Unable to configure notch filter at 50Hz

Can someone check if this log file is correct to use filter review tool? What filter settings do I use ? I am unable to supress the spike around 50 hz…

Try carefully use FFT Notch filtering procedure. There nothing difficult.
Just set correct logging params.
Sometimes logs analise in MP use more time you expect. Be cool.

Here’s what I came up with. I tried using the ESC telemetry but it put the notch up above 200hz and didn’t touch the 50hz peak. Seems to me there is a frame resonance issue here, so I used the throttle filter and it seemed to capture the lower peak. There may be a more eloquent solution but this is all I have.


Pre and estimated:

Just the estimated:

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That is why I am confused, I am not sure if Esc telemetry can be used. I hoped someone could tell me it was correctly setup . I catch Esc rpm but in filter review it does nothing …

Thanks for your opinion, I ll look further into Esc and I look for frame issue at 50hz . It was also that one that I couldn’t suppress.

The ESC telemetry is doing something, and it is targeting the filter at 200hz. So that side is working. That’s why I suggested there is a frame resonance. The ESC telemetry will only target the filter based on the motor RPM, but the resonance is outside of that range. The throttle based filter allowed the 50hz peak to be targeted, and with the harmonic cover off the the peaks at 200hz from the motors.

Maybe there’s a better way to do it, but this is an easy thing to try.

Ok … about the 50 hz peak , maybe some expert could give it thoughts but I have a gpsantenna with gps ( pixhawk4 gps) on top of this small frame…. Could be the antenna is not rigid enough. But I need the gps like that… fpv gps have little reception where I am because threes ( I have small window to sky) .

If you can not change the gps mast, use the second notch filter in static configuration