Weird crash after takeoff

So during this flight session, the vehicle was behaving a little erratic, sometimes would behave as it should be, but then do something different, like suddenly increase a little in altitude without input, but without losing control. There were some messages that I hadn’t seen before like : RCInput: decoding SBUS(1) and Terrain: clamping offset -17 to -15. So I decided to land and then just to takeoff to see if more errors would appear or to gain data to review the log and see what was problem.

I wrote a simple mission with just a takeoff to 2m command and then armed and changed to AUTO, then the vehicle tipped to the left and ended upside down. As soon as it started to tip I used my emergency kill switch, but there was a strange delay and it only stopped after the upside down part.

I tried reviewing and the most I could ascertain is that the barometer could be the prime suspect, but I am not very good at reviewing logs yet. Can someone lend a hand?


Are you using ArduCopter 4.0.x? If not, why did you post in the ArduCopter 4.0.x category?

I’ve been looking at this for a while and I can’t see anything obvious. Maybe you had a GPS issue. If you have FENCE_ENABLE,1 set then it won’t let you launch until you have a full GPS lock and home point set.

I also suggest you setup current and battery voltage monitoring.

The time between you hitting the kill switch and the motor command going to zero was about 200 milliseconds.

sorry I thought the tag was for all 4.x versions, i will change

so maybe the issue was the fence_enable?

I suggest you set up voltage monitoring at least, and current monitoring if possible.
Then connect to Mission Planner and go to Mandatory, Initial Parameters and put in your prop size and battery cells, also accept the option params for battery failsafe actions.

Setting FENCE_ENABLE,1 has the effect of NOT allowing you to arm in any mode until there’s a good GPS 3D fix and Home can be set.
This can make a huge difference to that “wander” you get when arming and trying to take off in any GPS-assisted mode. You do have to stand around and wait a while, but you get used to that and it gives you time to think about your pre-flight planning :slight_smile:

You can see on the map your position was all over the place and the IMU and GPS positions never aligned like they should.
Try setting GPS_GNSS_MODE,1 or 65 and see if that gives a more stable GPS position.


Also set these for the next steps in tuning

Just test in AltHold, hover for a while and do some gentle pitch and roll movements. If everything is Ok you can use Loiter.
Send us the .bin log from that test.