Unexpected Quadcopter Crash in RTL Mode

My quadcopter crashed badly while it was in ‘RTL’ mode. I’m unable to understand the reason from the log file(click here to download),
It would be great if you can help me identify the real problem.

HARDWARE: Frame - s500; micro-controller - Pixhawk2.4.8; firmware version-copter4.5.6

BELOW: Screenshot of log during the almost free fall. The battery voltage is low, but not low enough to cause a free fall. The Throttle Input (as well as output) have shot up, but rotors did not seem to respond.

Motor/ESC failure.

Looking at the motor outputs that quad is in a lot of trouble.

Underpowered/over weight. Vibrations are high. Not tuned. No filtering. Arming checks have been disabled.

Look up the Methodic Configurator and give that a try.


Hi Allister. Thanks for the prompt response. I’m trying to complete the requirements of the Methodic Configuratior. This is going to take some time.

From the RCOU charts, it is evident that the PWM drive is approaching clipping levels.

Is there any way I can identify if the problem is with the ESC or Motor? Or is it to do with small props (these are 10" props on an s500 frame; weight with battery: 1.5Kg).

I suppose the cause of vibrations can only be identified after fixing the underpowered issue?
