Wireless relay activation

Hello . We would like to activate a 12V relay (with own power source) wirelessly from our autopilot (e.g. Pixracer or Pixhawk 6c Mini) by using one of our AUX ports. Do such components exist? thanks. Chris
Any help is much appreciated

The autopilot can control a relay.

Thanks for the insight Shawn. Yes, I understand that I can configure the output like this. I’m looking to connect a wireless switch to this output. The wireless switch should then send a signal to the relay (externally powered). I’m trying to activate a light or a foghorn . So I’m looking for the necessary hardware that would connect to the autopilot and also the appropriate Relay (my guess this comes as a package).

You could use a PWM relay.

This is just an example (aka: the first thing that came up in google)

Connect to an aux port of the FC. High pwm closes the relay. Low PWM opens the relay. easy peasy.

Humor me here, what RC system are you using?

Hey Dave, we are trying to install a horn on our ASV…

This should make more sense: