Certain posts are of special importance because they contain often sought after information or important announcements. Examples are software release notes, frequently asked questions or informations which should reach every user. phpBB has 3 special modes for posts:
1.) Sticky
Sticky posts are always displayed above non-sticky posts, but only in their respective subforum. If multiple sticky posts exist in a subforum, they are displayed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the latest on top.
2.) Announcement
Announcements are displayed above all normal and sticky posts in a separate area of the screen, but only in their respective subforum. If multiple announcements exist in a subforum, they are displayed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the latest on top.
3.) Global announcement
Global announcements are displayed in all forums and subforums above the local announcements in the announcement area. If multiple global announcements exist in a subforum, they are displayed in reverse chronological order, i.e. the latest on top.
To make a topic sticky, announcement or global announcement, proceed as follows:
1.) Go to the respective topic and scroll down until you see the “Quick-mod tools”. From the dropdown field, select the appropriate mode and click “Go”.
2.) In the following screen click on “Yes”.