Built me a mini v-tail, using a 35x35 APM unit. APM is functioning as well as expected, and I’m even running it off a 3Dr power module.
Installed 3.2rc10, set frame to v-tail, and spooled it up in stabilise to just above idle in my hand to check stabilisation. Roll and Pitch work ok…but yaw just wants to spin. Turn it clockwise, and it wants to continue spinning clockwise. Turn it anti-clockwise, and it wants to continue turning anti-clockwise. It responds to yaw commands correctly, but then refuses to settle, and I think it wants to do massive oscillation in yaw.
I’m actually a bit afraid of doing a proper maiden, as I fear it will just get into a yaw feedback loop.
All calibrations done - accels, compass (scores well), radio etc.
Anyone else tried the v-tail code in 3.2? Did you have any issue in yaw?
APM 2.6 (35x35) + NEO7 + 3DR PM + 433 telem (not fitted at the moment)
30’ vtail mini frame
HK multistar 2150kv “baby beast” motors
5030" gemfans
Usual 5.8 fpv stuff.