Where can I get an APM 2.5 bootloader file?


I’ve a problem at my APM 2.5 2560 hardware so I’d like to burn Mega 2560 bootloader. Where can I get the 2560 bootloader HEX file? Is the bootloader is the same HEX file at Arduino IDE 1.0.5 tool which is in the “Arduino\hardware\arduino\bootloaders\stk500v2\stk500boot_v2_mega2560.hex”? or Is there a different 2560 bootloader for the APM 2.5 ?


Hi cgsong,

Here you will find the bootloader and some info:
github.com/GaloisInc/ardupilot- … bootloader

Rogelio that is actually a modified version of the Bootloader. The original is here

github.com/diydrones/ardupilot/ … bootloader