Greeting and thanks in advance!
Figured it would be wise to post here as well.
While attempting to download arducopter firmware, and OLD firmware at that, there is a gap from v3.4.6 to v3.6.1. Is it not possible to obtain v3.5.2?
Greeting and thanks in advance!
Figured it would be wise to post here as well.
While attempting to download arducopter firmware, and OLD firmware at that, there is a gap from v3.4.6 to v3.6.1. Is it not possible to obtain v3.5.2?
Copter version 3.6.12 is the best to use of the old versions.
Why would you want 3.5? Even the early 3DR pixhawks are best on the latest stable firmware, or you can use the firmware builder to easily create your own with added and removed features.
Thanks for the reply.
Granted, the thrust is to always move to the most recent build to resolve issues and potential bugs which makes sense if one desires the latest features, bells and whistles. The platform has been working flawlessly for a long time, and the plan is for another unit with an identical build/setup. The rational is, if it is not broken and continues to perform flawlessly, why upgrade.
Since v3.5.2 is not available and unclear as to why it is unavailable, then two approaches look to be available. The first would be to go to v3.6.12, likely the easiest. The second and more challenging would be to use the Builder as you have suggested.
Along the way to later and updated versions, parameters change, either new params are added or params are removed or params are changed/renamed, and do not easily migrate across from 3.x to 4.x. So, attempting to avoid going through the steps of comparing params along the way from 3.x to 4.x.
Thanks again.