I have an older drone here in the shop that is currently flying well on 3.6.12. I would like to upgrade to 4.3.4, are there any parameters I should look out for when upgrading? Or would it be better to wipe the firmware and install 4.3.4 from scratch?
The upgrades do convert existing params to new params and values - but being that far out of date I would wipe and start from defaults. You could upgrade then reset to defaults, that saves trying to achive the wipe the old way of loading Rover then Copter.
First do the mandatory hardware calibrations of course, then set up Voltage monitoring (and current if you can)
Then connect to MissionPlanner and do “Initial Parameters” including “suggested” settings using you prop size and cell count.
Also set:
Thanks for the info @andyp1per and @xfacta . I’ll try the piecemeal version update first and let you know how it goes. Worst case I will have to wipe the params and start over.
It’ll be an interesting journey to take it step by step.
If it were mine, I’d just go straight to 4.3 or even 4.4-dev with a fresh start and new tune. But I know not everyone is keen to do so, where I tend to enjoy the process of learning more with each tune I accomplish.
Just an updated to this: I stepped through all the previous firmware versions as suggested above and everything worked beautifully. Good to know for others that are in the same situation