Yes, we certainly have a problem here because SCurves don’t take kindly to rapid updates of the target speed because each time that happens the entire path is re-calculated and there is a delay before the vehicle starts down the path. If updated too rapidly the vehicle never ends up moving down the path, or if it does, it does so very slowly.
I’ll need to discuss with @Leonardthall what we should do. Worst case we may need to deprecate this method of changing the speed… the best case might be a much slower update of the target speed (like once every 5 seconds).
Thanks again for the report. I looked into this and I think the reason it wasn’t working for you is that TUNE_MAX and TUNE_MIN need to be in cm. So TUNE_MIN should be 75 and TUNE_MAX should be 200.
… still, you might not want to do that because I found that at least in SITL this causes a divide-by-zero which I have a fix for in this PR.
We handle divide-by-zero differently in real vehicles vs SITL. In SITL the simulator crashes and reports the issue while in a real vehicle it just does the best it can… and I suspect that this means it would temporarily have a NaN for some targets in WPNav but these would probably be replaced with real values once the auto mission started.
In any case, we will include this in the next beta release which isn’t too far away. I’m happy to provide you with a modified -beta8 as well if you’d like to test before then.