is together using gazebo11 and SITL posibble.
ı installed gazebo and ı added gazebo_ardupilot file. however when ı run gazebo with “gazebo --verbose worlds/” , ı see this error "
[Wrn] [] URI not supported by Fuel [worlds/]
[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist [“”] [worlds/]
[Err] [] Could not open file[worlds/]
[Wrn] [] Falling back on worlds/"
Hi @halitsen, it should be possible, but the gazebo11 version of the plugin is maintenance only now. The warning / errors you are seeing look like a combination of missing environment variables and possibly an outdated link to the OSRF fuel server (the URL has changed recently). If that link is hardcoded in Gazebo11 you may need to rely on local copies of the models.
First things though:
Which plugin are you running (repo and branch)?
System details: Ubuntu or other, OS version?
I’d strongly recommend shifting to use Gazebo Sim. This is what we are supporting now, and there is a growing selection of vehicles available to run using: