Ok so for the Controller I’m thinking of getting either the Radiomaster TX16s or TX12. Any ideas on that? Also can I fly with just that controller or would I need the Crossfire or tracer? Another question… I have a Mini 2 and I use Mode 2. Would it be a similar control style if I buy Mode 2 on the Radio?
Or should I use a different mode for FPV? Also, I’m wanting to get the IFLIGHT Cidora sl5 e. I’ve seen some really good reviews for this and it seems the best for the price. I don’t have much money to spend so would that Cidora be the best for the money or is their another one I should be looking at???
Thank you so much in advance for the help.
The TX16S is a great radio. The newest version can be ordered with either the 4-in1 module or an ELRS module. The 4-in1 runs many protocols, the ELRS run that. If you want to use Crossfire or Tracer you would need a Transmitter module for the bay at extra expense.
Whatever ready built craft you buy make sure the Flight Controller it comes with is supported by Arducopter. The SucceX-E F4 in that craft you reference is supported with Beta firmware.
Great information thank you. Anyone know this question? I have a Mini 2 and I use Mode 2. Would it be a similar control style if I buy Mode 2 on the Radio?
Or should I use a different mode for FPV?
If you use Mode 2 now then use Mode 2 with the new setup. The control style will be a bit different as the Flight Modes are different than DJI but you can approximate it. FPV is typically flown in what is Acro Mode in Arducopter but any Mode could be used.
Thank you man. Ok so if I buy the TX16s, i want to also build a foam plane or quad copter.
How much money am I looking at for like the most basic build I can do with ardupilot? I want to build something but dont have much to spend. I just want to get into it and learn the ropes. After buying the radio, you think its possible to build something for like $100? or is that not possible?
No. The lowest cost FC/ESC stack will be approaching or over $100. Then for a quadcopter you need a frame, 4 motors, a GPS/compass module, an RC receiver, a video transmitter and a battery. The Tx16S is $200 and you will need some type of goggles for video.
The cheapest Plane would be some type of Wing. There are many of those but they would be over $100 too plus some of the hardware above.