Trigger Camera Now not working on ArduPlane 3.7.1

Hey guys,

I have a problem with the camera shot on Mission Planner. I’m using Pixhawk 2 The Cube with ArduPlane 3.7.1, and with all parameters set correctly, my IR trigger does not fire. Does anyone here know if you have any new parameters to enable in this version of ArduPlane?

There is nothing new about the cam/trig in 3.7.1 since at least 3.7.0

I was using firmware 3.5.2 and it worked. After I upgraded to 3.7.1 it no longer works. All parameters are exactly as they were previously. And to top it all, I can not downgrade to 3.5.2

Same problem!

pixhawk v3.1.7

gimbal settings: trigger RC10

nothing happens.
It works ok with my quad but not on this or my other planes.
this old thread mentions i should set CH7_OPT = 9, but i cannot find it anymore in MP parms.

Try triggering it with your safety switch set to off (ready to arm)

You can toggle the safety switch between off and on and then try it too.

Note that on new versions of the firmware the channel designation has changed, RC7_FUNCTION is now SERVO7_FUNCTION, etc, etc.