When will SONAR be incorporated?

Hi Devs!

Thank you all for all the hard work put into the code. I eagerly look for the next iteration on nearly a daily basis as I see nothing be great stuff coming out! My recent build of the Y6B is complete but I jumpd the gun and installed a MB1240 sonar sensor for it. I realize that many folks have asked for it to be incorporated soon in the Pixhawk, but I’m a noob when it comes to reading Github and determining the priorities assigned for various requests verses critical air worth changes needed in the code.

I’d be grateful if you could enlighten me as to when the sonar will be coded and if there is a priority listing in Github where I can see the level of concern (priority) assigned to requests.

Thanks again for ALL that you folks do!

Doug W.

The priorities are generally simple:
First fix stuff that can cause crashes or safety issues, then look at new features.

Here are the related issues at Github. If you subscribe to them, you can be sure to always receive the latest updates.


I second this emotion! Just bought a MB1240, looking forward to getting it working.

Copter: add Sonar support for Pixhawk #797
^^ this is scheduled for 3.3, but this week’s dev call notes show it a priority for 3.2, so hopefully it will make it.