Hi community. Get next issue when switch to GUIDED_NOGPS mode. I try validate that all good with my drone in this mode, and want set GUIDED_NOGPS mode, without any command, just be shure that all ok, before add raspberry on board, but my copter start climbing, without any reasons and I hear, that motors work much more than need, like 80-100% of throttle. I try change GUID_OPTION and WPNAV_SPEED_UP but nothing help, copter doesnt react on my throttle input from transmiter. Is it mean, that something wrong in settings and I can
t figure out what exactly wrong, or in this mode I must give some command from companion computer to resolve this issue? If someone have expirience with this, give me advice please.
Which value is set for GUID_OPTION? And in which position was throttle stick when you switched to guided nogps?
I try GUID_OPTION 0 and 8, and throttle I try move to zero, but nothing help.
It’s because throttle from radio transmitter is ignored in guided or guided_no gps mode. When you are in this modes, only yaw can be accepted from RC
If GUID_OPTION is 8 you need to send thrust value from 0 to 1 via mavlink SET_ATTITUDE_COMMAND.
If GUID_OPTION is 0 then it reacts next: if you pass thrust value 0.5 then it dont increase or decrease altitude, it maintain current alt like in (ALT_HOLD) mode. If you send 0 or some value which is less than 0.5, then it decrease alt with WPNAV_SPEED_DOWN rate (cm/s). If you send thrust greater than 0.5 then it increase altitude with WPNAV_SPEED_UP rate. So to maintain thrust you need to send mavlink commands SET_ATTITUDE_COMMAND
I think your copter starts climbing because when you switch to guided no gps, default thrust value is 0.5 so it try to keep something like current altitude, barometer may produce some incorrect alt value if copter is flying on 50-100 cm above ground, or staying. So copter things that it need to increase altitude and motors working more hard
Ok, thank you for help.