I set up my copter for Quick Tune following the Methodic Configurator, but I couldn’t get it to start using the shoulder button on the Herelink. I copied the Lua script to the SD card, set RC7_OPT = 300 after watching Randy Mackay’s video, and made sure all other parameters matched those specified in the configurator. I also set SCR_ENABLE = 1 and rebooted the system. Since I don’t have a three-position switch, I set QUIK_AUTO_SAVE = 10s and QUIK_OPTIONS = 1.
After my first flight, when Quick Tune didn’t activate, I checked whether the button was working properly. In QGroundControl, I could see the button toggling on and off in the Buttons tab, and when I assigned it to flight modes, it successfully changed them. However, it did not trigger the Lua script while flying in Loiter mode.
and looked through the code. I came across the following section related to QUIK_RC_FUNC:
// @Param: QUIK_RC_FUNC
// @DisplayName: Quicktune RC function
// @Description: RCn_OPTION number to use to control tuning stop/start/save
// @User: Standard
local QUIK_RC_FUNC = bind_add_param(‘RC_FUNC’, 12, 300)
This confused me—does this mean I should set RC12_OPT = 300 instead of RC7_OPT? Or does the Lua script automatically adjust the RCn_OPT value based on my selection?
If anyone has insights on what I might be missing or how to get this working, I’d really appreciate the help.
It was 1.0.5, and I downloaded the new one 1.0.15 just now. My Herelink is 1.0 and GCS was an older firmware probably 4.0 something now I updated that to 4.4.3.
I was trying to go back to 22_quick_tune_setup saw this error on cmd.
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "frontend_tkinter_base.py", line 266, in update_progress_bar
File "tkinter\__init__.py", line 1078, in tkraise
_tkinter.TclError: bad window path name ".!frame.!toplevel"
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tkinter\__init__.py", line 1968, in __call__
File "frontend_tkinter_parameter_editor.py", line 502, in on_param_file_combobox_change
File "frontend_tkinter_parameter_editor.py", line 481, in __should_upload_file_to_fc
File "backend_flightcontroller.py", line 565, in upload_file
File "backend_mavftp.py", line 1150, in process_ftp_reply
File "backend_mavftp.py", line 1014, in __mavlink_packet
File "backend_mavftp.py", line 852, in __handle_write_reply
File "backend_mavftp.py", line 806, in __send_more_writes
File "backend_mavftp.py", line 779, in __put_finished
File "backend_flightcontroller.py", line 562, in put_progress_callback
File "frontend_tkinter_base.py", line 269, in update_progress_bar
KeyError: '__file__'
In 1.0.5 it was not uploading the lua script to the script folder that’s why I put it there myself. On 1.0.15 it didn’t gave an error on the pop up screen but it is not opening the tune setup page. It is stuck on the 23 tune_results page. To be sure I double check the parameters with mission planner and they were okay.
Other than that when I open the copter after the connection it notifies that the script file is loaded. So it knows that there is a file but I am not able to trigger it with the shoulder button. Do you have any idea about the problem?