The picture below shows how I have my Pixhawk configured…
Does anybody know whether Pixhawk will just shut down when the main supply voltage exceeds 5.7 volts or will it switch to a secondary power supply when one is in place?
The picture below shows how I have my Pixhawk configured…
Does anybody know whether Pixhawk will just shut down when the main supply voltage exceeds 5.7 volts or will it switch to a secondary power supply when one is in place?
The picture below shows how I have my Pixhawk configured…
Does anybody know whether Pixhawk will just shut down when the main supply voltage exceeds 5.7 volts or will it switch to a secondary power supply when one is in place?
What a clever piece of kit Pixhawk is (read extraordinarily clever people who designed and built it and wrote the code), why anybody bothers with anything else beats me…
Just to add that the importers of Graupner into the UK, Logic RC Ltd, have been wonderfully supportive with a couple of hitches I’ve had with sensors that may or may not even be an issue with the Graupner kit but they’ve persevered regardless.
I personally wouldn’t choose anything but Graupner with this kind of support.