Voxl position reference

there is an issue with local NED position reference with voxl:
when just started without changing yaw:
pos X,Y,Z and VX VY VZ from VOXL match the ardupilot LOCAL POSITION NED
but as soon you make turn, only Pos X,Y,P from VOXL match ardupilot local position ned, speed don’t match at all.

I don’t understand from where comme this issue…


It would be helpfull if you could provide more information on the setup lik a picture of installation, basic diagram and a LOG to check on signal and configuration.

This is a new product that is really interesting and not many implementation have been accomplished yet on ArduPilot.

I guess if you prodide all the info, @tridge might be looking at it as he made the porting.

They are other issue,

Also when using rc8 option for EK3 pos source, seting all src1 to 6 and Scr2 to Gps,
even when switch is set to src1, ekf continu to use GPS… src opt is set to 0

please check this folder with the logs

This is something @rmackay9 could comment

@kuspower Apparently the issue was a missing quaternion multiplication which was fixed in a recent release. Here’s the link to that fix GCS_MAVLink: correct consumption of ODOMETRY velocity by rmackay9 · Pull Request #22275 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub