Tricopter tail servo inop!

Ive been at this for days now and I cannot seem to get this thing of the ground. Ive got an APM 2.5 with arducopter 3.0.1 tri installed, powered by an external 10a BEC connected to output 8 with JP1 installed. the tail servo has power but acts like it has no command. Ihave tried 3 diffrent servos all with the same result. I even plugged it into one of the motor outputs just for giggles and performed the motor test and it activated. Ive been flying this thing for about a month now with a kk2 board flawlessly and its driving me mad that i cant get it out and flying with the APM!!

I have to ask, you have loaded the Tricopter firmware and not Y6

Haha, yeah, I wish it were that easy!

This is a pretty good RCG thread you might have seen it