Yappu flight modes

Hi all,

I have a pixhawk 6C and running a TX16s using Yappu, RX is x8r
I set up the Flight modes as per Phil’s video for the 3 way switch and mission planner shows the flight modes changing but yappu only see’s the first (stab) and does not change. so loiter and RTL do not work. It maybe the PWM values mine were 982 - 2006
Any ideas.

Does your Yappu script discover all sensors and just cant read flight modes?

I have not checked. what will it be called?
The yappu script shows stab which is flight mode 1
I see in misson planner when I use the 3 position switch it goes flight mode 1 ,4, 6 and I am using a 3 position switch.

In your radio setup there is a option “discover new sensors” check that to see are you receving telemetey at all. Im not sure about this but you can check it in documentation (doesnt that receiver need inverter to get telemetry)

It’s been a few years since I used a X8R but I remember having to install an additional wire to get the telemetry to work.

So it’s just Flight Modes, all else is there?

Go it sorted. Changed the flight switch to 6 position switch on the TX16S using weight 66 and off set -1 and all good.