Hello I am having trouble getting my tiny <250g hex copter tuned. I’m fairly confident my motors are spinning in the correct directions and I got the initial parameters from initial tune parameters. I have also gathered thrust data so I can eventually have a better expo(first I need to get it flying at all though). I don’t have any notch filtering because I am not running bdshot, my FC can only handle 4 motors and this requires 6. When I turn up the throttle it starts okay and then starts oscillating/shaking quite aggressively.
I am happy to provide video or logs if anyone thinks they can help me out!
Use the Methodic Configurator.
But surely these defaults are not going to work:
And you don’t need Bdshot to configure a Notch Filter. ESC telemetry or throttle based notch is better than nothing.
I now have it hovering around but it drifts about quite severely so I am forced to correct it often with roll and pitch inputs. I have not gotten confident enough to do alt hold because I am worried about it drifting into something.
Stabilize mode drifts, that is normal and expected.
Althold mode drifts, that is normal and expected.
Once the notch filter and the altitude hold flights are done you can start to use loiter. That will not drift.
Thank you for your reply, it is good to know that drifting is normal. I was very worried that it was something I did wrong in setup. I’m currently flying indoor since the drone is so small and it is freezing outside so I’m trying to limit the drift to avoid hitting walls. Would it be worth attempting to do an AutoTrim to make it a little better?
That is a useless feature. It makes no sense to continually trim for wind. You have radio sticks for that. All that is needed is a proper accel calibration.
I managed to do a little bit of an ALT hold today so I have some data for figuring out a better throttle based harmonic notch filter. I am a little lost from reading the documentation as it keeps sending me around a loop of links then dropping me places that don’t provide answers. Could anyone give my flight log a look and point me in the right direction? Looking at the filter review tool my noise seems low but it has been a long time since I did signal processing so I am quite lost.
It’s already pretty clean so not a lot needed. This is with the caveat that there hasn’t been a successful hover learn completed because MOT_THST_HOVER is still 0.2 (default). Hover in alt-hold for 30 seconds to a minute with no throttle inputs and you should get it.
EDIT: Just playing with it. You should leave INS_HNTCH_FM_RAT,1. Probably won’t change much but it will cover a bit better.
I would suggest selecting more reasonable logging rather than checking all the boxes. Try 2273277. And as @Allister suggested make a simple hover flight for a minute or so. Don’t make multiple attempts, don’t bounce it off the ground.