Does anyone know of a way to set the Radio Failsafe to “Continue Mission in Auto” but add a timeout function? i.e. The aircraft will continue in Auto but if radio failsafe is not cleared within say 120 seconds, then another option will be invoked such as RTL.
Hi @autopiloton,
We don’t have two-stage RC failsafes in Copter I’m afraid although there was a request for it here.
I think realistically the way we’d like to handle this is to add a Lua scripting “binding” that allows a custom lua script to see the state of the RC failsafe and then it can implement whatever custom action you’d like. If that’s of interest I can fairly easily add the Lua binding.
@rmackay9, failsafe state Lua bindings have been pretty sorely missing for some time. Maybe it’s time to add them all.
Hi @Yuri_Rage,
Yes, I think you’re right. We’ve already got battery and EKF failsafe bindings so it’s just the GCS and RC failsafes that are missing I think. Our failsafes wiki page is here and I guess technically there’s also the Terrain failsafe.
Agree. We have an incomplete subset. I tried to help a user some time ago with an RC failsafe and came up short. It’s been on my mind to make a PR and complete the feature set, but I’d love for you to beat me to it!
Thanks for the info. I will keep an eye on this and hopefully it can implemented soon. This would be a very handy and safer feature to have during survey missions.
i’ve same situation but i solve with
that were OP asking for isn’t it? or do i missing something why we need extra LUA to solve OP need?
That’s for plane. Those functions don’t work in copter.