Windows and GitHub setup help - how to sync / pull latest

I’ve signed up to GitHub.
I’ve downloaded the Windows application.
I go into the shell and enter “git clone git://

This downloads the whole shebang, but I can’t get it to update the code or comments.

The “sync” button in GutHub throws up an error, and I can’t re-clone it because “destination path already exists and directory is not empty”.

My first priority is being able to get the latest version the “right” way, rather than having to delete and start over. Second would be making sure I’m correctly configured for when/if I actually edit something worthwhile to upload.


EDIT: Have updated title to hopefully be more explanatory for future reference.

basically, from the same directory where you executed the “git clone”, try these commands:

git status
git log (hit space or q to quit)
git pull (if there are updates on github that you don’t have, this will pull them down; unless you’ve changed your files, in which case it might tell you “Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.”)

git is a very powerful tool. You might find it interesting to learn about Linus, Git, and Andrew Tridgell, a key developer of APM:Plane and more.

For more information on using GitHub, you might check out some of these resources: … and-github

Oh, one does not typically “upload” content on this project directly… rather, there is a process by which you request the team to pull in your (proposed) changes from your clone.

I hope that helps some. You can also use the GUI tools such as GitHub for windows.

Thanks, that simple tutorial got me a refresh via command line.

I’ve got GitHub for Windows - I was assuming there woudl be a simple ay to refresh from there, but I can’t work out how :frowning:

EDIT: OK, now seems to successfully sync (and work out that it doesn’t need to). Is there a problem if you skip a build?

“sync” … ws-sync-do
I’m not certain what is happening, I have never used github for windows, but I suspect it’s something like:
sync is doing two operations, a pull and a push.

They talk about simplifying a complex workflow but I don’t think I care for that much. I don’t think you should be pushing your clone back to the master. I’m not really sure what the great benefit of this “sync” is, at least within the context of working with APM code.

You could, perhaps, fork, the clone and keep in sync with your fork, or something like that.

There are many Git GUIs, if you want that sort of thing, and I’m not sure the “simplified workflow” really helps, in this case, since you’re not working alone, and, in fact, you’re not working with a small team. This team has a procedure for collaboration, and it isn’t Git for Windows “sync” ‘simplified complex workflow with a single button press’. So I don’t think that I’d use it (if I understand what’s going on here, which is suspect.)

In any case, if you accept my answers, free free to click on the “accept this answer” or we can work on this more, perhaps I will turn on a windows box and figure it out, or maybe someone else who has worked with that particular UI will speak up.

From you link, and I guess for future reference of anyone trying to track via GitHub for Windows:

git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master

gets you the latest version.

also seems like it might work. When I tried git pull it threw up errors that I’d changed files, which I hadn’t (but may have “touched” them and updated the mod date).

I can handle the shell commands, now that I know what they are.

Thanks for the pointers. works well

and so does