UAVCAN support on Here 2 GPS

Thread reopened

Please use civility and keep on topic.


I think @proficnc was exceedingly polite in his reply. The lack of response from the ardupilot developers on this continuous negativity, attack and questioning of how they go about producing awesome free software for so many people, shows an amazing level of patience and calm heads.

@anon67614380, please, please go away. This community does not need negative trolls. @LuisVale you made a mistake persuading this person to not leave.


@fnoop you represent all the comunity?

But you are right, i’ll go, so you all guys can keep telling yourself all is good and all is great :slight_smile:

@LuisVale i guess you can cancel me now, thank you.

Negative Troll :slight_smile:


Sorry to see you go.

No prob, thanks


p.s. if possible cancel all my posts too :slight_smile: