Unable to calibrate ESCs | Show Stopper issue | Please help

I have Pixhawk 2.4.7 PX4, I have installed firmware version Copter 4.0.5, I have calibrated accel,Radio and Compass, but could not calibrate ESCs.

I tried Motor Test from Optional Hardware, motor just give beep and did not spin"

Then I tried using QGroundControl, same issue here as well

did you increased the PWM percentage wile doing motor test?
did it work when you set it to 20%?

No props while testing ,please.!!!

Try using 10% throttle

Thanks all,
This issue got fixed when I installed “Copter 4.0.5 Official” from mission Planner with Platform fmuv3, earlier I chosen platform as pixhawk1, so may be issue was due to incorrect platform pixhawk1.