfigFlightModes: change to use predefined lists PluginLoader: plugin culture/path fix MAVLinkInterface: fix type from pull request POI: update poi moves Log: reject large spikes in log files Use Assembly.LoadFrom when loading plugins ADSB: fixed heading for new XML MAVLinkParam: fix compile ConfigHWESP8266: add simple config MAVLinkInterface: support udp bridge component MAVParam: expose raw data BackstageView: change docking and fix designer mode CollectionBuffer: Improve message index detection. DroneShare: Remove GeoRefImage: option out relalt #1193 FlightData: make icon more generic HUD: fix default ekf and vibe state #1188 FlightData: turn on ekf and vibe #1188 * Mission Planner 1.3.37 - 14-3-2016 FlightData: actions customisation add default init Common: rearrange code FlightData: maintain taborder from config file FlightData: add ability to customize actions tab display ConfigRawParam: speedup draw Script: add example 7 (wp load in FP) ParamMetaData: fix parser readover TerrainFollow: fix interface unsubscribe MissionPlanner: to .net 4.5 (XP will stop working) Update: add async md5 ParamMetaData: fix backup, nested groups LogOutput: filter bad gps data FlightData: change .bin to kml to be direct from .bin files LogOutput: cleanup old log formats CollectionBuffer: reduce memory usage BinaryLog: improve performance KMLib Coordinates: improve performance FlightData: fix crossthread call, joystick related #1172 FlightData: fix verify height alt on move #1183 Icons: trial new icon GridUI: fix split mission #1182 GStreamer: autostart gstreamer client vlcrender: prevent crash on close FlightData: add right click start camera option #1180 GridUI: fix cam_trig_dist if breakup starts was off #1181 HttpServer: update GridV2: resource files Common: add QLand GridV2: use new icons ParameterMetaData: expand support Common: add quadplane flight modes #1169 MavlinkCheckBoxBitmask: fix height calculation #1173 Warning Engine: name thread GridUI: update on overlap values change #1171 FlightPlanner: add group delete mavlink: update common.xml MAVLinkInterface: update getwp to use capabilities mask FlightPlanner: use capability based on version message CurrentState: add capabilities LogBrowse: modify bad data range FirmwareHistory: update urls Build: Fix the build by adding missing parenthesis around print. * Mission Planner 1.3.36 - 5-3-2016 GridUI: add elevation range GMapControl: update scale color GMapControl: update scalebar to use transform CommsNTRIP: support @ in username ParameterMetaData: update backup Flightplanner: fix posible int issue Help: fix text colour Add Korean translation mavgraphs: update from upstream FirmwareHistory: update add px4 identification FlightPlanner: fix wp timeout upload for non int Update for new domain name firmware.ardupilot.org L10N: add logging to url modifications Update: update strings L10N: fix mirror check, add mirror replacement for update check L10N: update zh-Hans translation FlightPlanner: fix wp upload order mavcmd: add heading exit request FlightPlanner: tweak wp uploader FlightData: add another wp count parser LogSort: fix bugs GStreamer: initial commit MAVLinkInterface: add getHomePosition CurrentState: fix bitmask creation Settings: fix log directory GridUI: change min alt to 1m GMaps: update versions GridUI: improve mission splitting FlightPlanner: return row number on add FlightPlanner: Support mission_item_int uploading MAVLinkInterface: support sending mission_item_int MAVLinkInterface: add mavlink_mission_item_int_t LocationWP: add mavlink_mission_item_int_t support FlightData: add disable joystick button CurrentState: prevent +/- flipping GMapMarkerWP: update point numbers ProgressReporterSphere: remove config GMap.net.core: add missing file use IsReady to avoid requiring speech to be referenced everywhere these changes found to reduce the x11 errors fix log analyzer startup path improve HUD failure message remove non-existent files from projects swap to new sqllite library Mono/Linux case and build fixes ThemeManager: fix richtext CurrentState: add saftey switch status Formation: add leader and dynamic speed changes for plane utmpos: improve performance Common: update GMapMarkerPlane to use specified radius JSBSim update fix control socket issues JSBSim: update FlightData: fix disarm dialog logic #1156 MAVLinkInterface: log handle exception check Swarm: update takeoff command MainV2: ensure mavchange event occurs Connection: Display/speed tweaks ThemeManager: fix help rtf ConnectionControl: fix sysid display LogBrowse: abandon data > 3.15e20 MainV2: prevent exception ConnectionControl: update display value Formation: updates Comms: update portnames MAVLinkInterface: add mission_int receiving ConnectionControl: improve multiple connection support MainV2: handle theme error FlightPlanner: support kml placemarks loaded as poi's #909 FlightData: display tweak GridUI: fix DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL Settings: change default back to null L10N: fix mistakes in zh-Hans, add mirror available check, update zh-Hans help text Create Settings class to wrap and manage application settings. Add progress feedback during firmware upload. ConfigHWCompass: add primary compass note #1141 CurrentState: add rev throttle status #1146 MAVLinkCheckBoxBitMask: handle types #1145 MAVLinkInterface: fix possible null exception Help: update help text BoardDetect: remove apvar decoding Strings: fix spacing MAVLinkinterface: fix lost packet count #1124 SITL: fix issue #1138 mavlink: generate mavlink on every build - do not store output SoftwareConfig: update to use backstageview types ConfigFriendlyParams: seperate advanced view BackstageView: modify to use types ConfigRawParam: change search to regex Wizard: accellcalib renable start button on complete HUD: rename params and enable FlightPlanner: datagrid view speed improve Common: only calc text size if needed FlightPlanner: performance improvement BinaryLog: identify AntennaTracker logs #1133 Grid: fix do_digicamcontrol #1135 ConfigFirmware: modify firmware detection. FlightData: improve overlay draw GmapControl: performance tweaks Common: performance Grid: Improve Performance MainV2: add reload check on fw upload mavcmd: add vtol_transition Grid: resolve cam_trig_dist early start when leadin was used. #1129 ConfigRawParam: add sticky column widths ConfigFirmware: update motor setup url #1128 Quickview: force invalidate on format change mavcmd: add plane vtol commands hud: add ability to turn of ekf/vibe FlightData: add ctl-1-9 to switch tabs #1122 * Mission Planner 1.3.35 - 4-2-2016 * GeoRef: add gps2 support * Add translation: indonesian * Ardupilot loader cleanup * SikRadio: Code Cleanup * Rename Solution * MainV2: prevent cross thread call * Firmware: change http timeout * PX4Uploader: update bootloader support levels * Firmware: fix px4v4 upload * GCSViews: add abort land button for Plane * Mavlink: add abort landing method * Add angle (degrees) column in flight planner mission chart * temp: vlc exception handle * SITL: handle no home point * MainSwitcher: update to accept Type * ConfigMotorTest: add error message on command timeout * Program: add opengl exception message * ConfigMount: add param check * ConfigHWCompass: add param check * MavLinkParamList: make threadsafe * Rename Sik Radio * ConfigESCCalibration: hide screen * InitialSetup: relabel radio from 3DR to Sik * MissionPlanner: change project to preserve newest * MainV2: reload on mav change. * MissionPlanner: Copy files only if newer * Only copy resources if newer * Reduce memory allocation and speed up HUD drawing * Avoid allocations by using EventArgs.Empty * HUD: Fix grey diagonal line rendering artifact when playing video * HUD: Reuse the texture on every draw call * HUD: Use a TriangleStrip instead of a Quad * Firmware: initial add for px4v4 * Disable joystick functionality when joystick is not plugged in * Check for npot texture support * vlcrender: Use the default stream width/height but allow overrides * Hud: Reduce CPU usage and use the original background image * MapBox: map update * LogSort: favour non antenna tracker first * MatLab: update param table, better handle bad data * Coords: improve performance * ConfigHWRangeFinder: add TeraRanger One support * MainV2: remove alm download * QuickView: improve performance * DFLog: fix bad data exception #1103 * FlightData: Add the ability to swap the map and HUD * Make URLs clickable in param description * Simulation: tidyup * Initialize theme colors to match the default theme 'BurntKermit' * Generic: warning updates * ConfigTradHeli: updates #1072 * MavlinkInterface: fix stream type #1094 * FlightPlanner: use verify height when inserting loiter_unlimited command #1095 * mavcmd: update to add do_parachute #1096 * CurrentState: change voltage smoothing * LogDownloadMavlink: switch to file backed io, instead of memory (prevent out of memory errors) * DistanceBar: remove transparency * FlightData: make tuning graph visible by default * Firmware: remove double board type prompt * FlightPlanner: prevent home set loop * FlightData: resize controls * Generic: fix warnings * FlightData: add trigger camera now to actions * CheckListControl: add visibility check for timer * FlightData: make PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN work. * BoardDetect: add support for new usb pid * ZedGraph: handle bad line input data * CommsSerialPort: trace "element not found" with bluetooth devices * ConfigHWBT: add further error message * Mission Planner 1.3.34 - 24-12-2015 temp: make gps passthrough static LogBrowse: add full path to xml add null exception checks drivers: fix eol fitCurve: add CurrentState: add servo_output port checking #1090 Translation es-ES VRBRAIN: change description of some USB drivers and added missing drivers VRBRAIN: added firmware management for new board VR Brain Core 1.0 and deleted unnecessary boards VRBRAIN: added detection for new board VR Brain Core 1.0 and deleted unnecessary boards add camera Sony Alpha NEX-7 mavcmd: remove engine cut off reference #1070 GridUI: add missing field to save/load #1071 FlightPlanner: make fields public #1074 Joystick: update buttonaxis min range #1080 MAVLinkParam: add explicit double conversion #1085 BinaryLog: add more detection rules #1089 vlcrender: add custom url support MAVLink: upstream update CollectionBuffer: fix null exception #1075 vlc intergration LibVLC.Net ElevationProfile: fix null exception #1084 Tracking: add exception fix FlightData: check zoom level on startup ElevationGraph: add null check #1084 FlightData: fix conversion exception ADSB: accept from and sysid/compid CurrentState: add adsb MAVLink: update MagCalib: fix compass 3 calib ConfigBattery: update for mono exit ConfigTradHeli: update buttons ConfigTradHeli: update * Mission Planner 1.3.33 - 8-12-2015 ThemeManager: fix tree view under high contrast LogBrowse: handle currupt log better SBP: add inject gps sbp detection MAVLinkParam: implement all casts FirmwareHistory: update CheckList: add to flightdata view SimpleExample: request datastreams FlightPlanner: fix dragging group bug, and speed improvement MAVList: fix 3dr radio case px4uploader: remove otp check SimpleExample: update MAVList: update 3dr radio special case GMapMarker: Make Position virtual Georefimage: calc average offset #1057 FlightPlanner: use units for wp circle #1068 ConfigPlanner: add method to get to testing screen. Allow a plugin to insert waypoints anywhere in the list Autosized an input box vertically instead of horizontally. Display layer title in the WMS input box instead of layer name. Modified GetCapabilities URL to work even if the wms server URL includes query strings. MAVLinkInterface: keep track of wps read from mav #1062 FlightPlanner: add text autowp MAVlinkInterface: change getwp timeout to 3500 ms MAVLinkInterface: update mav severity info MAVLinkinterface: increase log timeouts and retrys #1061 LogDownloadMavlink: fix posible bad time exception #1061 FlightPlanner: fix load and append file types FlightPlanner: revert/tidy wp file format #1050 Preflight control GeoRef: cleanup and exception check InjectGPS: add rtcm indicator CommsUDPSerialConnect: fix udp circle buffer issue MainV2: fix posible null exception FlightData: log MavChanged events FlightPlanner: fix prefetch max zoom level #1054 Plugin: expose map control to plugins #1056 MAVLink: update from upstream FlightData: Set preflight to not visible ConfigMotorTest: update url Switch over to using .waypoints for mission lists. FlightData: fix language on button LogBrowse: fix remove from graph CommsUdpSerial: fix circle buffer #1049 FlightData: reverse message list #1046 Common: change ms to meters_per_second RangeFinder: rename from sonar LogBrowse: do full name check on add/remove #1025 Bug fix out of range in GetGPSFromRow when dbl-click far right on the graph Bug fix out of range when looking for position in GetGPSFromRow FlightPlanner: adjust alt when WP move... #736 Kindex: fix could be reset after have got #750 L10N: update zh-Hans translation ConnectionControl: make sysid dropdown wider. MainSwitcher: add 2nd retry, and soft fail Grid: add ability to start/stop cam trig dist srtm: increase tile download zoom level ConnectionControl: add sysid selection GridUI: fix do_digicam_control from grid LogAnalyzer: update LogIndex: add some more fields #1039 LogIndex: make less verbose during read FlightPlanner: accept floats in wp_rad #1037 CollectionBuffer: fix type scope max # 1040 DFLog: add missing events #1031 Currentstate: add rpm #1038 ConfigArduCopter: IMAX Scaling #1034 Firmware: remove OTP check Show position on the map when clicking on the graph. ConfigRawParams: fix compile issue ConfigHWCompass: fix buttons New compass UI ConfigRawParams: add search box temp: add QNH setting (use with caution) FlightPlanner: allow terrain type for AC 3.4+ #1022 Common: add timeinair to speech options Gmaps: map url update ConfigMount: restore trigg_type on load #1017 ConfigRawParams: add incremental search/search on type #1020 CommsSerialPort: add back abortonerror dcb Tab order on Extended Tuning LogBrowser : added min, max and mean to graph legend LogBrowse: add right axis support from mavgraphs.xml mavgraphs: add ekfgraphs.xml LogBrowse: add simple mavgraphs.xml support LogDownloadMavlink: add debug loginfo Terminal: prevent outofrange in terminal ConfigRawParams: add are you sure to write dialogs. FlightData: add exception check to takeoff command GMapControl: add exception check to graphicspath FlightData: add exception check to set home ElevationGraph: remove roi points from path. MagCalib: add 3rd compass FlightData: support param rename #981 LogOutput: fix globalization issue on .obs MavlinkInterface: make hud text less verbose ConfigHWCompass: add fitness values for onboard mag cal GridUI: add simple wpno based split FlightData: modify resume mission to work for plane georefimage: fix relalt, credit to #jmachuca77 GimbalPoint: formatting Program: add typeloadexception handle SerialInjectGPS: fix requirement for baud on network protocols SITL: add error handling GMapControl: prevent exception on list change GMaps: update g versions CurrentState: set default telemrates FlightData: fix cross thread ui call GridUI: fix runaway LogBrowse: fix gps status check Grid: update load/save options LogBrowse: performance improvements ConfigHWCompass: add calibrate history buffer Grid: decrease min distance bwteen lines #1007 Mavlink: update ConfigHWCompass: add onboard compass cal (WIP) PreFlightChecklist: move CurrentState: add imu3 values GeoTiff: fix start coords center pixel PreFlightChecklist: initial version L10N: fixs GCSViews: add ESC Calibration #926 L10N: read config in advance L10N: rename and support CurrentState mavcmd: add abort alt #1002 onfigBatteryMonitor2: add FlightPlanner: defaults for do_digicam_control urrentState: tweak stream rate defaults urrentState: add terrain text MAVList: add compid support * Mission Planner 1.3.32 - 15-9-2015 BinaryLog: add convert progress dialog LogBrowse: add null check Wizard: add invalid bat monitor check SITL: add invalid home check GeoTiff: add directory exists check FlightData: update "change speed" when no airspeed precent #1001 add ironpython lib dll's DFLog: make threadsafe LogBrowse: memory performance change BinaryLog: make threadsafe LogBrowse: enable virtualmode for all logs FlightData/Planner: fix background exceptions ParamMetaData: fix loading primary metadata FlightPlanner: fix param cast ParamMetaData: fix param info get LogBrowse: add presaved log entries BinaryLog: make convertbin less verbose LogOutput: fix waypoint at 0,0 LogIndex: add tlog duration FirmwareHistory: update MainV2: exclude gimbals from getting home point #986 MainV2: add sysid to home point error message #986 mavcmd: update do_mount_control for all types #988 ConfigMount: add mnt_type #987 parammetadata: update backup data mavcmd: update headers #988 remove requirement for unsafe GeoTiff: add geotiff support #985 temp: add reset pixhawk option (no warning) MagCalib: dont accept 0,0 data 3DRRadio: increase multiline responce time MavlinkInterface: add getVersion and fix severity display HUD: show ekf red at 0.8 MAVLinkInterface: fix mp log message LogOutput: add POS distance filter EKFStatus: add color to flags EKFStatus: fix transposed values MAVLinkInterface: add mp version to tlogs MAVLink: update to master px4uploader: add another forged key Georef: add missing files EKFStatus: fix scale and flags GeoRef update HUD: always display ekf and vibe BaseClasses: revert .net version LogBrowse: increase type scan limit #972 LogBrowse: add Vibe message preselection #971 LogOutput: add pos message output to kml LogBrowse: Add POS message output PointLatLngAlt: add another contructor Common: add more speech entries Driver eol fix ImageOverFilter: remove from compile BaseClasses: change target framework EKFStatus: add #949 Hud: add vibration and ekf #948 simpleexample: fix example #922 px4uploader: add forged cert check NoFly: add nofly support. (kmz loader from nofly dir) paramcompare: fix double vs float #963 srtm: add 0,0 check CommsNTRIP: modify user agent. CommsNTRIP: tweak keepalive commNTRIP: add tcp keepalive Vibration: update to display lines NGEN: add ngen at startup if posible DFLog: improve performance on bad gps message CommsNTRIP: fix reconnect logic logbrowse: support gps fix >=3 SerialInjectGPS: fix ntrip baud issue wix: fix path LogOutput: fix df kml with all gps lock types * Mission Planner 1.3.31 - 9-8-2015 georefimage: update offsets #946 FlightPlanner: fix waypoint panel size currentstate: fix x/y issue on optical flow #959 MainV2: change dtr logic, default to off ConfigArducopter: update FF params to VFF #950 configarducopter: add new param names #951 configmount: rename combobox FlightData: make useritem/quickview selection scrolable configplanner: make JP language selectable add JP translation by Jiro Hattori & Co CurrentState: adjust default stream rates, to increase idle bandwidth GCSViews: add Parachute #906 Localizations: update zh-Hans translations MavlinkCheckBoxBitMask: fix refresh chkboxes #912 ParameterMetaDataRepository: remove zh-Hans support DistanceBar: fix paint issues Startup speed tweaks Vibration: Add initial moc Terminal: prevent command clearing on update #945 ParamFile: fix float/double compare AP_GPS_SBF: update FlightData: add script usage px4uploader: clear input buffer on identify GridUI: fix ft/m issue FlightData: update resume mission to replace old mission CurrentState: add vibeclip0avg MAVlinkInterface: add force disarm #891 UTMWGS: fix equator bug ParameterMetaData: remove zh-Hans ver. Localizations: update urls Localizations: update Firmware zh-Hans MainV2: disable font size change of Chinese ConfigRadioInput: update binding zh-Hans trans Mavlink: heartbeat is mispelled CurrentState: support negative current From kozinalexey SerialInjectGPS: update baud rate box MainV2: move kindex to background thread flightdata: fix hidden exception GoogleMap: speed up init, and modify url CommsUDPSerial: make dialog generic MAVLinkParam: set type before value. Update internal Param system Terminal: change nsh timing Tidy Warning python example app.config: update urls so xp update still works LogOutput: add more rinex support MavlinkCheckBoxBitmask: fix masking SerialOutputPass: add udp options Terminal: nsh over mavlink tweaks GoogleSatelliteMap: update version no NoFly: update loader and callback ConfigAccelerometerCalibration: move to 1 accel calib screen * Mission Planner 1.3.30 - 19-6-2015 ConfigRadioInput: fix yaw/thro swap Terminal: add nsh over mavlink MAVLink update * Mission Planner 1.3.29 - 17-6-2015 DroneShare update fftui: add hz/rpm to point values for easy diag fftui: modify freq detection for single imu fftui: modify to detect sample rate based on a larger sample set Code Cleanup switch back to .net 3.5 to prevent designer crash on hud DistanceBar: catch draw exceptions LogBrowse: add extra null check Program: add user field in error report configradioinput: use default input positions if no rcmap params Mavlineinterface: fix default fallthrough Add simple gymbal support tweak mav type display remove simple gui mavlinkinterface: modify injectgps SerialInjectGPS: fix buffer size Currentstate: add vibration message ConfigRawParams: speed up Common: fix config curruption issue MAVLinkInterface: add unknown packet message LogBrowse: change line number to time MAVLink: update ConfigFriendlyParam: speedup screen draw time Static analysis fixs Update Solution LocationWP: add implicit conversion ConfigRawParamTree: fix typo Mainv2: adjust font size based on screen dpi flightplanner: remove duplicate code currentstate: rearrange fields GridUI: fix turn radius and do change speed for non meters ProgressReporterDialogue: dispose form after use Update openfile/savefile dialog to prevent leak FlightPlanner: add measure distance notification MainV2: fix auto connect update default form language wizard: connect add firmware note ParamMetaDataRepo: scan multiple elements for valid paramname ParamMetaData: update to fix dup xml entrys SITL: add joystick as direct rc input. LogOutput: fix rinex creation MainSwitcher: add exception handle for invalid controls wizard: accelcalib update to exclude init message #38 px4uploader: add new vender cert FlightPlanner: hide clear roi fftui: add null check LogBrowse: use time as default currentstate: add pid feedback MAVLink: update library CollectionBuffer: fix index init srtm: fix file move Fix Rel vs AMSL Altitude Logic srtm: remove 1 arc seconds data Currentstate: fix cast on sonar range currentstate: update sonarerange units #878 Mavlinkinterface: send storage write 10 seconds after setparam #882 AP_Terrain: add lib #573 CurrentState: add terrain active flag #573 CollectionBuffer: add bin support FlightData: only allow one async updateBindingSource currentstate: add distfrommovingbase script: update example to include photo trigger SITL: add vs redist notice FlightData: Fix min windows size Localizations: update zh-Hans Localizations: let FW change to ConfigLang airports.csv: update Aitports: add seaplane base filter MainV2: prevent system sleep while MP open CurrentState: add imu2 to status tab MAVlinkCheckboxBitMask: add description and name MavlinkBitmask: add support Mainv2: update portname when started from place other than button press sysidselector: apply theme SITL: User interface DFLog: add clear function, and reset on each log load FlightData: fix mnt param name GimbalPoint: allow to run when not connected MAVLinkinterface: add params from stream FlightData: add resume mission button Currentstate: add prev wpno saving DFLog: add timeus to other messages DFLog: add timeUS to base time calc DFLog: update for new gps time field names LogBrowse: add timeus support to drawtime CollectionBuffer: implement Clear() BinaryLog: dont decode data we dont know about BinaryLog: add uint64 and int64 Flightdata: add storm32 to gymbalpoint filter LogBrowse: add DrawTime to startup LogBrowser: speedup DrawMap creation MavlinkNumericUpDown: add ability to set out of range value LogBrowse: add simple progress to df log graph (console) CollectionBuffer: improve performance * Mission Planner 1.3.28 fftui: change to higher data rate data currentstate: remove ekf error flags fft: auto detect sample rate ConfigRadioInput: fix min/max lines and loading settings #883 #884 temp: add fft button FFT Gui and update FFT library currentstate: ekf status update Plugins: cleanup LogAnalyzer: add to MP git * Mission Planner 1.3.27 ParameterMetaDataParse: patch for pde to cpp rename that prevents update from working ParameterMetaData: update backup data ConfigArducopter: update FF param names #876 update .gitignore temp: remove vlctotexture ConfigAccelPlane: remove 1d accel calib CommsSerialScan: update to allow cancel/exit * Mission Planner 1.3.26 logbrowse: add time base to log browser #872 georefimage: fix coloum label order #873 Localization: update ConfigFM zh-Hans translation Localization: update ConfigMotorTest zh-Hans Localization: update ConfigFS/3DRradio zh-Hans FlightData: fix zh-Hans text place FlightData: add auto scroll and scrollbar for Messages Strings: add AutoWP logoutput: add sbas obs header currentstate: add ekfstatus LogOutput: dont create rinex file if no obs LogOutput: create rinex file if obs data present Scripts: add another python example DFLog: improve time calc, and gps msg filter mavlinkinterface: add cmd line on connect SerialInjectGPS: add ntrip LogBrowse: update message type scanning to scan the first 500000, from 30000 FlightPlanner: fix freeze on add bellow Script: update example 2 Log: fixed bug when offset is added before scalar update solution to remove old projects CurrentState: add csCallBack ParameterMetaData: add rebootrequired BinaryLog: add double support MainV2: add connection options currentstate: ignore date exception Capture: allow fall back to default capture options MavlinkParse: fix offset start on split read MavlinParse: fix runaway read mavlinparse: fix timeout issue StreamCombiner: update to use mavlinkparse Mainv2: make doConnect more generic TerrainFollow: make interface specific Currentstate: change requestdatastreams to 30 sec interval Mainv2: fix mavlinkversion in hb streamcombiner: use packetreader to prevent bad packets MAvlininterface: add infinity check to hzratecheck MavlinkParse: add reader function script: add rc - heli. arm and takeoff script SerialInjectGPS: update to allow more input sources temp: modify arm and takeoff button MainV2: cleanup read code Currentstate: specify sysid when requesting datastream StreamCombiner: modify to set sysid's MavlinkInterface: move requestDatastream packet stats to per MAV Mainv2: get all params on connect mavlinkinterface: add sysid to param list dialog flightdata: fix bintolog conversions directory #854 MultiMav: update temp: give fresh look mainv2: make sysidselector always topmost, and non modal currentstate: add sitl speedup value mavlinkinterface: fix bad packet count bug (when multi mav) GMapMarkerQuad: add sysid and display flightdata: add do-set-home support on flightdata #846 flightdata: make status tab text wider #860 temp: add arm and takeoff button droneshare: change to private as default CommsFile: add read exception when not connected mavlinklog: fixup custom log items Flightdata: add takeoff connected check, and capture traveled path when screen not active Spline2: change to use dt SITL: fix quad home alt googlesatallitemaps: version update georefimage: add image time offset for each image when using cam sync #856 SerialInjectGPS: add new form to inject data droneshare: upload change Strings: move strings to resource Mavlinkinterface: add InjectGPSData georefimage: add bin support #855 Flightdata: add ability to convert multiple bins to logs in one hit #854 CurrentState: add voltage flags HIL: update for sitl quad lockstep Common: add target heading to AT icon Grid: add leadin and cleanup Common: add AT servo_test mode Common: fix antenna tracker heading Simulation: change timing structure Simulation: get sitl working with jsbsim Mavlinklog: add ability to offset a log from its home alt (shift key on kml button) Simulation: add sitl timestep (no realtime) FlightPlanner: add modifyalt exception handle GMapControl: allow int overflow on polygon draw DistanceBar: add resize 0 checks MainSwitcher: invoke creation on gui thread LogMap: add log open file share MainSwitcher: add null control check mavcmd: add loiter to alt Mavlink: lib update georef: add relative basealt option mavlinklog: update kml creation to use home alt + rel alt Localization: optimize HUD translations ConfigMount: fix wiki link and zh-Hans translation Log: DoubleClick log item to apply user-defined offset and scalar Log: Optimize constructor for faster graphing mybutton: add colour change invalidate * Mission Planner 1.3.25 configframetype: update configrawparam: modify load/save button text hud video: add vlc test HUD: fix bgimage whiteout mainv2: add plugin load skip (shift key) Mainv2: make menu panel public Coords: add ability to change unit test firmware: change url null to blank check flightplanner: autoresize Columns on panel expand SoftwareConfig: make sure theme applys to children Missionplanner: remove old defines firmware: add url null check simulation: add default init of sitl quad to home location configarducopter: fix tune high and low scale #839 mainv2: add error logging joysticksetup: fix warnings utils: update speech lib mavlinkcombobox: add subcontrol support simulation: add jsbsim step Uploader: segmented enum values and moved others to consts due to improper enum use. flightplanner: better handle land command display Distancebar: fix double buffer jsbsim: update config to match sitl firmware: fix <= board version jsbsim: update mavcmd: add DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL and DO_DIGICAM_CONFIGURE #841 scripts: add more sample python scripts firmware: update firmware version no is pulled from, and add arducopter on apm2 retired board message confighwsonar: cleanup unused var distancebar: enable double buffer mavlink: update library georefimage: add null check configmotortest: add exception message firmware: fix extra ; Mainv2: fix light/dark icons configplanner: fix startup flag mainv2: change logsort/maps order logsort: cleanup and move by filename filter Missionplanner: fix version.txt creation * Mission Planner 1.3.24 MainV2: change plugin load order update: do a blank string check on update flightplanner: fix wp upload issue when 2 wp's have the same values #829 *IMPORTANT* HUD: create more turn off options Mainv2: rearrange startup missionplanner: update post build event quickview: modify docking to prevent flicker Grid: add turn dia Gimbalpoint: new geopoint calc using srtm alt rangecontrol: width tweaks resources: make public HUD: cleanup and option parts GimbalPoint: update code flightplanner: fix no display of some mav_cmds based on recent 0 check change flightplanner: show 0 lats and 0 longs on map gmaproute: add better stroke handleing mavlinkinerface: add connected check to param fetch airports: update airports GMappolygon: fix null reference * Mission Planner 1.3.23 Add satcount and GPS HDOP to 3O second interval speech synthesis. flightplanner: fix posible missed wp on lossy link #823 * Mission Planner 1.3.22 GMapPolyon: fix exception flightplanner: fix reading saved wp file with more than 255 wp's opengltest: update joystick: do repeat servo, fix pwm max #822 mavlinkinterface: cleanup debug mavlinkinterface: workaround for 3dr radio dup seqnos droneshare: update configarducopter: fix ch7/ch8 and tune combobox mainswitcher: fix for crossthread screenchange commsserialport: add null exception check gmapcontrol: add resize exception handle configbatterymonitor: give more text space configmotortest: add another button for tricopters simulation: fix sitl/hil flightplanner: fix terrain wp readback * Mission Planner 1.3.21 joystick: add button axis #815 configarducopter: mod min max #818 flightplanner: tweak multi point move (control+click wp, or control+drag box) flightplanner: initial multi move (use control key) flightplanner: add undo (control-z) 3drradio: fix string reference mavlinkinterface: factor out setwp flightplanner: function out datagrid population Joystick, Radio, add exception handling. * Mission Planner 1.3.20 currentstate: add ch9-16 in firmwarehistory: update flightplanner: fix dragging home exception wizard:optionalhw update pram name confighwsonar: update to new param name currentstate: arrange gps info together Uploader: add get_chip command configmotortest: add duration option #796 mavlinkinterface: fix getwpcount bug #805 Optimize checked BackColor forms "Display this" Localization: update HUD translation Locallization: update Params zh-Hans translation Config: add UTF-8 support Localization: fix Wizard zh-Hans translation Localization: update Wizard zh-Hans translation mavlinkinterface: add setparam debug logging configarducopter: update to use new controls, and paramnames mavlinknumericupdown: add post value update, auto min,max, and multiple paramnames gmapmarkerairport: disable at low zoom levels flightplanner: fix wms layer request 3drradio: fix max transmit power for new radios common: modify get file from net to check last modified and file size mavlinkutil: implement more efficent bytetostruct method. (50% faster) pluginloader: fix path to all lower case common: add new gmapmarkerwp flightplanner: use new wpmarker and homename gridui: use new wpmarkers gmapmarkerairport: fix scale on zoomout configantennatrakcer: remove proxymode configantennatracker: remove proxy mode #799 parammetadatebackup: update baseline param set flightplanner: use new dashstyle flightdata: use new dashstyle gridui: use new dashstyle gmaproute: add custom dashstyle kindex: add daily cache tfr: add daily cache georefimage: add a few estimates georefimage: add option to use offsets on just cam messages georefimage: fix GE kml networkload issue httpserver: tweak output sharpkml: fix folder WarningEngine: only alert when connected. mainv2: change adsb lock joystick: add raw input line. (no expo) horizontalprogressbar: seperate min max line draw flightdata: change adsb lock configreadioinput: prevent config if radio off #793 DistanceBar: tweaks firmware: add bad dependancy error message on firmware upload configplanner: change excpetion to error message loganalyzer: handle malformed data better confighwbt: handle comport open exception gridui: fix error on 359 + start angle GMap: add MercatorProjectionGCJ Localization: move Update strings Localization: update InitalSetup zh-Hans translation Localization: update ConfigAC zh-Hans translation ConfigHWBT: add a Bluetooth module picture Multiple: update zh-Hans translation MagCalib: add zh-Hans translation GMap: fix GoogleChinaSatelliteMap RawParamsTree: fix diydrones/MissionPlanner#769 3drradio: update mavlinkserialport #785 mavlinklog: fix remove from graph #790 ExtGuided: new test plugin joysticksetup: preselect last joystick used configplanner: restore last video resolution flightdata: add autotune button mavlinkinterface: remove old arming method python example: upload mission gitignore: add ignore flightdata: default mode dropdown to auto * Mission Planner 1.3.19 grid: fix exception #784 * Mission Planner 1.3.18 hud: reduce spin time and tweak image resize capturemjpeg: tweak object lifetime droneshare: fix messagebox type logdownloadmavlink: add droneshare exception logbrowse: add better cleanup on load/reload #782 dflog: add line end trimming. mavcmd.xml: add MAV_CMD_NAV_CONTINUE_AND_CHANGE_ALT #776 Update: add Chinese CDN Mirror ConfigFirmware: some warnings zh-Hans translation Survey Grid generation improvement. Alternating Lanes configraparamtree: cleanup mavlink: update from master mavlink repo mavlink: update mainv2: refresh screen on usb unplug #778 tlogthumbnailhandler: remove console grab ConfigBatVoltage: bypass low pass #779 MainV2: add rally point warning LogMap: create image for mavlink 0.9 logs MainSwitcher: update cleanup method wix: update installer for com registration httpserver: fix tracking value ConfigArducopter: remove hld_lon_p logindex: add .bin and .log Tracking: fix event value LogMap: add .log and .bin support tlogThumbnailHandler: first commit logbrowse: add more predefined graphs Drivers srtm: allow http exception to requestRunner distancebar: fix posible overflow error 3drradio: update urls for rfd900s srtm: return new altresponce on alt query configfirmware: add motor setup url RallyPoints: fetch on connect to AP Grid: fix time calc #774 configarducopter: increase imax min/max #655 flightplanner: remove snap zooming #690 configarducopter: fix french translation #683 mavcmd: add guided_limits #676 flightdata: add colors to graph this dialog. #735 configrawparamtreeview: turn off autocomplete #714 grid: add delay to total time taken #716 configaccelplane: add more warnings. #718 mavlinklog: fix kml cdata close tag #733 wizard: fix tri frame selection #738 mainv2: make sure usb unplug is seen #744 mavcmd: remove do_Set_home for copter #747 currentstate: add optflow info #745 confighwcompass: tweak posible bad error on mag dec input. mavcmd: add do_set_roi for plane. #763 currentstate: fix posible bad home location #768 configmotortest: update url #770 FlightData: fix time based slowdown. mavlinkinterface: fix logplayback wp reading (gcs side) logdownloadmavlink: add scrollbar Firmware: update CN mirror url Multiple: update zh-Hans translation GMAP: add AMap and localization for maps' names Hud: update to fail to gdi on first opengl command logdownloadmavlink: add scrollbar to log list px4uploader: add new public key comms: updserialconnect Solution: fix build dependancys comms: udpserialconnect force initial connection Mainv2: add new udpserialconnect Comms: add udpserialconnect 3drradio: update note configfirmware: default back to ENG Strings: re-add some of Firmware bin2log: fix chinese appear at log's mode name mavlinkinterface: fix statustext bug flightplanner: add loaded wp filename logdownloadmavlink: add droneshare intergration mavlinkinterface: fix mav type detection on getheartbeat flightdata: fix distance bar logbrowse: use common map provider wizard accel: fix exception * Mission Planner 1.3.17 confighwbt: fix retry on invalid baud airport: update list from ourairports.com mavlinkinterface: update to use new strings Strings: move more strings mavlinkinterface: implement both arm methods Kindex: update to use new url MainV2: move strings Terminal: update terminal note confighwbt: fix order of commands confighwbt: program a hc-06 Firmware.cs: Added VRBRAIN 5.2 and corrected conflicts after rebase. Added new board VR Brain 5.2: detection, driver and upload firmware cleanup unused vars DistanceBar: add trial GStreamerHud: Testing Firmware: add failure logging SimpleExample: add simple example Mavlinparse: add parser ConfigHWBT: wip. Translation: move some strings, cleanup FlightData: update to use dotted line on flightdata MAVLinkinterface: change arm/disarm to use current target id LogBrowse: add ability to open very large logfiles (300mb bins) CollectionBuffer: improve performance Firmware: add chinese CDM Mirror by SkiTiSu PluginLoader: add plugin fail logging csproj: cleanup dependancys MAVLink Log - add tlog fn to title bar CollectionBuffer: make work for strings ConfigFirmware: add licence details configrawparamtree: add exception check on reset LogBrowse: exception handle on no data on rowpaint FlightData: add avi close exception handle ConfigRawParam: exception check values on save Joystick: add exception check to rcoverrideclear Mainv2: fix log map create exception joystick: fix load config path TFR: change fill color * Mission Planner 1.3.16 KIndex: implement kindex Multiple: Exception checks mavlinkinterface: reinstate request param list MAVLinkInterface: modify parameter get when packets are lost 3drradio standalone: changelog dates FlightPlanner: remove unused code tfr: add exception handle 3drradio standalone: update changelog 3drradio: switch back to static strings paramcompare: fix typo 3DRRadio: update for 900u Strings: add some localization ElevationGraph: add terrain follow MeasureString: add null check tfr: fix crossthread call on load mavcmd: update loiter_turns thememanager: fix alternate row colour on other themes flightplanner: turn on autosize on all coloums winddir: autoscale max speed configaccelplace: add warning about only doing 1 of the 2 calibs georef: fix field reverse #727 mavcmd: update to display do_land_start TFR: allow enable/disable of tfrs Support for TetraCAM Time offset Geotagging VRBRAIN: added and updated drivers for all VRX boards VRBRAIN: inhibited the message of waiting of musical tones after firmware's upload for all VRX boards VRBRAIN: added recognition and management of boards VR Micro Brain 5.2, VR Gimbal 2.0 and VR Micro Gimbal 1.1 FirmwareUpload: VRBRAIN added board detection for VRBRAIN 4. ConfigBatteryMonitoring: Added VRBRAIN4 board pins and corrected VRBRAIN 5 and VR Micro drop down auto-select update Simplified Chinese translation flightdata: move tfr to its own layer firmwarehistory: update mavlinkinterface: trigger camera only once. #731 Added DefaultWebProxy to WebRequest to use IE default settings. flightdata: preflight_calib, only set gyro calib on copter * Mission Planner 1.3.15 MainV2: add null check on threads on exit wizard: compasscalib, add exception handle Currentstate: add laser positon health message MAVLink: update upstream lib sphere: remeber autocomplete tfr: update to individual shapes (wip) progresssphere: fix autocomplete logic bug logbrowse: move map clear inside exception handle ConfigSimplePid: convert to invariant culture * Mission Planner 1.3.14 tfr bug fix * Mission Planner 1.3.13 magcalib: add mag2 0's check magcalib: add new hitcount target, and default autcompelte to off configarducopter: add heli FF's magcalib: use new force param to set compass 2 offsets mavinterface: add ability to force a param upload magcalib: add option to not autocomplete TFR: add tfr mavcmd: update do_repeat_relay and do_set_relay CurrentState: update dist to home to be 0 if home is 0 MagCalib: modify completion trigger, and change instructions configcompassmot: add exception handle around deactivate, not sure how this is happening. * Mission Planner 1.3.12 FlightData: fix quickview sizeing FlightData: remove FP autopan. Fix language issues flightdata: make tuning graph this higher. srtm&terrainfollow: add ability to detect ocean tiles flightdata: PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION do gyro cal as well mavcmd.xml remofe ROI ConfigFailSafe: section up failsafe screen georefimage: fix for bad gps line FlightPlanner: add cancel code to getwps Mainv2: add fw version to titlebar flightdata: add disarm confirmation mavlinkinterface: add other radio status packet to current mav Plugins: fix units Fix Unit scaling. WarningManager: fix to us correct currentstate MAVLinkInterface: make sure radio packets are seen on active mav currentstate: fix unit conversion configcompassmot: fix compassmot issue update drivers MavlinkLog: make more efficient and add treeview * Mission Planner 1.3.11 MetaData: update backup meta data MAVLink: update library Mainv2: prevent loading bad home location RangeControl: fix orange highlighting #654 add land complete maybe #663 MAVLinkinterface: fix posible exclusive issue cleanup warnings AntennTrackerIcon: add heading display configantennatracker: fix test button, and dropdowns mavlinkNumericUpDown: add auto decimal places move packetloss counters MAVLinkserialport: modify to use a thread Multiple: multiple sysids on 1 link MovingBase: set rally total if enabled currentstate: reinstate rc receiver message mavlinkinterface: make sure aptype is set from log/serial FlightData: display all connected mavs ConfigAntennaTracker: fix increments ConfigAntennaTracker: initial extended tuning Backstate: add scrollbars mavinterface: add mavchanged event GridUI: add units to simple screen currentstate: remove debug px4uploader: do otp check only once sysid selection mavlinkinterface: fix geofence upload verification check flightplanner: fix null exceptions on no home Currentstate: modify binding source method Update Simplified Chinese Translation Add Maestro speed/accel parameters update to use antenna tracker icon on map common: add antenna tracker icon MAVLinkinterface: prep for multiple sysids on 1 link python example 2: add parameter fetch mavlink: add frametype storing update TC translation WarningManager: add theme, and item remove Joystick: modify expo function Currentstate: update lat2lng2 to double, update lat/lng sig figures when coming from an int type packet WarningManager: add child support. (WIP) Flightplanner: fix mapcontrol name FlightPlanner: add autopan to FP configflightmodes: add simple and super simple filter currentstate: move gps2 info, and make satcount2 visible/plotable HUD: remember hud show option on restart mavcmd: add do_gripper to command list for AC MAVLink: update library dflog: add out of memory error Fix GeoFence Breach Logic fix , vs . issue #636 update TC translation * Mission Planner 1.3.10 georef: add tiff support currentstate: add m to ft conversion on terrain alt FlightPlanner: fix m to feet conversion magcalib: add colours SpainMap: update main url Geofence: set fence_action to 0 before upload, and restore on finish configfirmware: update 3.2 warning message ParameterMetaData: update to use stable or master on param meta data based on MP beta usage. app.config: update metadata to always pull from stable branchs Capture: placeholder code for crossbar selection. ConfigPlanner: remember video device. flightplanner: make sline work from the grid interfaces FlightPlanner: add distance check to dashed home line Survey (Grid) Delay and HeadingHold Upgrades Survey(Grid) Save "checked" for internals and footprints. User requested survey save the checked option. Survey (Grid).copter. Change waypoint delay. currentstate: add battery2 values mavlink: update library configbatterymonitor: update hv power module number matlab: reduce memory footprint more using file backed arrays matlab: deal with large bin files, output split mat files Binarylog: new function ConvertBin, and update users configmotortest: check frame param exists srtm: add comment magcalib: fix exception on mag calib from log on apm2 gimbalpoint: add another check to determine if feature exists logbrowse: add another presaved mechanical issue check joystick: add gimbal point track. flightdata: add gimbal point zero check mainv2: speedup gmaps cache on mp close opengltest2 Flightdata: expand user item selection box Program: fix http get issues FlightModes: add simple mode note Common: add {curr} to speech engine ADSB: add custom server option #617 Joystick: disable on error joystick: add connected check when a button is pushed on the joystick #623 Mavlink: add code to prefer a non antenna tracker target. if one exists flightdata: fix status screen exception on first run joystick: send rcoverride of 0 on unplug. #624 program: swich back to default http options gimbalpoint: update to use mount status message. joystick: add ability to toggle mount pan stab on and off initialsetup: accel fix tracker detection flightdata: fix map update issue srtm: update to use new data location srtm fix srtm alt. wrong average configaccel tracker: add ability to accel calib tracker POI: add null check on delete poi speedup application shutdown program: remove bad log analysis file update TC translation flightdata: fix log analysis from a bin file. flightdata: tweak thread join joystick mount mode: add description of modes joystick: add mount mode via joystick joystick: add takeoff via button flightplanner: fix mono exception Firmware: update antenna tracker icon add statkart_topo map for general use Main: update httpserver stop method to new api georef: add path list, and fix point alts httpserver: add stop method add statkart topo maps flightdata: fix termination, and mount exception adsb: fix termination * Mission Planner 1.3.9 fix grid issue. fix treeview save add treeview param checking fix fp altmode change wp file update for frame type add sensors precent check hide gimbal point unless used. add fwversion.xml excpetion check * Mission Planner 1.3.8 grid modifications by tristan novak language mods by ellissu fix timeinair bug #521 LOGS BROWSER: Added interactivity between map, graph chart and data grid turn off overflow checking in gmaps flightplanner: add new frame selection uploader: remove code causing exception FlightPlanner -- Render first and last flight line to home as "dashed". Issue: #584 FlightPlanner - Click off menu to close. #583 enum: add enumtolist option adsbplane: shrink from 59 to 40 pix droneshare: modify ssl profile for droneshare Threading: modify thread termination stratagy Survey (Grid) - Remove return path between first and last point. #584 Survey (Grid) Move DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST to after the first waypoint. Survey (Grid) Auto change units (Imperial) Stats show most reasonable unit. Area: ft^2->Acres->miles^2 Distance: ft->miles sonar add exception check magcalib: 0 compass 2 before calib msi drivers flightplanner: add ability to load custom commands mainv2: add lang debug currentstate: add toh and inverse geofence status check spline: update first spline point to match actual gridv2: mod color DFLog: add extra df ERR messages speech: add armed check to low alt, and low airspeed warnings gridv2 changes Changed "Survey (Grid)" plug-in. Added RTL option in UI. Also saves/loads camera trigger type. heli: add heli icon on map. magcalib: fix comments simulation: stop exception on not connected paramtree: add node expansion stkv2: fix posible overflow radioinput: use rcmap for display. paramtreeview: fix spacing currentstate: add monitoring of geofence,ahrs and terrain problems flightplanner: remove terrain_check on wp upload (now done by ap) terrainfollow: add exception protection and logging terrain: fix east north mixup use new gps_offset method in TerrainFollow fix build refrences tweak networklink kml terrainfollow: unsubscribe on destroy and dont send 0 alts update jsbsim.exe currentstate: improve ch3 % calc quickview: add number formating gridv2: use min and max alt from file magcalib: reduce number of points required. enable nuget package restore on build httpserver: update generated kml of flightpath appconfig: remove some network tracing flightplanner: add terrain alt frame type gmapmarkerairport: fix overflow paramcompare: add ability to use a callback mavlink: add locking on getwp rawparamtree: initial trial flightplanner: fix null exception commportserial: add exception logging clean error exit on failed connect. modify exception type to timeoutexception make sure canceled box closes fix bluetooth "element not found" VRBRAIN: Added VRX/VRBRAIN into list of boards for connect the terminal VRBRAIN: Added preset of battery monitor for VR Brain and VR Micro Brain 5 add FP null checks add terrain status to currentstate fix dual mag message on change fix updateClearRouteMarker fix a cross thread call cleanup python engine after run fix udp serial issues udpserial. ensure the old client is closed. progressreporter. if we cancel something, dont show the dialog update Traditional Chinese translation remove airport.dat and usage open up udpconnections include shorts in tlog to csv conversion rename label on compassmot screen clip srtm add mirrorstream write access option fix exceptions on connect to ardutracker add option to stop/start adsb fix gmaps web cache quickview speed tweak update mavlink bring back gauges add mapbox nofly zone fix motor test text try release joystick more dont touch dtr on no reset droneapi updates add text grid fit to hud add watts close selectform on main log window close add antenna tracker exception add firmware type to stats identify bootloader update upload failure message update set tracker here to use srtm alt. add imax to pid link check for AC change manual to loiter on action tab check p,i,d for arducopter pid link update for speech engine during logmap creation update sonar types to use autodoc add elevation graph null check add exception handle on motor test * Mission Planner 1.3.7 fix a mag calib issue on apm2 * Mission Planner 1.3.6 fix otp failure types update zh-hans thanks bys1123 add poi to FD and FP fix udp reader for split packets add shp to poly converter with reprojection update mavlink library add DO_INVERTED_FLIGHT fix gimbal pan max use srtm for verify alt add droneshare support updated geotag tool by Jesus add gimbal point lib zedgraph zoom fix add maplog generation mag calib/sphere updates gmaps update wip survey grid v2 add srtm data to elevation graph add vrbrain support by lukemike add spline circle new battery sensor fix bluetooth issues by FenomPL joystick library disposal fixs by jasells change motor numbers to letters in motor test fix antenna tracker alt add gimbal pointing add gps2 update gmaps.net * Mission Planner 1.3.5 add magcalib bypass fix magcalib * Mission Planner 1.3.4 magcalib fix add docking remember, expose fullpointlist fix digital airspeed pin magcalib - adjust centerpoint on sphere/check based on best guess * Mission Planner 1.3.3 airport bg loading airport display filtering. add spline options. fix adsb exception when using sbs fix exceptions on georef and log filter change add connect in readonly mode. (right click header bar) * Mission Planner 1.3.2 add exception handlers fix github failed dl exception tweak mag calib settings add airport 3nm ring update px4uploader comments vrbrain update Images GeoRef Tool Update (CAM Msg + CleanUp) add clear logs verify reduce mag calib point count requirement fix reset to defaults increase sphere point size Fix Ourairports parsing routine px4uploader xml file intergration OTP update clickonce updates initial motor test work update mavlink specs Fix type in basic tuning move RP_feel back to top of simple pids Change Nmea output to use alt ASL fix bad mode in binary log conversion fix logbrowse filter Add new Airports function Update georef format tweak mavlink log download status allow revert of switch docking on FP screen * Mission Planner 1.3.1 add test flight planner dock switch add more error handleing in varius locations. improve wp uploading switch order on simple pids screen. fix 3drradio config screen. fix mavlink getparam bug. fix updater forground issue #423 fix datagridview clear issue on mono #426 add filtering on basic tuning to fix #424 update python script examples. add board voltage and servo rail voltage to status. * Mission Planner 1.3.0 add MAVLinkSerialPort (serial tunnel) add spline support fix end dialog on default params when canceled add vertical support to coords control add gpsfix type 4,5 to hud add formated timeinair to hud allow 2 line input box add sphere and progressreportersphere add takeoff and land to gridui update mavlink library (rc_channels) add circularbuffer lib fix pointlatlongalt get bearing (deg-rad issue) make pointlatlngalt comparable via tag add 1 arc seconds srtm downloading (USA) add intopolated elevation from srtm add simple max value cheking. implement more advanced/simple mode. if offline, mp uses srtm for elevation verification. fix max zoom in flightplanner fix loading newer qgc mission files support do_jump commands in Flightplanner support splines in Flightplanner. support full path distance in Flightplanner (ie including jumps) add load shape file support, for missions. (needs attributes "wp","ELEVATION" and in lat,long) add joystick packet throttleing add subscription system to mavlink interface update 3dr radio uploader to support MAVLinkSerialPort enable row colours in DGV add RC Feel Roll/Pitch to simple pids add magcalib ellipsoid support. add new warnings engine. fix osdvideo. * Mission Planner 1.2.99 fix error in selection in default settings update ftdi drivers tweak imagelabel to prevent exception add arrow to winddir update mavlink from upstream remove all legacy tooltip code remove legacy io/bl options add control-o/s in flight planner. load/save ap-mission prep for partial wp uploading support (only changed wp's) ap-mission add more error handeling on wp upload add support for global alt change by + and * tested MP with sitl, fixed any issues, for quad/flightgear add seperate joystick configs based on connect model type. fix kmz creation from px4 bin file (thanks randy) add fmt filtering to logbrowse. only shows messages that exist in log. add more exceptions handleing in wizard magcalib add support for log files. using mag and mag2 magcalib add support for mag offsets and scaling. (not yet used) add Fullscreen option. (right click menu bar) * Mission Planner 1.2.98 update default settings to refresh tab on use add additional drivers add translation to grid add est flight times to grid interface fix srtm exception fix throttle scaling on compass mot add mag calib mod from rh-galaxy remove mag calib test code until properly tested add messagetab add simple poi (WIP) add ability to enter wp in UTM coords joystick mods - add arm,disarm,servo,relay,mode changes. also hat switch to axis mapping mod logbrowse - needs work for ubuntu memory usage. fix DF log broswe header filter click fix mavlink log dl extra line feeds mod gpx outputs to include wpt modify update check to reduce dupe dl on fail modify update check to use random query string to stop proxys add more logging to version detect. update wix installer wizard - auto select correct comport on load. wizard - add connect retry on fail wizard - fail wizard on serialport drop. wizard - fix arm check to stay green and add warnings about prop spin fix link quality indicator on link loss add more fw history decrease frequency of new fw check remove wizard from first time use. allow more http requests add initial loganlysis code. (WIP) * Mission Planner 1.2.97 change log browse to virtualmode. much faster on windows fix for posible future update bug * Mission Planner 1.2.96 add ability to change text on buttons in servo tab modify some hud user item decimal places update mavlink add compassmot via mavlink add simplegrid fix current sensor loading add bearing to FP tab, for last wp and mouse pos. fix ft/m issue with rallypoints add more errorchecking to dflog browse (logs without FMT messages) fix mono check box drawing issue in log browse add hh:mm:ss to mavlink log review data points tweak df log download over mavlink add rts/cts to 3dr radio config add better version detection fix timeinair counter when playing back log at something other than 1x update fw historys remove default setings, moved to frame type add serial port nice name cache cleanup udp on 2nd connect modify gridui to put cam trig distance as part of mission. add new AS sensor support. fix a few exceptions add reboot command to end of terminal try simplefy pixhawk fw upload. BG work on joystick * Mission Planner 1.2.95 move Advanced view to a higher function modify georef as per new offsets, and made tlog the same add filter to .param file listing terminal, filter '\r's add advanced view option to friendly params view hide advanced option on firmware screen add reload option to mainswitcher adsb process more sbs messages * Mission Planner 1.2.94 add default settings fix battery show on hud add new y6b to wizard and frame type screen add wizard busy by Ronnie Hedlund change hud user items back to 2 decimals. add error message decoding in df logs. move load default params from pid screen to full param screen. rejig df browse, to not colapse tree on clear. add ability for 2 line buttons in backstage add timeout to serialport nice name, as can hang some machines for a while remove rotatemap, as no longer works test new menu system, that should allow localization add simple/advanced view (shows/hides tabs) Planner settings > advanced to get it back add firmware version checking on connect update translation zh-hans backstage view modification fix grid angle auto select more adsb wip modify rip path fix/add press_temp to realtime graphing + other int32 and uint16 add custom earthbuilder map. (western australia only) add fw version extraction * Mission Planner 1.2.93 add ERR to DF log add treeview to log browser (will break old DF logs) add double support to user hud item add ctrl-f in raw param screen (find) add double support to realtime graphing add df log saved views as per randys problem page. tweak DF over mavlink tweak 433 3drradio max freq. 454 > 460 fix min fence value 30m fix 4 in 1 esc bat mon load for ',' users add new Y frame fix param rounding add adsb - wip add modes to gpx files add low pass on bat voltage fix min alt alert to not trigger on startup tweak wp upload timeout 700ms > 400ms tweak wp retry via partial list. modify maestro antenna tracking for 180,180 servos allow negative loiter radius add joystick hat switch usage add a few exception handles add color to loiter type wp's fix takeoff pitch. * Mission Planner 1.2.92 sort saved param list wizard tweaks remove FS_GPS_ENABLE from FS screen add bin file support to most DF log functions add wizard to initial setup add date timestamp to df over mavlink ensure .bin support for matlab file generation. fix posible get mavlink param issue. add checkbox's to wizard verify speedup df over mavlink log dl * Mission Planner 1.2.91 fix non standard frame type add DF log download over mavlink fix DF to kml/gpx, using FMT now add more log sort criteria - 0 byte, and invalid/bad fix keyboard shortcuts bring the wizard out to play * Mission Planner 1.2.90 new df over mavlink fix grid advanced button remove arduino verbose logging update mavlink headers (df over mavlink) better error handling of bad log lines in DF log fix posible log dl issue thread fw version download * Mission Planner 1.2.89 fix kml/gpx creation log browser mod df log renaming based on gps time fix fw history add time from DF logs rework logbrowse internals rework log downloader fix logic error in wizard connect update 3drradio config regen mavlink headers add lock to aviwritter move heli setup screen modify ac upload fw message * Mission Planner 1.2.88 add movingbase display - using nmea gps tweak wizard connect update sr3 to include sr1 update h frame fix culture issuis on standard and advanced view fix spline view/remove add prefetch wp path add settings load and save for grid add low airspeed/groundspeed warnings address , vs . * Mission Planner 1.2.87 add asratio change load iris defaults to use compare add okcancel to custom mesagebox add partial refresh to pid config screens add ability to load default params for frames. add rally point display in FD add df log to kml in FD add grad + dist to FP add load and save rally points to file interface out df to kml generation tweak get params on mavlink log fix rally point alt when loading from mav update 3drradio config - custom fw, new url, new extension, new max window add gpstime tweak paramcompare add accel scan in control-f * Mission Planner 1.2.86 spline display support doublebuffer quick view move hud message text to bottom of hud & always ontop fix processreporterdialog size on mono add iris defaults to full param list fix rally point alt close comport on log download close close logbrowse on no file picked add internal plla to vector3 make mavlink log selection form close on new log load increase multiple timeouts on mavlink interface - ms - setparam 500 > 700 - get wp count 500 > 700 - set wp 150 > 700 - get fence point 500 > 700 - get rally point 500 > 700 add better high prio severity message parsing. fix 3dr radio config device id update H frame icons to I tweak wizard connect increase connect time - other boards compatability remove no rc receiver temp * Mission Planner 1.2.85 update map library - this will invalidate your map prefetch remove arial narrow and Century Gothic font issues add ability to load a kml linestring as a mission add kmz overlay and import support fix AC imax limits add view flightplan as kml fix speech over speak fix bad first packet in mavlink logs support now DF log gps line modify getParam timeout from 0.2 to 0.7 * Mission Planner 1.2.84 add new winddir fix px4 uploader same fw error update parammetadatabackup.xml move log sorting to bg thread add null checking in joystick modify hb search to only find mav. add null and blank check to setmode reformat grad sig figures limit hillstate output to 40 hz, 50 hz floods serial link quad hil in flightgear working. fix the way reboot is issued on terminal connect, incase we are at nsh shell update gmap to top the 404's add Marquee support to my progressbar fix spaces in matlab names speed up bin log browse add bin to log on FD screen * Mission Planner 1.2.83 add log sorting add password protected config add pan and remove from log browse fix terminal multiple connect clicks fix set home alt button to switch between asl and agl add more options to failsafe screen add password support to inputbox fix posible gmap 404 error add px4flow driver to msi * Mission Planner 1.2.82 address .net update/issues add DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST add msi default tlog application update px4uploader update ardurover pid screen. add 3dr 4 in 1 esc update mavlink library * Mission Planner 1.2.81 fix guage exception change mybutton colours back add more grid stats add grid map type extract mavlink library prep for AP 2.5 release add ability to add wp mid mission (right click) move updater to seperate thread add sensor checking fix speech data warning and voltage add rally points add super simple add new battery param names add support for passing tlog at command line. add load to current state * Mission Planner 1.2.80 exception fixs fix mono menu bar color fix wizard connect screen - better error handling add default_alt checking fix stats file close fix mono board detection for px4/pixhawk add thisreallyvisible for mono add back hud updates in background show beta updates as beta tweak msi installer * Mission Planner 1.2.79 dpinst tweaks enable doublebuffer on coords display fix progressdialog fontscaling and exception relocate survey option to auto wp menu and apply theme fix neagtive area on suvery screen add trackerhome by Will Bryan relocate srtm.cs add mnt_mode to action tab add verify command action on action tab add matlab export add beta support modify terminal function mod + and X images mod ParameterMetaDataRepository to be a static class add support for MP-latest.zip and msi add "3DR 4in 1 ESC" remove options from simple pid - now at 3 items. fix fence breach warning fix genotp fix hb sending rename main exe migrate all old namespace to new namespace * Mission Planner 1.2.78 fix stacked windows * Mission Planner 1.2.77 fix log download modify custommessagebox to start center of parent add filebrowse control add connected status to hud fix background drawing on myprogressbar add more info to exception errors remove arduheli refrences fix hudcolor loading fix restart mission. now sends wp 0 fix 127 ft radius correctly fix negative areas add wizard icon to help screen add all new frame refrences fix missing dlls' in msi fix messages sticking in hud add genotp * Mission Planner 1.2.76 fix arducopter pid screen when locals is using , vs . fix div by 0 in hud fix guage custom color exception fix 127 ft radius limit increare log read buffer size fix for bad gps lines in logs * Mission Planner 1.2.75 speed tuning. fix ch3out when not connected fix dont let current be negative support andropilot logs (253 sysid) change gmapmaker to cache icon fix utmzone calc. (was central meridian, not zone) resize some images. add utm and mgrs to mouse movement. fix sort on grad click recalc grad more often. add utm grid to FP screen. add COMPASS_EXTERNAL support fix declination handeling. add overstats, and session stats support fmuv2 uploading add geoutility external lib add new coords display in FD hud performance tweak mainswitcher input validation tweak mybutton colors add new myprogressbar map marker performance tweak fix getlongest side in survey interface zedgraph symbol performance tweak split the deg, min in compass add rc9 to gimbal screen raw param performance tweak anable/disable disconnect button in terminal add map to logbrowser * Mission Planner 1.2.74 more Grid/Survey WIP fix close issue on mono implement MagFitRotation from tridge add predefined camera list update MP update location fix some internal exeptions fix time/mode display issue add realtime to mavlog browser add units to GeoFence screen fix some mono speed issues in progressbars fix exceptions in hud add dispose to MainSwitcher add ability to draw polygon fills back to gmap.net fix servooption error when its been renamed. fix missing updater.exe file update arduplane pid screen add follow path control (rover) * Mission Planner 1.2.73 remove DO_SET_PARAMETER - has never worked add connect event add plugin shutdown on exit add highlighting selected item on main menu add armed filter to disttraveled add wizard quickconnect add auto disarm to wizard verify add better error handling to log browse time errors fix roi display in FP add more units to area calc add "Help" screen fix custom firmware status add find to standard and advanced param list. more work on new gridv2 + camera intergration wip on stats plugin. * Mission Planner 1.2.72 menu structure change. since it missed .71 support new 3dr radio message add find to full param list fix poosible memory issue in mylabel add support for diffrent overshoot at each end of a grid fix messuresting bug with languages with unicode characters. add rename support to the servo tab. (right click.) * Mission Planner 1.2.71 update wizard accel images to iris ensure wizard mag calib works, req streams and mag enable identify arduheli more plugin interface options fix mavlink read packet exception. (bad packet id) add time to log browse tweak hil interface (wip) rearrange menu new grid testing add rtl_alt to fence * Mission Planner 1.2.70 add larger deadzone on map interface. convert Measuretext to more efficent cached method add new Grid project / plugin wip Refactor Utilities to seperate DLL convert zedgraph to new cached measuretext convert old fw history to nice names (github only) remove centimeter to m scaling on standard and adv screens. refactor bindingsources on flight data. mac issue. remove setting rtl_alt from FP page add takeoff command default alt extract out Update library prep for new px4 reboot method fix wp list in log kml files fix log issue add mode drawing to log browse change tlog writing from binarywriter to bufferedstream update mavlink definitions from upstream change plugin from interface to class change msi to install into new directory add battery_usedmah estimate change home and trackerlocation to public add saving of raw data from gps while using followme mode * Mission Planner 1.2.69 add png support to direct image injection add analytics fix plane accel calib fix help screen * Mission Planner 1.2.68 add vario support. add better wms support, as per kogan's mod add camera planner - bbasso add more plugin interfaces add change log to help screen add change log to update dialog add firmware screen when connected. add old accel calib to plane config. migrate fw screen to new fw class add support for more graphs, 5 to 10 add custommessagebox link support * Mission Planner 1.2.67 fix georegimage bug wizard fixs new plugintest project fix binary log , vs . fix kml overlay wiki link on fs page * Mission Planner 1.2.66 relocate serial/tcp/udp comms to external dll try fix serialstream.disposed error more plugin system mods fix tlog kml generation more wizard wip new drivers fix core mavlink getparam index fix logbrowse exception fix tlog kmls, always alt asl change firmware screen images change autoscalemode on custommessagebox (125% fonts) add excveption handleing to mavlinkcombobox * Mission Planner 1.2.65 custom firmware load fix refresh on disconnect px4fmu updates px4uploader update add H, Y6, tri, Heli to frame setup * Mission Planner 1.2.64 rename hardware and software config change fw screen loading wizard wip * Mission Planner 1.2.63 relocate controls to external dll change mp icon add backup metadatafile fix altmsl unit scaling more wizard wip fix gpx time fix AP accel added ctl + left click = guided mode wp move heli screen to software tab rename adv param list to full param list * Mission Planner 1.2.62 fix hud revert fw history mod plane accell calib fix log playback speed * Mission Planner 1.2.61 Wizard WIP relocate native methods add support for russian hud. - no option to change this yet. failsafe options fixed. remove history from FW screen - will add back in time. reduce osd request rates make do_set_roi work add more script support (thanks wd40bomber7) add left/right support in log browse remove dark colors from tlog viewer add error message about extracting wp's from tlog when there are none. add GetParameterOptions to param metastore add update rate to follow me fix georef agl vs asl issue = always asl fix no data warning endless loop. tweak osdvideo - cant be on FD screen * Mission Planner 1.2.60 More Wizard (excluded atm - wip) add altasl to status tab (altitude above sea level) update ac simple pids yaw add row numbers to log filter view fix hud hideing under mono mod quickview layout mod log playback speed add message about compass calib after FW new control gradientbg, progressstep, radialgradientbg, picturemouseover * Mission Planner 1.2.59 fix terminal exception add back loiter_unlim to copter more debug for usb device add and remove modify to use relative alt. for ap remove eto dependancys change log screen, for ap type selction change some timeing in flightdata change dist traveled on log playback skip add better saving of wp_rad and default alt to FP page more terminal tweaks for px4 * Mission Planner 1.2.58 add more python internal support - guided mode/wp's remove disconnect on terminal click test no memory cache on FD fix wprad and default alt on FP load, and save remove old waypoint writer support change the way terminal resets the apm and connects. fix google map loading issue * Mission Planner 1.2.57 fix small screen res fix cli add more python script ability fix battery percent quick view * Mission Planner 1.2.56 fix param list memory usage generate mode list to param data generate ch6,7,8 list from param data fix Reboot command move flight modes screen to software make compass calib nicer fix simple pid screen change autoscalemode, for people that have 125% font size fix rangecontrol, memory hog * Mission Planner 1.2.55 Fix arduplane software screen. fix new basic pids redraw * Mission Planner 1.2.54 add new AC pids modify theme update 3dr radio for new rfd's fix a few exceptions modify range control * Mission Planner 1.2.53 confirm nmea line endings fix timeinair reset on connect seperate out mini http server add more fw history modify arducopter config screen add better cancel checking in input dialogs update battery monitoring screen fix arm/disarm speech option fix ac fence option on load tweaks to make it easyer to compile * Mission Planner 1.2.52 revert to vfr_hud.alt add prearm warning text * Mission Planner 1.2.51 update hil add missing baud rates NMEA output milliseconds fix georef add sonar range to status screen fix grid/feet issue cleanup old mavlink code * Mission Planner 1.2.50 fix AR modes on hud add binary log fw ap id fix kml generatio non new logs add bin to log add splitter to log browse add support for ac 3.0+ accel calib * Mission Planner 1.2.49 change update location update georefpage add compass rotation update ac geofence add refresh part. * Mission Planner 1.2.48 modify accel calib mono ssl fix add ch6_ dec better amazon error handling add AC_Fence add 3dr radio check on tracker scan * Mission Planner 1.2.47 add RPY to nmea output as $GPRPY update current state for all mavs connected update wix gerneration for rsync uploads and google code swarm fixs, new status box's add droneshare tlog upload support use new firmware APMVERSION: tags xplane hil, go back to xplane accel data add aerosim sitl support speedup friendly config a little * Mission Planner 1.2.46 add binary log support add new self describing log format disable dtr when using px4 fix failsafe screen fix AC accel calib mag calib is no 60 seconds from 30 firmware > add latest fw remember last lat,lng,alt for main map. fix swarm initial location * Mission Planner 1.2.45 px4 inf mod firmware screen mod beta fw now from firmware.diydrones.com add l1 to arduplane config swarm - setup relative to master based on gps coords dataflashlog update restore dtr on connect add control-s to many config forms * Mission Planner 1.2.44 disable dtr on connect px4 uploader mods px4 upload progress * Mission Planner 1.2.43 fix advanced param issue. mod px4 driver allow multiple simulator instances gather param types * Mission Planner 1.2.42 swarm mods AR2 pid update SITL sim mods * Mission Planner 1.2.41 fix swarming grid add mavlink tcp passthough * Mission Planner 1.2.40 fix mono start fix trap frame definition * Mission Planner 1.2.39 px4 detection mod .net 3.5 > 4.0 add new frame type add osd config button firmware back to autodetect fix xplane hil accel and gyro scaling eto testing * Mission Planner 1.2.38 fix updater * Mission Planner 1.2.37 px4 detect - wont work until usb hang is fixed new board selcetion in firmware screen add 2d fix to hud new servo options new px4 driver px4 uploading new quad x8 firmware placeholder. fix firmware history error add ioboard firmware dl fix preflight calib from action tab fix grid alt scaling ft/m fix quad aerosim hil update rover modes fix log downloading remove gzip updateing add miliseconds to mavlink csv's * Mission Planner 1.2.36 add red gps status on hud when no gps lock disable accel calib button after calibration Ateryx fixs fix camera shutter dup remove fw message after fw upload change armed logic fix update problem add mirrorstream, for mavlink passthrough add sorting to mavlink log screen add index frame to mjpg avis - HUD add hazys lang mods add arthurs georef mods * Mission Planner 1.2.35 attempt to fix crash on usb pulled unsafe add failsafe display to hud add custom color thememanager add DEV builds to firmware screen. update for Ateryx increate width on wp dropdown fix crash in area calc, with no polygon defined fix update home on arm if on flightplanner tab mod friendly params screen - to prevent overlap add speech arm/disarm add message to rc calib about extremes fix wp total in action tab add {vsp} vert speed to speech options update dataflashlog.xml * Mission Planner 1.2.34 update german lang thanks mike prep for multi mav reload home pos on arm simple - add rtl and loiter, add mode display fix multiple accel runs add thememanager - wip, basics going mod heli screen as per robert add logbrowse filter - still wip fix mag calib * Mission Planner 1.2.33 fix guided mode alt to accept things other than m fix terminal > log download issue. fix hud overlay video add config to change log directory add auto connect method - for mavlink only, no terminal or firmware upload rearange joystick disable code * Mission Planner 1.2.32 mods for ac 2.9 release failsafe screen. firmware screen message add simple mode remove dampening add sonar ch7 remove datetime from message mod flightmode screen for ardurover * Mission Planner 1.2.31 fix update url * Mission Planner 1.2.30 fixup accel calib disable roll pitch lock on heli thememanager mods remove geofence tab update for github move allow logview to be open more than once dataflashlog.xml update * Mission Planner 1.2.29 rename DistToMAV to DistToHome update df log INAV fix terminal/log issue fix param refresh mod OSDVideo fix msi build add new single param fetch on connect. should help slow links mod freindly param * Mission Planner 1.2.28 fix 868 freq range modify hud font bitmap cache add hud low voltage alert add speech to battery monitoring add new ac 2.9 fs options fix memory leak in FriendlyParams fix shutter pushed/notpucshed reversal add area calc to flight planner screen, from a polygon add osdvideo trial - WIP * Mission Planner 1.2.27 add extra decimal place on arducopter config screens update ch6_list fix quickview double click error fix terminal/logview comport problem add AC thr accel pids modify driver (line ending issue) and resign fix config view doubleclick popout * Mission Planner 1.2.26 move mavlink structure/currentstate around for future mods update old firmware git hashs mod some error descriptions AP_mount camera trigger mod modify raw param display with units/range/desc add radio support for 868mhz update ch7 options updated dataflashlog format small df log parser mod for bad gps loc renable menu to always dock. right click for autohide add ability to trigger camera in grid terminal tweaks for bad comport on log download add packet sent count for change monitoring fix posible timeout on arm/disarm. fix car logo add {batp} to speech engine add OF_Loiter to AC mode list for hud mod georefimage to do image overlay add basic mavelous support * Mission Planner 1.2.25 fix scaling problem on arducopter config tab. when linking is enabled * Mission Planner 1.2.24 failsafe: hide element not needed ap_limits back - beta add new accel setup - beta fix planner config screen exception fix quickview desc/units if never been configured * Mission Planner 1.2.23 ammend serial dispose on usb devices detach add item currentstate item description and units ammend battery screen for 3dr power module add trackbar zoom to flight data add unit desccription ammend PREFLIGHT_REBOOT_SHUTDOWN timeout * Mission Planner 1.2.22 fix speed modification scale fix typo on antenna Tracker setup for ThemeManager.cs new auto hide menu * Mission Planner 1.2.21 Antenna Tracker mod from William Bryan Scaling mods battery screen mods failsafe screen pwm checking remove reverse radio options when we are using a quad config menu reorganise add Ateryx stuff * Mission Planner 1.2.20 fix airspeed error scale and min ground speed modify mount options add german lang fix terminal baud rate issue msi mod- single msi for x86 and x64 and all win os's * Mission Planner 1.2.19 check for serial port name hang. and disable add more failsafe screen status items fix mavlink log graph bug * Mission Planner 1.2.18 fix mono crash add rxrssi fix altitude mis label on mouse over in flight planner add trigger camera now action. new win8 msi * Mission Planner 1.2.17 add nested config page add friendly comport names add some exception handlers add new old firmware hashs remove more crom.controls stuff enabled change speed * Mission Planner 1.2.16 workaround for global_pos_int problem fix 3dr iv sensor pin selection add ability to disable dist to home on flight data screen remove traces of crom.controls (mono) fix arm/disarm button * Mission Planner 1.2.15 fix hud battery text overlaying tweak hud resize tweak main switcher fix quickview text scaleing fix dist to mav. added french translation thanks oliver change tooltip time add 3dr iv add distance to home dataflashlog update * Mission Planner 1.2.14 fix update/blank flightdata screen add srtm blank file check add Land to modes * Mission Planner 1.2.13 remove some mavlink 0.9 code add arm/disarm button. Not yet implemented AC and AP Side. modify heli setup screen modify failsafe screen fix old firmware under mono workaround mono crash. modify planner wp storage tweak log dl screen add change alt button modify tlog wp extractor, multiple extractions speed up srtm reading fix lang edit. * Mission Planner 1.2.12 add arduino chip detect fix apm2,2.5 dialog test add write timeout. this will stop planner hangs on bad serial devices. change quickview decimal places to 0.00 fix map clicking issue. fix wind direction wrapping add airspeed use modify firmware screen from Marooned major flightdata tab change. add save/load polygon from file add some error handling dialogs * Mission Planner 1.2.11 Fix ac crosstrack display tweak ap_mount speed up Terminal * Mission Planner 1.2.10 add useritems to HUD change hdop scale fix posible follow me bug (, vs .) fix posible friendly params bug (, vs .) tweak flightdata log playback timming fix gridv2 bug. if no waypoint had been done, the grid wold fail tweak some mission upload potential issues add ability to get param list from a log (from startup) add ability to get the first wp list in a log, if wps where received in that log. tweak video capture library timing * Mission Planner 1.2.9 add est distance traveled add est flight time AP_Mount now updated add expermental firmware options. fix hud avi record framerate add 2 direction wp circle tweak gridv2 * Mission Planner 1.2.8 fix mjpeg stream from VLC. add grid mode V2 fix hdop scaling * Mission Planner 1.2.7 add wind from ap add wp every x m in grid mode fix hil problem fix control-s update mavlink format * Mission Planner 1.2.6 add tracker location option. fix current sensor screen add more right click flight planner options. make some connecting error messages more detailed. add partial microdrones protocol output * Mission Planner 1.2.5 add experimental antenna tracker find add new apparam eeprom reader add ground alt display to hud mod stats modify guided mode alt selection. test flight planner tab on flight data tab move some functions to the right click menu add xplanes data in/out setup to be automatic. add better mission upload handeling. * Mission Planner 1.2.4 remove geofence tab add guided alt remeber change wp upload retry to 200 ms * Mission Planner 1.2.3 hud font move add progress bar lock add quickview mono fix fix centi-degree/degree units fix mnt config camera tab fix some meters/feet scaling issues * Mission Planner 1.2.2 add DegreeTracker fix popout tab on config page add remember last config tab fix bytes send count fix deactivate bug fix ap_limits bug fix ap_mount bug * Mission Planner 1.2.1 add enable/disable to mavlinkcheckbox modify my button to curved add delay to progress reporter dialog. to ensure correct parent Fix Mount screen for AP Fix Hardware screen Text display roi difrently modify HIL/Quad Hil update dataflashlog format (thanks randy) update mavcmd format for roi * Mission Planner 1.2 Enable Mount config screen Add Quick View (double click to change) fix mono updater issue RFD900 transmit values Mod new mavlink controls (wip) * APM Planner 1.1.99 Convert to IActivate, IDeactivate scheme, thanks andrew add support for rfcomm* interfaces on linux fix guage off screen draw mono issue. remove use of BackStageViewContentPanel andrews spacer changes - not using dues to screen space issue change configpanel constructor to load xml directly remove IMavlink Interface fix hsi off screen draw issue on mono modify hud to use sprite fonts, instead of drawing via GDI+ modify progress reporter to use a 10hz timer to update screen, using invoke/begininvoke fails on mono at 50hz (over 100ms per call). fix targetalt and target airspeed jumping issue. lots of cleanup on tab switching, ie stoping timers/other 3dr radio status led update update ardurover car icon speedup georef image screen. tested on over 1000 images. * APM Planner 1.1.98 Modify BackStage View - will change again soon modify target alt calc change order on param lists remove old firmware selection dialog add hil mod flag to hil connect implement main switcher - will change again soon change some invokes to async, to prevent other threads slowing. fix mavlink log graphing error modify help text general mono for mac fixs - still combating https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3124 * APM Planner 1.1.97 add toy Mode fix some mono issues fix opengl hud issue change config font size modify mylabel for mono modify default telem rates add extra sonar option remove 0 home alt check fix terminal hang issue remove application idle call, causes 100% cpu on mono update gimbal icons modify graph line thinkness * APM Planner 1.1.96 Fix camera stab reverse boxs add better param data duplicate handling add rfd900a tweak terminal settings * APM Planner 1.1.95 fix config panel value change detection add loiter_ to AC config screen Add praram name to Friendly param, and exception ignoring. fix param file note line intergrate andrews gimbal config. fix any possible log appending issues remove old cli planner on connect modify speech to not crash on windows mono * APM Planner 1.1.94 Fix Issue 668 - typo Fix issue 666 - now defaults to mav 1.0 planner Fix Issue 665 - mavlink 1.0 is now default Fix Issue 663 - increase timeout from 6 seconds to 12 seconds Fix Issue 662 - now reads sat count for mav 1.0 Partial Issue 654 - added current to status, hud still wip Fix Issue 648 - add validation to value Fix Issue 638 - add delay Fix Issue 636 - check for version.txt in app directory Fix config panel null bug Add more Ardurover config options Add Exceptions handling to video format selection Add FORMAT_VERSION to param file ignore list Fix NOTE param file line Add APMRover hidden firmware upload (control-R) on firmware screen. fix possible speach engine exception add dataflashlog for apmrover * APM Planner 1.1.93 fix armed/disarmed message * APM Planner 1.1.92 add dump -1 option to log dump fix terminal issue with logs fix mavlink 1.0 manual/stablaize Mode fix config screen showing incorrect tab * APM Planner 1.1.91 fix datasource binding exception. * APM Planner 1.1.90 3drradio save settings fix fix mavlink10 hil scaling fix some exceptions * APM Planner 1.1.89 add mjpeg video source add 16x9 hud conform to http/1.1 specs for mjpeg * APM Planner 1.1.88 fix updater * APM Planner 1.1.87 add popouts in config/setup add more text to hud heading nw,ne,sw,se add 5 m filter to antenna tracker add refresh param buttons remove the word old, as people still want it. modify telem playback interface with slider bars add posible fix to bad grid spacing move mavlink code. * APM Planner 1.1.86 add ArduRover simplify connect modify hardware screen fix mono terminal issue modify 3drradio screen modify updater * APM Planner 1.1.85 work on opengltest fix last missing param fix com port selection on connecting to bad comport add convert to csv. entire log add log caching to image georef. for tlog and logs add srtm data caching * APM Planner 1.1.84 3dr radio fix's + rfd900 other misc fixs * APM Planner 1.1.83 fix null exception. if connect and not view the link stats, an exception is thrown on disconnect. * APM Planner 1.1.82 modify 3dr radio packet size 64 > 32 add andrews link status Mod - thanks add hw voltage to status add generic logbrowse pid class "pid-*" > "pid-1" * APM Planner 1.1.81 mavlink 1.0 fixs simulation hil fix for lorenz modify default att rate to 10 hz * APM Planner 1.1.80 hazy's lang mod more hud mods - shorten lines msi work + uploader * APM Planner 1.1.79 modify hud modify apm1 vs apm2 detector * APM Planner 1.1.78 recommit * APM Planner 1.1.77 fix param xml namespace issue prevent sending unchanged params * APM Planner 1.1.76 Modify Hud center add 3dr snr's and snr based distance estimate display current frame type fix disapearing window add base xml level to param xml (xml standard) add georef kml refrence this includes adams new dynamic params