Y6 versus traditional Multi rotors

So I started a post on the Facebook as to why we do not see more Y6 multirotors being flown. It would appear that the majority of drones are the normal x4&x8 or Hexa or Octo configurations.

Someone said that according to the develepers the Y6 drone software is not as advanced as other configurations and the Y6 drones are not as stable other configurations.

So does this person have a point or not?

That is wrong and invalid

That is also not 100% true. Of course a X8 is better, but it also has more motors.
But Y6 is better than quadcopters. Again because it has more motors and is more resilient to error.

Do not Believe all you read on facebook.

Yeah your explination makes more sense and is what my thinking was as well.

So why do you think we do not see a lot of people making y6’s

For that you need to do a survey of all drone users/manufacturers.