Using pixhawk4 and Futaba 14sg. Have you seen anything like this?

Fc = Holybro pixhawk4
Rx = R7008Sb
Tx = Futaba 14Sg
Firmware =

I bind as usual and run Rc calibration.

Up to this point, Rc came in normally.

After the RC calibraion is finished, a No RC error appears on the Hud.

After that, it is eaten like this picture.

RX has a green light on.

I tried changing 3 or 4 R7008sb, but they are all the same


Not the same Autopilot but I have a R7008SB to test.

Receiver is linked in Fasstest 18 mode, RX is in mode B (SBus activated).
Capture d’écran 2021-06-14 à 11.26.51

SBus plug is in the SBus/Channel 8 out.

Capture d’écran 2021-06-14 à 11.27.28
Calibration is fine and Screen OK after reboot…