200 8fd248b9-9faa-410f-87ca-d9bbe26d436a 6d5ebc7f-332e-42e4-bc8b-21ba786263db fff1586b-d3e1-4c7d-82ba-aeb20a6d5b26 7936154a-cde0-451d-bf15-066c4b6867af True distTraveled| COM9 115200 ArduPlane false 7/24/2016 7/24/2016 2 7/24/2016 38.507176 -122.4631377 17 C:\Users\Kelly\Desktop\KF Desktop\Personal\RC\Flight Controllers\PixFalcon\FlightLogs True True BurntKermit 100 5 100 5 1500 1500 1000 1000 False False 90 0 360 0 COM5 Maestro 38.507244 -122.463081 505.249347686768 164.041996002197 196.850395202637 100 Relative 0 GEO 100 189.813729654659 100 0 0 100 100.174468115461 True False 50 0 0 0 50 60 0 Home True True False False False True False False True 0 False 0 736 1296 Maximized -8 -8 358 115200 True 126 69 56 175 525 160 80 60 100 217 True WARNING, Battery at {batv} Volt, {batp} percent 10.5 20 True Mode changed to {mode} True Armed Disarmed Heading to Waypoint {wpn} 57600 tabQuick;tabActions;tabPagePreFlight;tabGauges;tabStatus;tabServo;tabTLogs;tablogbrowse;tabScripts;tabPagemessages; 115200 57600 10 3 2 3 hwvoltage boardvoltage battery_voltage Feet fps airspeed alt 1400 1600 battery_remaining 1500 1500 False True altitude {alt}, air speed {asp}, bsttery {batv} Volt, {batp} percent True False True True