Hi I am using Pixhawk Cube Orange+ for RTK Drone setup by using ArduSimple RTK F9P GPS module for GPS and Here3+ for compass and for base station ArduSimple RTK F9P .
So I Unable to arm quadcopter in Loiter mode, error message: “Arm: Need Position Estimate”
but when when i switch it to Stabilize mode its successfully arming Quadcopter
I have tried Bypassing all safety checks does not resolve the issue and all params as provided in Arducopter Documentation.
Kindly help me to resolve that issue
Check if GPS is fixed or not, loiter mode requires accurate position estimation which is coming from GPS. Arming in stabilize was allowed because stabilize doesn’t require position estimation.
This is absolutely normal user behavior.
If a measurement application does not show the result that the user would like to see, simply the measurement algorithm must be wrong
Ha! I design load sensors for a living and I can’t tell you how many times I have heard “your sensor isn’t working properly, we are not seeing the expected force”. Very rarely is there a problem with the sensor…
Better you switch all arming checks on and than use the information given to check that items.
If your system gives you the message as shown in your first post, than you have most probably a problem with your GPS. You had no good position information at the time you switched to arm.
Not disabling the arming checks but enabling the logging from startup (LOG_DISARMED = 1) and presenting the log.bin will help more than only your param