Use alternate esc signal channel

I am using an APM 2.8 FC to build a hexacopter.
The channel 5 which provides pwm signal to esc is damaged. I have two unused channels on the fc.
Can I use those. To provide signal to the esc.

Yes, you can. Just reconfigure the motor output channels.

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@amilcarlucas thanks for the reply.
I tried following as you suggested.

But the SERVOx function parameter is not present in the full parameter list. When I flashed the AC 3.2.1 for hexacopter.
Then I flashed the same firmware for quad those parameters were present.

I am not able to understand why I am not able to see the same for the hexacopter.

I don’t recall seeing a SERVOx_FUNCTION Parameter with Copter 3.2.1. Looking back 10yrs to an old parameter file for a quad doesn’t show one.

Replace it with a supported flight controller.