Which pin can I use as PWM for sprayer control? (GEPRC TAKER F745)

I’m looking to build a garden/vineyard sprayer hexacopter. I was really hoping to base it on the GEPRC TAKER F745 BT flight controller for cost savings (potentially using it as a stack with an extra 4-in-1 ESC for the other 2 motor outputs)

The question which I want to clarify is whether I can remap either an extra motor output (M7 or M8) or the LED_Strip pin as the PWM control for the pump, as required here: (Crop Sprayer — Copter documentation)

Will I also be able to use any other outputs (only might need one, I believe) to control a landing-gear servo?

I really appreciate the clarification as I’m fairly new to building multicopters, completely new to ardupilot, and want to ensure I’m not making a mistake before I buy all the parts.

Check in the hardware definition, since you plan on constructing a hex that leaves two motor outputs spare for PWM (and M9 for LEDs or another PWM output). The diagrams are there.

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Great, thank you! Looks like I can freely use M7 and M8 one one output rate as they are on one channel, and also use the LED Strip pad on its own, independent output rate.

Seems I won’t be able to use bidirectional DShot on a hexacopter as only M1-M4 support bidirectional dshot. I guess that’s probably not a major issue?

I might end up going with the MicoAir743. It has even more PWM pins, an H7 MCU, and will support bidirectional DShot on all 6 of my motors.