Hello there,
I’m no sure this is 100% software related but let’s see.
I got one issue with a small (4 inch) quadcopter. Basically, regardless what I’m doing, I’m unable to have off (white) the pos_horiz_abs check and then be able.
I checked against a small custom hexacopter as it share similar size and GNSS unit.
From now on they will be small quad and small hexa to keep it simple.
They both have M10 GNSS receiver with small antenna (note same unit)
they both have Frsky micro receiver with Fport.
Both have been tested with and without Openhd 5.8ghz trasmission system on and off
Both have been tested in the same location (within 15cm each other)
Both have been tested by swapping the GNSS unit between the 2
Both are running latest version (Small quad 4.5.5, small hexa 4.5.4)
Both have GNSS/compass cable twisted
Small quad use Kakute mini
Small hexa use Matek H743
The small hexa with or without Openhd trasmission system can do a fix and have “green light” to fly in loiter mode within 2-3 minutes)
The small quadcopter is unable to have “green light” to fly in loiter mode even after 15min powered USB so only FC, RX and GNSS unit on. (yes I know that I got battery failsafe on )
I also tried to to a param check to see if something on the EK3_ is different but nothing.
Small quad with cable on different routing
Small hexa shows no error
Small quad shows error only usb battery
Small quad shows error with openhd powered